Page 6 of Chasing Luna

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“That’s right!” I yell out in joy. “I really didn’t want to do this but you’ve left me with no choice!” I howl in laughter. The bloodlust had taken over me as soon as I grabbed my daggers, and now I’m not so sure I can stop myself from tormenting my “prey” before I finish him off. To outsiders, we might look like a couple getting frisky under the moonlight. But one look at the somehow bloody mess and the torn-up clothes, they’d realize that this is a homicide waiting to happen. “Back to my first question, Gregory.” I dangle the tip of the dagger dangerously close to his eye. “Do you have any last words? I’ll make sure to relay them to your pack.”

He chuckles sardonically. “I guess I shouldn’t have underestimated you, huh?” He closes his eyes. “Make it quick, princess.” I press my dagger to the open wounds on his forehead and he starts to shiver again.

“Oh, this isn’t the end for you, not yet.” He grits his teeth, grabs my shoulder, and tries to squeeze it. I wince but the adrenaline rush surging through my veins takes away the same amount of fear I bear. “I kind of want to see how certain scenarios play out first.” I drag my other dagger down his body slowly all the way until I reach in between his legs. Without breaking eye contact, I press down and hear Gregory stifle a groan. “Like, I wonder what would happen if I take away your ability to breed? Would your pack members disown you? Or make you into an Omega?” I burst into another fit of giggles. Gregory doesn’t move or make a sound and I smile innocently.Time to finish what I started.I look up and take pleasure in what I see before me. “I’m just kidding.” His face distorts into a mixture of confusion and disgust at my actions, his body is shivering at the effect of his proximity to my weapons. “I’m not going to do any of that.” I fully lower down on him and press my torso to his. I stab my silver daggers on either side of his face, caging him in. I lean in close to his face, fresh blood trickles from his brow. I spread the warm liquid that trailed to his cheeks and almost let it coat my mouth. Beneath me, I can feel the rapid rise and fall of his chest. His breath starts to quicken. Though from want or from fear, I don’t know. I hover just above his lips and smile.

“I need you for something else first.”

Chapter Six

“I need to make sure the magic ends with me,” I whisper. I pull myself back up and off Gregory, making sure to pull my silver daggers away from the ground and walk a safe distance away.

“What?” He groans as he sits up. “What the hell are you talking about?” He doesn’t make a move to stand from his place and I don’t move too. We’re staring each other down a couple of meters apart, unwilling to budge and unable to continue the fight we just had.

An idea forms in my head. “Listen closely because I’m only going to say this once, pretty boy.” It is my turn to be condescending. “I’ll help you get your father back. But I’m not going to be a slave, and I’m not going to let you kill any of my family members. I’ll find him, sneak him out, and take him to you. I’ll release him from his curse on the day of my eighteenth birthday, but that’s it.” I lean against a tree trunk and close my eyes, hoping he takes the bait and lets me go. “I’m not helping you or anyone else after this. I’ll run away and take my sisters with me. After that, whatever issues you have with my pack you can resolve on your own. I’m not going to stick around to find out how that’s going to end, though.” I open my eyes to see him looking at me with an unreadable expression. “Or,” I continue softly, “you can kill me now. And ensure that the magic of the Raging Demons pack will never return. My pack will cease to exist, and no more royal blood will continue after me. Everyone will live in peace, or you know, at least you won’t get scared of curses anymore.” I close my eyes again and listen to the breeze flowing through the leaves.If he doesn’t let me go soon, I might actually die here. I don’t think I can fight anymore, too. “But if you choose to end my life tonight, you will never get your father back. I assure you, no matter how far or how deep you look into the estate, you will never see him again. The estate is enclosed with magic in every window, door, and room. Whatever you can think of, I can tell you right now, it’s going to be bound in magic.” I hear him start to crawl toward me and I subconsciously tighten my grip on my daggers.

He stops moving shortly after. “You think I can’t fight your family? Your grandmother?”

He’s a few steps closer,I mentally note. “You think you can counter a spell? You said you remember your father writhing in pain on the ground, unable to maneuver his body.” I recount his words back to him. He stays silent and I continue. “That’s probably my grandmother’s paralysis spell at play. Just one of her mastered spells, she barely has to speak the entire incantation for it to work at this point. And Gregory, I doubt that you or anyone in your pack is faster than the speed of sound itself. You won’t win. That’s just my grandmother though. How much do you know about my family, exactly?” I can feel myself starting to drift off to sleep.Probably the thought of dying finally got to me.

“I know that you have powers,” he says softly.

“Yes, but do you know to what extent?” I wait for him to answer. “Guess not.” I smirk. “Each time a pack member is introduced, there’s a whole induction ceremony where that member is presented to the demon wolf spirits. The spirit that appears is the one who gives powers to the member. We don’t get to choose.” I sigh. Resentment over this whole situation starts to take over me, but I proceed. “Each one of us has different powers. My sister, for example, can heal people with her incantations. My grandmother though, since she’s the chosen one before me, is probably more powerful and can do a multitude of spells aside from paralysis.” I pop my eyes open to see Gregory try and mull over what I’m saying. He’s still bleeding from his forehead and chest, but his injuries aren’t really that serious. “Are you following me so far?” I ask genuinely. He nods. “The chosen one is the person who inherits the crown.” I put air quotes around the last word. “He or she will continue the royal bloodline, and that person is me.”

