Page 11 of Dark Stranger

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Clarice huffed. “Okay, so maybe he wasn’t your type.”

“Wasn’t my type? He had his life planned out. A wife by age thirty-six. Three kids by thirty-nine. I envisioned the white picket fence, for God’s sake. That’s not me.” After I realized my voice had increased in volume and several diners were looking in our direction, all three of us burst into laughter. “Then there was Mack, who was more interested in showing me his tattoos than finding out a single thing about me.”

“But you have to admit, he would have been good for a hot stud muffin kind of night,” Dierdre said with conviction in her voice.

“Uh-huh. My guess is he would have crushed me under his weight.” It felt good to laugh, especially after the odd phone calls. At least I hadn’t heard from the dark stranger for almost a week. Maybe he’d grown bored with me.

“I don’t care what you say. I’m going to point out sexy men until you cave in. You deserve a life. Besides,” Clarice said coyly, “you’re not getting any younger.”

She pulled back when I threatened to toss silverware in her direction. “You are a monstrous beast of a friend,” I hissed. We’d been friends for long enough we could read each other like a book, sharing everything.

Yet I hadn’t been able to share the recent calls with her and I wasn’t certain why.

“Radar. One hundred degrees south,” Dierdre said in her usual husky-sex-radar voice when she was attracted to a man, which happened everywhere we went. She lifted her glass, dragging her tongue through the salted rim as she stared at whoever she considered gorgeous.

I glanced over my shoulder, instantly uncomfortable. The man was staring at our table. No, his dark eyes were piercing mine. Butterflies formed in my stomach, and I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He was deliciously handsome, tall and dark with a rough and tumble physique. Dressed in black jeans and a tee shirt that accentuated his muscular physique, he commanded a presence in the room, every woman watching the way he took several sips of his drink.

“He’s okay,” I muttered.

“Just okay?” Dierdre challenged. “Girl, you need to get your eyes checked. One hot man. I could only imagine what his cock looks like, long and thick.”

“Dierdre!” I admonished but laughed again. She had no filter, but I loved that about her.


Clarice shook her head. “It’s interesting. He’s watching us.”

“Sadly, not us,” Dierdre pouted. “Our stick in the mud friend.”

I playfully punched her arm. “You’re terrible.” When my phone rang I tensed, then remembered I’d reminded Brittany to call me if there were any issues with the late shipment of books. That had been occurring far too often lately. When I yanked my cellphone from my purse, a moan escaped.

“Is something wrong?” Clarice asked.

Seeing the blocked number, I shuddered, tingling all over. This had to end and I was the only one who could stop it.

Do you really want it to end? Don’t you want to hear his voice again?The inner nagging was driving me as crazy as the intimate phone calls. Worse was the truthful answer and it continued to sicken me.

“No, just a call I need to take.”

Why are you answering? Why?My inner voice had been asking the same question at least twice a day. I had no logical answer.

“Don’t be too long or Mr. Throbbing Cock might look elsewhere.” Dierdre’s tease barely registered as I got up from the table, moving toward the hallway leading to the bathrooms. Then I gathered up my courage, making a final decision. The twisted game had to end. Period. When I answered the call, I made certain my tone of voice left no question as to my desires.

The sick pervert thought he knew me so well.

“It would seem you didn’t understand me before. I’m not interested in talking with you any longer. Stop calling or trust me, I will make certain to share the trail I’ve found leading to you. I doubt you want the police showing up on your doorstep.” The quietness on the other end was more unnerving than before. While there was conviction in my voice, I almost gave away the lie by following the controlled soliloquy with a whimper.

“I know you better than you think I do, Sierra. You’re ignited by the possibilities, filthy thoughts fueling your every desire, filtering into your mind when you least expect it,” he said in a commanding tone, sultry and sinful.

“You don’t know me at all.”

“Then that will need to change. Patience, my sweet Sierra. Soon, you will learn that all good things come in time.”

“You need to stop this. I’m changing my number.”

As he’d done so many times before, he laughed, the sound penetrating to my core, another wave of tingles shifting into my aching pussy. My panties were damp, my mind blurred as the fine line he’d mentioned before continued to crack, drifting from one side to the other. “Do you really believe that will stop me from securing what already belongs to me?”

“That’s it. I’m calling the police.”

Tags: Piper Stone Romance