Page 25 of Four Nights

There’s one chair near the guitar case, but other than that, there’s only the bed, and that’s where Autumn goes to sit, perching on the edge like she might get up again at any moment.

“So, um … how is this … competition … going to work?” She’s looking right at me, and the sight of her sitting on the bed conjures images of what I want to have happen next. Her, completely naked, legs spread, still looking at me with those big, beautiful, innocent eyes.

Fuck.I’m going to have to keep reminding myself to go slow.



“You’re right. It’s not actually a competition,” Trevor says, coming to sit beside me on the bed. His leg, from knee to hip, is pressed against mine, and I feel the heat of him through his jeans and my dress. “It will be more of a collaborative effort.”

“How exactly is that going to work?” I ask. “As my roommates so helpfully told you, I don’t have any experience, and I especially don’t have experience with multiple men.”

Trevor lays his hand on my knee and then slides it up a couple of inches. “There’s no one particular way things need to work. We can all show you some things, and you can tell us what you like.” He gestures to my coworker, who’s still standing close to the door of my room, clutching his drink. “Garrett, want to sit on the other side of Autumn?”

Garrett hesitates, looking at me, the floor, and the wall behind me, before finally saying, “I think I should go, actually.”

I get up immediately and go to him. “What? Why?” All along, I’ve been expecting him to be uncomfortable with me wanting to spend time with the other guys, but he was actually the one who invited them over tonight.

Garrett turns his back to Trevor and Adrian and talks to me in a low voice. “It’s what we talked about yesterday at lunch.” After another hesitation, he adds, “I don’t feel right in this situation.”

It’s his lack of experience that’s bothering him. Maybe he’s afraid he’ll embarrass himself, not knowing what to do, and I understand that perfectly, because I don’t know what to expect either.

“I don’t think you have to worry,” I tell him in a whisper. “The night I met Trevor, we talked about experience, or lack thereof, and he wasn’t judgmental at all.”

“Is everything okay?” It’s Adrian who’s come over to check on us. “We don’t have to do anything. We don’t have to be here if you don’t want us to,” he says.

“No, it’s not that,” Garrett says, looking at his old friend, his eyes tracking side to side in a way that lets me know he’s thinking, deciding what he’s willing to say.

After a few seconds of silence, he says, “Like Autumn, I don’t have a lot of experience either. I thought I’d feel differently in the moment, but I don’t think I should be a part of this.”

“It doesn’t matter how much experience you have,” Adrian says.

“It absolutely doesn’t matter,” Trevor says, crossing the room to join the group. “There is no pressure here — on anyone — and no expectations. We’re all only here to have fun, right?” He looks to me and to Adrian, and we both nod.

I had a feeling Trevor was a good guy, and Adrian as well, and I’m so pleased that they’re making Garrett comfortable. My coworker’s shoulders relax, and he gives the smallest of nods.

“Then let’s have some fun,” Trevor says with a glint in his eye that sends a little shiver across my skin.



I can’t believe I just said what I said, but then, nothing about this situation is quite believable.

Trevor has challenged me to bring Autumn to orgasm — multiple orgasms — while he and Adrian watch, or maybe help?

It’s been a while, but I have had a few fumbling experiences in my past. I may have gotten one of the girls off, but I strongly suspect she was faking it for my benefit. Strange as it is, maybe this will be an ideal situation for getting more experience. I’m sure Trevor and Adrian have been with dozens of women, maybe more.

But this isn’t just any woman. It’s Autumn. And above all, I want her to have a good experience. I feel certain that my two old classmates want that too.

Autumn doesn’t even make it back to the bed before Adrian pulls her into his arms. He’s been hesitant, but it was obvious he liked kissing her in the kitchen, and they’re both getting into it again.

After a good half minute or more of him tangling his hands in her hair and sucking face with her, he bends and picks her up and carries her to the bed. Trevor is waiting there, and together, the two of them pull Autumn’s dress up and over her head, exposing the pale pink bra and panties she’s wearing.

I’m stunned by the beauty of her body.

She smooths her hands over her hair as she watches them, her chest rising and falling with her breath, which is coming faster after all of the breathless kissing.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic