Page 97 of Our First Christmas

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There was no way to explain how much love we all shared to the world. To an outsider, our relationship would be deemed nothing more than depravity.

Not to mention, Cam and I both knew the amount of female attention we created. We were “Atlanta’s Most Eligible Bachelors” and women flocked to us, craving our attention and interest. There were already blogs and articles posted about Ali. How unfair it was, how it made her a piece of trash, and what a slut it made her, were just some of the articles I saw.

She said they didn’t bother her, and I believed her. But it bothered Cam and I. We were defensive of her, wanting everyone to understand what we were and knowing that would never happen.

“Can you guys give me a minute?” she asked, standing from Cam’s lap and walking toward the stairs.

“Of course.”

“We’ll be up in a minute.”

Once we heard the door shut, I looked back toward Cam, who was shaking his knee, trying to keep his anger in check.

“I want to kill him,” he murmured, his eyes staring at the fire. “I would literally spend the rest of my life in jail to keep that bastard out of her life.”

“Yeah, me too,” I crossed my arms and leaned back on the couch, also staring at the fire.

“I say we send him a Christmas present. Maybe a list of all the ways we can kick his ass.”

I huffed a little, wanting to laugh, but also too far gone to see Cam’s idea as anything but efficient.

“Let Rick take care of it this time, but if he so much as breathes her name again and we catch wind of it, I say we pay him a visit.”

“Deal.” Cam wiped a hand over his face and sat up a little. “Let’s get upstairs.”

“She asked for a minute alone.”

“She’s had a minute,” he stood and waited for me to stand with him. “Now let's go make her forget the nameAlan.”



Iglanced up at the suite I had Kace and Ali in, and saw my sister waving down at me like a lunatic. Becca was one of my older sisters but only by a year. Sometimes I felt lightyears older than her.

She never seemed to have any problems, always smiling, and happy. She took to Ali more than anyone else in my family had and they had become pretty good friends. So when she found out Kace and Ali were going to my home game before Christmas, she asked to come too.

“Boss?” I heard Tyson Black, one of my favorite tight ends, call me.

“What's up?” I threw him the ball as we continued our pregame warmup.

“The best way to get that anger out is on the field.” He threw the ball back to me and then ran out a little farther for another pass. I started to throw it but paused at his simple, yet very true words.

Ty was one of those players who would have spent his life fighting, surrounded by drugs, and possibly dead before he was twenty-one if it hadn’t been for football. He was the definition of using his anger on the football field. He was known for his aggression and lack of fucks. Always willing to throw a punch if the situation called for it.

He also had a point.

Ty may not have known what was up my ass, but he knew my body was pulsing and my fingers were constantly curling into fists. He saw my eyes and how they cut every time someone spoke my name.

“Or in the bed,” he flipped me the ball again and added his last two cents before he headed to the locker room.

In the bed was the only place I didn’t feel the tension in my shoulders and the rage in my heart. The bed was where I felt safest, and escaping inside my girl was therapeutic all on its own.

By the time Kace and I joined her upstairs the other night, she was anxious to find her escape in us as well. The romance that had started that night was long gone and was replaced with a basic and feral need.

“Got that head on straight today?” my head coach came up next to me and asked. Levi Peyton wasn’t even forty years old and was already the most successful head coach in the league. He got that way because he was smart, headstrong, and didn’t take anyone’s shit. Not even mine.

“Yep.” I tossed him the ball that Ty had left me with, playfully starting a game of catch. He tossed the ball back but eyed me skeptically. “Gonna take Black’s advice and take it out on the field.”

Tags: L.M. Reid Romance