Page 17 of Chasing Luna

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“Where are we going, Your Highness?” one of them asks as I slip into the backseat of my car.

“To the café, of course. I have work to do,” I remark as I slip on my black mask, smiling to myself.

“Isabela!” Nina screeches when I step through the café doors. “Listen, I—who are they?” She eyes the five men behind me.

“Bodyguards,” I say simply and walk inside. I hear footsteps following me and I put a hand to stop the men from accompanying me any further. “I work here. You can’t come in behind the counter with me. Stay here.” They bow silently and disperse within the café.

“Your grandmother’s really strict, huh,” Rie notes once we’re out of earshot from my guards. I nod and she puts a hand lovingly on my shoulder. “Don’t worry Isabela, you’re going to be free soon.” I open my mouth to answer her, but Nina hinders me from doing so.

“Enough about that! I’m having a party later tonight. Rie, did you tell her?”

A party? That’s perfect. I can meet Gregory there and I’ll have an alibi in case things go south and my grandmother discovers that I snuck out again.

“No! She didn’t but I’m going,” I affirm.

“What are you going to tell your guards then? Will they come to the party, too?” Rie questions.

“No, but I have a plan,” I declare and let them in on my little switch-up plan. I tell them that Vera is one of my “maids-in-training” who can pass off as me.

“What time is she going to be here?” Nina whispers as we prepare to close up the café after my shift.

“She’s close by. She’ll pass through the back door, right?” I ask and Rie nods. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I instinctively move to open the back entrance reserved for Nina and her father. Vera walks in and I hand her my clothes from earlier. “Change by the furnaces and hurry.” She does as she’s told and I pack up my things and hand them to her afterward. “Don’t talk to anyone until you get home and make sure to walk straight to my bedroom.” She nods silently. “Hey, look at me. You’re going to be fine,” I reassure her as I fix my black mask onto her face. “Go,” I whisper and she walks out wordlessly.

Nina and Rie walk out after her and make a show of hugging and sending her off. I wait with bated breath in the kitchen where Eliza is hiding with me.“I owe you one,”I mouth to Eliza.

“You better come home early tomorrow,” she angrily whispers.

“They’re gone,” Nina says as she goes back to the kitchen with Rie.

“It was nice meeting you both, but I’m afraid I can’t stay any longer,” Eliza expresses and we bid her goodbye too.

“It’s been a while since I got to spend time with the both of you! With school and part-time work, I’ve been a bit busy,” I say, almost apologetic.

“I know, but we’re so glad you get to be a teenager today instead of little miss perfect.” Rie pats me on the back. We close the café and head to Nina’s house shortly after.

A couple of hours after settling in Nina’s room, she barges in and tosses me a dress and heels to change into. “They’re almost here! Why aren’t you ready?”

“Why can’t I just wear this uniform?” I ask. She rolls her eyes at me.

Rie walks in behind her and pulls me to sit upright. “Wear makeup too!” She hands me her stuff and huffs at me petulantly. “You don’t have maids or assistants here. Go get ready yourself.” And with that, they both slam the door behind me.

“Geez, I didn’t know they could get so uptight over a party,” I blurt out, pulling the dress over my head and smoothening out its wrinkles. “Isn’t this a little too tight?” I eye myself in Nina’s full-body mirror. The silver dress glistens under the room’s yellow light, shimmering as I turn side-to-side. Its neckline stops right above my cleavage and the length itself drapes down my figure all the way to my mid-thigh. I sigh and shake my head. “This will have to do, I guess.” I had texted Gregory the address earlier and asked him to meet me before the party starts. But he’s yet to respond to my messages which irks me a little.I thought he was desperate to see his father?

A knock on the door breaks me out of my trance.

“You ready—oh my God!” Nina yells. “I almost forgot how beautiful you are because you’re always wearing that stupid mask. But, Isabela. Look at you,” she spins me around gently, “you’re absolutely stunning.” She smiles and grabs my hand. “Come on, let’s go downstairs.” She pulls me outside and I hear the loud bass of house music bounce against the walls of the house. “Here we are! Everyone, there’s someone I want you to meet!” she announces. “This is Isabela, one of my best and dearest friends. Please be nice to her tonight!” A dozen pairs of eyes look at me and I feel a bit self-conscious about the way I’m dressed. I give a small wave and people send small “hellos” my way.

I quietly slip away after a few introductions and get myself a drink. “Hey, Isabela,” a man’s voice comes up from behind. I turn and see a handsome guy around my age, with an undercut and dressed in a flannel shirt and jeans. “I’m Robin, Rie’s cousin. She’s told me so much about you,” he cheerily says and gives me a peck on the cheek as a greeting. I blush at his bold gesture.

I guess I’m not used to dealing with boys who don’t want to hurt me,I quietly tell myself.

The more I talk to Robin, the more I find the party enjoyable. He seems nice and polite, and he looks at me as if I’m normal and not an enemy. His voice is softer in tone but deep enough that I feel he could lull me to sleep if I asked. “Do you want to go somewhere a little quieter?” I boldly ask him. His eyes widen slightly, but he nods and leads me to an empty hallway. “Sorry about that, I couldn’t hear myself think,” I speak coyly.

“I know what you mean. My head’s about to burst from the loud music,” he agrees innocently enough, but he steps a lot closer and backs me against the wall. I bite my lip in anticipation and it looks like he’s getting the message. Putting a hand on my waist, he stares deep into my eyes. “Is this okay with you?” he asks huskily and I nod. He lowers his head down to give me a chaste kiss and I close my eyes at the sensation.

As soon as I start to get comfortable, someone else pulls his body away from mine.

Chapter Eighteen

Tags: Raven Ashley Paranormal