Page 8 of Chasing Luna

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“I got kidnapped… for a bit.” She immediately scans my body for all my injuries.

“My God, Isabela. Who did this to you?” She touches my face gently as if I’d break at the slightest movement.

I shake my head. “I’ve been badly beaten as you can see. Can you help me? I don’t want to get into even more trouble.” She nods and leads me to lie down.

“This may hurt for a bit,” she warns and starts speaking in an ancient language that I barely understand. Her eyes start glowing red and I feel searing burns in each body part she touches. I bite back the urge to scream. Since werewolf blood is different than that of a human being, hospitals may not be able to help us in life-or-death situations. If someone gets hurt, it may be the end for him or her. Which is why a designated healer is important in each pack, and for us, that person is Katya. No matter the circumstance, or how deep my cuts were as a kid, she was always the one who took care of me. When she got her powers during the induction ceremony, no one was surprised when she was given the ability to heal. “How do you feel?” she asks as she helps me sit up. I roll my shoulders and stretch my limbs.

“Some muscle stiffness, but nothing I can’t handle,” I reply with a kiss on her cheek. “Thanks, sis.” I get rid of my soiled clothes and change back into my work uniform, making sure to leave my backpack in my car. “I’ll ask Eliza to come get that in the morning,” I tell Katya. She looks at me with sadness in her eyes instead.

“Isabela, who did this to you?” she queries again on our way back to the main entrance.

I mull over telling her the truth, but I know if I do, she’s just going to tell our grandmother. “I didn’t get a name, sorry. But don’t worry about me. Just don’t tell anyone, okay?” I say as I push open the heavy wooden door to our living room. The main house is quiet, though it is a little early in the evening.

“Where have you been, Isabela?” a voice breaks through the stillness of the room. A shiver runs down my spine out of pure fear.

“With my friends. I lost track of time. My apologies, Queen Mother.” Katya and I keep our heads down, as is our custom. A cold finger taps me on the chin and I look up to see the vicious stare of my grandmother eyeing me up and down.

“I will ask one last time, Isabela.” She grips my face hard. I try not to wince.

“I’m telling the truth, Queen Mother.” I attempt to steady my breathing and avoid her gaze. “I was with my friends.”

She sighs and pats my head. “Okay, if you say so.” I look up in confusion.

And a heavy hand comes down and slaps me across the face.

Chapter Nine

It’s been a while since I felt that, I think to myself while cradling my face.

“Is this what passes for respect these days? Your half-hearted lies and weak attempts at deceit are almost as insulting as your whole mediocre existence.” At this point, a number of guards have burst into the living room to check in on the commotion. “May I remind you of your status in this world?” my grandmother walks to Katya’s side and gestures for her to go back to her room. “You are the chosen one. The one who will lead this pack in the future. The one who will continue the royal bloodline. The only person destined to inherit the great power of the ancient demon wolves. That,” she pushes a perfectly manicured finger at my forehead, “is who you are. And that is who you will be. That is who we all expect you to be.” She signals the guards to come closer.

“Look for her car. It’s bound to be somewhere in the estate. If she won’t tell us the truth, then I will force it out of her,” she commands. Five guards bow their heads and leave the room. “Who were you with, Isabela? My patience is running thin,” she speaks with such a low voice that the last part somehow comes out as a growl.

“I was with—” She slaps me again and I can taste blood in my mouth.

“Wrong answer. Try again.”

“Why won’t you believe me?” I scream, eyes starting to get watery. The traumatic events I encountered start to catch up with me.

“Why would I when you have the scent of an Alpha all over you?” she asks point- blank and stares at me with her steely gaze.

“What?” I ask.Gregory’s an Alpha?

“You don’t know what an Alpha smells like?” She exhales sharply. “You never listen during your studies, don’t you?” She shakes her head at me. “An Alpha has a very distinct smell. It’s a sweet, irresistible scent. Capable of alluring even the most cold-hearted Luna.” She trails off for a bit, smiling to herself. “Think carefully, child. And tell me, who you were with.” She grabs me by the shoulders. “Were you… marked?”

She pulls my shirt to one side and then the other. “No! I—” I inhale and close my eyes. “I was attacked in the woods by the café. And when I got to my car, someone was inside, and he kidnapped me. He took me to a secluded area and he tried to kill me,” I blurt out the events of the day, hopeful for some sense of security in my own grandmother.

“And you just let him take you?” I deflate at her words.

She never gave me a comforting hand or reassuring words my whole life. I don’t know why I expected things to be different this time. My grandmother drops her bony hands from my shoulders and paces the living room. “I did my best to protect myself. I managed to gain the upper hand and got away from… the Alpha.” I almost let Gregory’s name slip my mouth.

“Do you have an idea who this man is? Where he’s from? Which family is he a part of?” she questions.

“No. He didn’t say a thing about any of that.” Another lie. “He tried to take me and make me his slave. He said something about his father being taken from him, though. I don’t know what that means or who he’s referring to, Queen Mother. You have to believe me.” Something in me tries to suppress any chance to give out specific details about Gregory.

My grandmother whips her head so fast at my words that I feared she might get whiplash. “His father? Did he say a name? A place?” I shake my head and shift my gaze at the floor. I can feel her stare at the back of my head and I involuntarily shiver.

“If you did not manage to escape, you would have died.” She steps closer to me. “And the future of the Esperanza family would have ceased with you.” I feel her start to brush my hair at the back. My body bristles at her every touch. “We’ll need to be careful from now on. Do you understand, Isabela?” she whispers but the message is loud and clear:Don’t fuck up again. I nod slowly. “Go rest. Leave things to me. I’ll get to the bottom of this.” She pushes me lightly toward the staircase. I keep walking until I get to my room and lock the door behind me. As soon as I do, I lie face down on the bed and let the hot tears stain my cheeks.

Tags: Raven Ashley Paranormal