Page 7 of Chasing Luna

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“After everything I just said, you still think I’m lying?” My breath starts to quicken its pace.

“No. I believe you. I have no reason not to. And if you say you can free my father, even better. If you say you don’t want any part of this, however, then good luck. Because you don’t hold power in this conversation.” He takes off the remains of his torn-up shirt and tosses it to the ground. “You don’t get to give me choices here. You don’t get to negotiate. You’re my captive from now on.” He takes a step closer and I find myself frozen where I stand. “You are my slave.” I involuntarily roll my shoulders and stretch my limbs, ignoring the wounds and tears that course through my skin. “It’s just a matter of catching you, that’s all.” He smiles menacingly. “I don’t want to have you bleed to death here,” he gestures around us, “in the middle of nowhere. That’s not fitting for a princess like you, is it? Come, now. Be a good girl and stop fighting.” He extends an arm to me but I don’t move a muscle. His smile drops after a moment and sighs. “Okay then, we’ll do this the hard way.”

He hunches over and his body starts to shake violently.He’s starting to turn into a wolf. I can’t outrun him anymore. He’s going to be way too strong to defeat even with my daggers. I panic at the sight in front of me. Just then, I hear rustling in the bushes behind me and a faint smell of musk and sandalwood.Someone else is here.

Gregory notices this too and turns to face the noise. “Who’s there?” his deep voice bellows throughout the area.

“It’s me,” says the voice. A woman about my age emerges from the bushes. Her small face is framed with large glasses, and her blonde hair is tied in a neat ponytail.

“Marnie? How did you get here?” Gregory asks. Concern masking his entire features, his voice soft and gentle—a stark contrast to how he was with me earlier: cold and deadly.

The woman named Marnie looks at me first and then looks at Gregory. Gasping at the sight before her, she takes a step forward. It doesn’t take me more than five seconds to decide my next move. Whether or not they’re related to each other is none of my business. But one thing’s for sure and that is very evident in how they’re acting.He cares about her deeply.

In a heartbeat, I raise my left hand and grip my silver dagger by the very tip. But Gregory notices my slight movement and runs just in time to see me aim quickly and throw my weapon as fast as I can. “No!” he screams and lunges to protect the girl who is a little confused by the sudden yell.

My risky plan works out perfectly. As soon as my silver dagger hits Gregory in the leg, I grip my last dagger and sprint toward the unsuspecting pair.

Chapter Eight

Don’t mess with me,I think to myself angrily. I reach Marnie first and grab her by the shoulders.

“Tell your pack not to follow me home, or else, I swear to heaven and hell Gregory,” I press the blade of my dagger at Marnie’s neck, “I will take her life.” I draw a bit of blood from her neck and she starts clawing and screaming. “Try to move and I’ll make sure this dagger goes in deeper,” I warn and she whimpers.

“Stop,” Gregory pants out, “she’s not part of this.” He reaches for Marnie, but I pull her back. “She’s… not like us, she’s human. Don’t hurt her.”

“Oh? And what was that you said earlier? About not having a choice in the matter, innocent or not?” I cry out. “Answer me!” Gregory is struggling to keep his shivering body under control. I don’t even make an attempt to hide my smile. “How dare you! She’s just as much a part of this mess as we are.” I pull Marnie’s hair back to expose her neck. “Isn’t that right, Gregory?” I drag the dagger across lightly and she starts to choke out sobs and cries for help. “Shut up!” I yell and she starts crying harder.

“I’m sorry,” he breathes. His eyes start to roll to the back of his head. I see light foam start to come out of his mouth.

So, this is what silver does to a werewolf? It’s… torture. My eyes widen at the thought.

“I’m sorry. Please, give her back to me,” he says softly.

“Oh, now I’m really having fun. Where’s your bravado now, pretty boy? All gone at the sight of your little girlfriend in danger?” I giggle.

“She’s… Marnie’s my sister.” Gregory gurgles before fully foaming at the mouth. He’s on all fours now and struggles to breathe, chest heaving and clawing at the ground.

“I don’t give a fuck. I have half a mind to let the both of you drown in your own blood before I go!” I laugh maniacally, ignoring my own pain and exhaustion.

“Please, let me go,” Marnie pleads.

I try to calm myself down but anger doesn’t dissipate at once. “Make sure to die a slow and painful death,” I declare before stabbing Marnie in the waist slowly, relishing her surprised expression and agonized yell. Gregory tries to stop me but I drive my dagger right above her hip bone before pulling it out and kicking her down to fall beside him. Marnie desperately tries to stop herself from bleeding. “Try to calm yourself, it’ll slow down the bleeding.” I chuckle. Gregory tries to lift his head but he’s too weak to try anything.

“Don’t worry pretty boy, the stab isn’t that deep. I just want to make sure you learn your lesson.” I tilt his head up so he can look at me. “Remember this night. How I defeated you and your pack of pups, without using dark magic.” He stares daggers into my eyes and I smirk back. “You should’ve taken one of my offers. Dumbass,” I say and escape into the night, leaving them both bleeding and in pain.

I run as fast as I can through the forest. Dodging everything in front of me, I periodically look back to check if I’m being followed. My keen sense of smell carries me through the darkness, and before I know it, I arrive at the small clearing where I parked earlier. I check the backseat first for any unwanted guests and slip into the driver’s side.

“Holy hell, what time is it?” I say out loud while fishing for my phone in my backpack. I dial the one number I know by heart. My sister answers after the first ring. “Hey, Katya?” I pant. “I need your help. I got hurt,” I state.

I back out of the clearing. There’s a considerable pause on the other line and I hear shuffling in the background. “Quit being dramatic, it’s not funny. Where are you? You missed the family meeting! Grandmother’s going to kill you,” she whispers.

“I’m not kidding. I’ve been attacked, I need your help. I’m driving now but I’ll meet you at our secret place. Please, don’t tell a soul.” I drop the call just as Katya unleashes a barrage of questions. I drive as fast as I can. The heaviness in my body is a little distracting, but I power through the pain. A couple of minutes pass and I’m finally back on the main road.

My phone starts buzzing in the compartment beside me and I pick it up. “Isabela, I’m here. Where are you?” Katya says worriedly.

“I’m pulling up right now. See you,” I remark and hurry to turn my engine off. The Esperanza estate sprawls across several hectares of land in this small town. There are multiple guards in strategic areas, as well as numerous traps in each gated lot. But Katya and I have lived here our whole lives, we have our own hideouts. Our own secrets. “Katya!” I whisper-yell, waving my good arm at her. She stands underneath the large oak tree where we set up our treehouse when we were kids.

“What the hell happened to you? You look half-dead!” she asks while jogging to come meet me halfway.

Tags: Raven Ashley Paranormal