Page 64 of Our First Christmas

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“Yeah, were you serious about bringing them home?” He asks without taking his eyes off them.

“If you want. I don’t think we should keep them all, but we could find good homes for the rest.” Bodhi’s heart amazes me. The amount of love and caring in that one man is more than I could withstand.

“I’d hate to leave them here. Who knows when someone else will rent the place again.” He finally turns, holding a kitten against his chest while one finger runs along its soft fur.

“Then we’ll take them home.” I step back, untie the robe I have on, and let it slip to the floor. “But for now, I’d like to enjoy the hot tub with you.”

Bodhi carefully sets the kitten down before he pounces on me just the way I want. His fingers snake through my hair as his mouth claims mine in the most delicious of ways—his tongue tasting and caressing. My hands go to the buttons on his flannel and quickly undo them. I can’t get him naked fast enough.

He smirks down at me loving how I can’t seem to ever get enough. “You’re so sexy.” The way his eyes flair at my admission makes me love him all the more. “I love you.” My hands push the fabric from his shoulders, and I watch as it falls to the floor. “So much.”

Gripping me by the hips, Bodhi pulls me to him and grinds his erection into my stomach. Dipping down, he brushes a kiss to my forehead, each of my eyes, and the tip of my nose before his lips slowly move against mine. My body melts against his. The hair on his chest rubs against my nipples, causing them to harden.

Unwilling to wait another moment, my fingers quickly undo the button of his jeans and slip into the waistband of his boxer briefs. I push both down past his delectable ass until they fall to the ground.

His large hands drift down my sides and grip my ass cheeks as he hoists me into the air. My legs wrap around his trim waist, my tongue delving deeper into his mouth, wanting all of him.

My back hits the wall, making me smile. No one who meets Bodhi would ever think he’s so dominant when it comes to sex. I love how he takes control and his insatiable need for me.

Breaking our kiss with his eyes locked on mine, he lines up at my entrance and slowly pushes inside. I’ve never felt more whole in my life than when we’re connected like this. All the problems in the world disappear, and it's only him and me. The way it should be when you’ve found your person.

He leans his forehead to mine when he’s fully sheathed inside of me. Puffs of air skate across my face as he languidly moves in and out of me. What I thought was going to be hard and fast has changed into gentle lovemaking. It’s perfect. He’s perfect.

“I love you more than anything in this world,” he grunts as he picks up his pace. The tips of his fingers dig into my flesh. The mix of pain and pleasure has my orgasm rushing to the surface faster than I thought possible.

Digging the heels of my feet into his ass, I urge him to move faster as I attach my mouth to his and suck on his tongue. Bodhi doesn’t disappoint. His pace quickens to the point that he’s slamming into me, the base of his cock hitting my clit in the most delicious of ways.

“Bodhi,” I cry out, my walls clenching around him as my entire body lights up with pleasure. Heat shoots down my spine straight to my clit, making my limbs constrict. My nails dig into his back, making him moan.

He pumps once, twice, and a third time before burying himself deep inside of me and groaning into the crook of my neck. After a moment, he starts to pull out, and I whine.

I can feel the smile against my shoulder before he pulls back and looks down at me. “My beautiful Goddess, I am not nearly done with you. You just wait and see.”

He steps out of the jeans and underwear around his ankles and then moves us over to the bed. My back has barely touched the comforter when he grips my ankles and turns me on my front. His mouth moves to my ass, and I know I’m in for the ride of my life. Licking and sucking, he spreads me wide, spearing me with his tongue. Lifting my hips, his thumb presses into my clit, and that’s all it takes for me to explode all over his face. This time he keeps moving, drawing out my pleasure with soft licks and the caress of his fingers until I’m a pile of goo and about to melt into the bed. I don’t even have the energy to turn over. Luckily, Bodhi brings me to his side. Wrapping his arms around me, he pulls the covers over our tangled bodies, and his hands start to wander on their own again.

For the rest of the day, Bodhi worships my body while he whispers sweet words of love and forever.



Iwake up to an empty bed on Christmas morning, which is not what I expected on my first Christmas with Coco.

I quickly dress in a pair of flannel pajama pants that Coco bought for me. She really went all out for our trip with clothes to keep us warm while being stylish at the same time. Not that I care about being fashionable. The only person I care about liking the way I look is her.

It smells like heaven downstairs, which doesn’t usually happen when Coco is the one cooking. More like burnt and making the hairs in your nose curl up. Still, I eat whatever she makes because she does it for me.

It’s been a struggle with all the new changes in my life since I arrived in Oasis, but I’m adjusting. I want to provide for Coco, not the other way around. I know I’m never going to be rich with money. Not with opening a center for youth in the area, but my heart will be full, and I know I’ll be able to help so many.

It isn’t the food on the table that catches my attention, though. It’s the beautiful blonde laid out in front of the fire, wearing nothing but a red bow tied around her.

“Merry Christmas, Bodhi.” She smiles at me, running her hands over her breasts. “Are you going to come over here and untie me or just stand there looking?”

“I haven’t decided yet,” I husk out. “I think I’m in. shock. This is a pleasant surprise.”

She tilts her head to the side and arches her back. “What did you have in mind?”

“I’m not sure,” I shake my head as I move toward her. “But don’t be fooled; I like what I found.”

Tags: L.M. Reid Romance