“But what about that silver dagger? Is that part of your powers?” he asks after a beat of silence. I shrug and feel pain shoot up my right arm.

“I’m not so sure. I was presented with a silver dagger as a child by my father once. He wanted me to recognize the effects of silver on a werewolf so I’ll be able to think of different ways to fight such when the time came.” I can see an image of my father trying very hard to keep himself upright during that day. “But when I grabbed it from him, it just felt like a regular knife to me. I started carrying these daggers the day my dad disappeared. I’ve never told anyone else that I’m immune to silver.” A couple of minutes pass and I grow impatient. “Well? Make up your mind then, Gregory. I don’t have all night to exchange secrets with you,” I remark as I rip off a large piece of my shirt and attempt to wipe off any dirt and sweat.

“So, the only one who can break my father’s curse, is you?” he pops a question, attempting to come closer once more, but I give him a glare.

“Bingo! Guess you’re not a dumbass after all, pretty boy,” I say sarcastically. “I turn eighteen in a couple of days, too. By that time, my grandmother will transfer her powers and the entire knowledge of our pack since the very beginning of our existence to me.” I look him straight in his eyes. “I can break your father’s curse. I’ll do it, I promise. But I’m not going to be your slave, or whatever, in the process. If you don’t agree, well, just kill me. You will never see your father again, though.” I check to see for any more residue of any kind—even blood—and face him, subtly feeling my daggers in my hands again. “Whatever you choose, you lose. Do you understand that?” I feel a slight satisfaction from being able to throw his words back at him. His face is still unreadable, and he doesn’t look like he’s about to budge.Dammit. “Just so we’re clear, I’m letting you have the option to kill me now. You won’t get another chance at this.” I feel another surge of adrenaline start to course through my body. I’m well aware that I could be in a disadvantaged position to fight again, but the need to survive kicks all my senses.

“Yeah? And why are you offering your life so easily? We were fighting just a minute ago. You were winning. Why give up when you had the upper hand?” I can almost hear him laugh softly. I look directly at him.

“To atone for the sins of my family.”

Chapter Seven

“You think I’m going to believe the lies of a Demon like you?” He snorts. “Why are you telling me this? Why would you let your own family go extinct like that?”

“Why not? I’m sick and tired of this bullshit. I never asked to be a werewolf, to be half-human, half-monster. I never asked to be royalty, to be treated like a trophy. I never asked for this… curse.” I gesture at my body. “And yet, it seems that whatever I do or how much I try to remove myself from my own family, I’m forced to carry the sins of my ancestors.” I take a pregnant pause. “And I guess that’s not something I can easily run away from.” My voice starts to get raspy and itchy.

“The blood of your pack carried you into existence. You don’t feel a sense of gratitude for that? Just for being alive?” he asks incredulously.

“It’s kind of hard to feel grateful for being alive when I almost met death over here.” I deadpan. He looks at his hands. “Aren’t you tired of this?” Exhaustion laced my voice as I try to sit upright. “Aren’t you tired of the cycle of violence? Of living with revenge or fear in mind? Aren’t you tired of the death that surrounds us?” I make sure to emphasize that last word and gauge his reaction. Gregory remains still. “Because I am. You think I want to be an abomination?” I sense bile rise up in my stomach. “I want to be normal. I want to be human. I’ve tried to break free from this werewolf curse. But I can’t do it. Well, not yet anyway. The moment I gain my powers and the knowledge of the clan, I’ll get to work on cutting my ties with the demon wolves.” Gregory is sitting a few feet away from me, hugging his knees to his chest, mulling over what I just said.

I marvel at the sight of this man acting like a kid who was just told he couldn’t go play with his toy anymore. “I’m aware that I sound ridiculous. After all, who betrays their own kind?” I start. “But it’s not my obligation to convince you of what’s true or not. I gave you your options. It’s up to you where we go from here.” There’s a strong sense of tension in the air after I finish my spiel, and I start to get worried about my chances of survival. “I’ve said all that needs to be said, Gregory.” I feel for the edges of my silver daggers beside me. Knowing that I might need them again, I make sure to hold them at the handles tightly. “Make your choice.”

Gregory huffs in response and starts to stand up. I quickly do the same. “That was a great speech, princess. Really, I was moved for a minute there.” He claps.

Uh-oh. I guess I’m not getting out of this one.

His advantage may be his large frame, but I’m quicker in step and lithe in evading attacks. Though my body is aching, I force myself to stand tall.

“I was almost tempted to agree with you at one point. But then I realized, you come from a pack whose main purpose is to bring misfortune and fear to others. You,” he points one long finger at me, “came from a family of murderers. Whether or not you have anything to do with your family’s atrocious acts, doesn’t matter. You’re never going to be an innocent victim. Honestly, if I kill you now, I think I’ll be doing the world a favor.”

Well, that kind of stings more than being stabbed or anything alike.

“I’ll grant you your wish to die, just not right now,” he continues.

Tags: Raven Ashley Paranormal