Page 73 of Tempting Teacher

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We reached Summer’s house first and before she opened the door, she said, “Goodnight. I love you and use protection!”

I covered my face with my other hand and muttered a small ‘Goodnight.’ Thankfully, neither James nor Emma commented on anything and stayed quiet when we reached her house.

Emma stepped out of the car, straightened her skirt and knocked on driver’s window. I held my breath when he lowered the glass.

She gave him a sweet smile and said, “If you hurt Mia, I’ll ruin you, Mister James.” She tilted her head and blew me a kiss before leaning up and walking towards her manor.

“Well,” James said after a few minutes of silence. “That went well.”

I groaned and shook my head.

* * *

“Miss Miller?”My head snapped up from the thick mathematics textbook. One of the school staff leaned into the class as our teacher glared at her for interrupting the class. “Miss Mia Miller?”

“Yes, miss?” I asked nervously, glancing at Summer, who nudged my shoulder.

‘You in trouble?’ She mouthed, and I shook my head, ‘I don’t know.’

“Mister James has asked you to stay after school and meet him in his office.” She smiled and walked away.

I ignored Summer’s teasing and covered my face with hair, hoping no one would notice my flushed face.Did he have to send a notice to call for me? Couldn’t he send me a text like a normal person?He must have done it to make me anticipate about meeting him. Get me blushing in front of my classmates.Jerk.

It had been weeks since Summer and Emma had found out about me and James. As Emma had promised, she had interrogated me the next day, making sure he wasn’t isolating me from my family or friends, and gave me the freedom to do whatever I wanted. I was horrified just at the thought of someone ever thinking so badly about James, but my friends were concerned about me, which I appreciated a lot.

They hadn’t judged me or him. In fact, Summer confessed I looked happier with him. Even thinking about it made my heart tight.

After school, when I walked into his office in another building, I wasn’t surprised when he bent me over his desk.

“Now be a good girl and stay quiet,” he whispered, trailing his fingers over my slicked lips. “Wouldn’t want your teachers to know how good I fuck you, hm?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I said, pushing my hips back and holding the edge of the desk in front of me. My knuckles turned white when I felt the smooth glide of his head and the soft sting of pain when he slid inside me, stretching me.

“Always so wet for me, my pretty slut,” he grunted, grinding into me and covering my mouth when a moan slipped out of me. “Shh. Be quiet. Your moans are for my ears only.”

I moaned louder, his hand muffling them as he fucked me with a punishing pace, lowering his other hand to rub my clit. My toes curled in my shoes, each thrust of his cock sending me over the edge as it stimulated the sensitive spot he was accustomed to. James knew exactly where to touch me and with how much pressure to make me cum. The smartass had even recorded it with a timer just to prove me wrong.

“Fuck, Princess.” His low groan reverberated in my ear, my orgasm on the edge. “Cum with me. Cum with Daddy.”

I nodded, tears sprinting in my eyes as I let go. White hot lust gushed out of me and it expanded into a bigger orgasm when I felt James spill inside me, keeping his thrusts levelled and holding me close when I trembled into more aftershocks. Hot lips met mine, and I greedily kissed him back, whimpering and moaning in his mouth as he held my writhing body close.

“Good girl,” he murmured, kissing me once again and pulling out to dispose of the condom. He stroked my back soothingly as I stayed still bent over his desk. My skirt was tucked over my waist and my panties dangled from one ankle.

Just as I was about to straighten up, someone knocked on the door.




James tugged down my skirt, sliding papers and books on his desk, which he had pushed down when I had entered his office. I pulled up my panties, straightening my clothes and hair, trying not to panic.


The door opened just as I took a pencil in my hand, staring deeply at the examples of models I had sketched for the final project of the year, which James had asked us to do. I turned around and saw Claire, clutching a sketchbook to her chest, her eyes throwing daggers at me before drifting to James and softening.

“Hi, Mister James!”

Tags: Mahi Mistry Romance