Page 48 of Four Nights

Garrett’s got it bad for her. Just a quick glance in his direction confirms that, but I already knew it. And it makes sense. She’s something special, for sure.

She works me with her left hand while she keeps Garrett going with her right. Her head bobs up and down on my cock, and her tongue … ahh, it’s amazing. She’s been a very, very quick learner.

She’s so good that I don’t last nearly as long as I should. I groan as she takes me deeper, and I squeeze her shoulder to give her warning, but she keeps sucking, and when I come, she takes it all, swallowing and licking her lips afterward.

Fuck me, I could get addicted to this woman.

She moves right on to Garrett, and while she’s working on him, Adrian finally comes down and gets involved, licking and fingering her pussy and giving her an orgasm right as she triggers Garrett’s. The three of them collapse on the floor afterward, their heavy breathing slowing down, and then, in Adrian and Autumn’s case, giving way to the different kind of heavy breathing that comes with sleep.

“We’d better get you to bed.” I scoop her up from between them, nudge Adrian awake so he can go up to his room, and gesture for Garrett to follow me.

As we go upstairs, Autumn wakes up and says she needs a bathroom break before she goes to sleep. Once that’s done, she joins Garrett and me in my room, where she crawls into the center of the bed.

It’s nice to have a woman here to sleep with, especially this one, and it’s been great reuniting with my old school friend. I’d have never expected to have him in my bed, but there’s room for all of us, and we’re both here for Autumn, so instead of being weird, it all seems oddly natural.

We built a bond today, rescuing Autumn from a bad situation. We worked hard, we played hard, and now we rest.

Night 4



I wake up to an empty bed, and at first I think I’m at the house I share with Kelly and Lindsey, but then I realize the morning light isn’t right. It’s much darker in this room, and when I take a deep breath, the sheets smell of man.

Trevor’s room. Duke’s house.

The day of my first public performance as a musician.

The butterflies in my belly all wake up at the same time and start fluttering around.

I’m happy, but also nervous, and all of the unsettled feelings of yesterday come rushing back too. It was kind of Duke to invite me to stay here, but I can’t stay long. Today, however, my priority needs to be about getting ready for the show. I’ll worry about everything else tomorrow.

There are indentations on the pillows on either side of me. Garrett and Trevor were here when I fell asleep, but how long did they stay, and what time is it? In my old room, I could judge the hour by the light coming in through the window, but I have no way to gauge that here, and it’s disorienting.

I don’t see anyone on my way to the bathroom or when I come out. Some of the bags with my clothes are in the guest room, the room that’s “mine” while I’m staying here, even though I didn’t sleep in it.

I pull out some wrinkly sweats and a t-shirt, and while I’m at it, search through the bags for something suitable to wear tonight. My guitar, of course, was what hurt the most, but I’m so pissed off at Lindsey for destroying my new clothes and trying to ruin this special night for me. All because Trevor and Adrian are hanging out with me and didn’t want to sleep with her? I’d known she could be petty, but she truly sank to new depths.

I finally find signs of life down in the kitchen, and when I get there it’s almost nine-thirty. Duke isn’t there, but the other three men are quietly talking while they drink their coffee. When they see me, they offer warm smiles and greetings.

“I wondered where you both went,” I tell Trevor and Garrett. “Why didn’t you wake me up when you got up?”

“We thought you needed more rest,” Garrett says.

“Oh. Well, thanks, but it would have been nice to wake up with you.”

“I’m not sure I could have trusted myself to stay in bed with you this morning,” Trevor says, arching a brow.

Adrian silently gestures an offer of coffee, and I nod my head before turning back to Trevor. “What does that mean?”

“Sometimes I wake up with wood. It might have been hard to control myself if you were awake in bed next to me.”

“Oh.” My eyes go wide, but I’m saved from having to respond by Adrian delivering the cup of coffee.

“Milk or sugar?” he asks.

“Lots of both, please.” The truth is that I don’t think I would have minded if Trevor had a hard time controlling himself. His finger has been inside me, after all. Going to the next stage doesn’t seem like that big of a step anymore, and maybe I’ve been making too big a deal of it. Or maybe those are rationalizations to justify the fact that I’m very, very tempted.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic