Page 23 of Four Nights

“He’s a good looking guy. I get it. Not as handsome as me, but he’s not bad.”

“And you called Duke jealous,” I say, teasing him as I pull bottles from the cupboard. “Sounds like you’re the jealous one.”

When I set the bottles on the counter, Trevor pulls me in close, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Speaking of Duke, he seems to have a thing for you.”

“What?” Again, I’m all surprised innocence, though this time I mean it.

“I’ve never seen him hit on a woman at the club before. He’s usually trying to avoid them, from what Brittany tells me.”

“Really?” This bit of information changes my assumptions about the older man. He’s attracted to me? “I thought maybe he was flirting with me just to piss you off,” I say.

“Nah, he wouldn’t do that. That would be a shit thing to do to you, anyway,” he says, bringing me tighter against him so that our chests are pressing together.

“I guess you’re right.”

His hands smooth up my back and then slide down almost to the bottom of my short dress before repeating the pattern. “You’re collecting men like a tourist on the beach picking up seashells,” he says.

I lean back and playfully give him a shove, though I don’t separate myself from him, because I don’t want to. “I am not!”

“You have three of us here tonight.”

“Yes, and I really don’t know how that happened,” I say, and he laughs before bending down to kiss me. It’s not a long kiss, but it instantly reignites all of the things I was feeling during the show earlier. Being pressed up against his body is only magnifying those feelings.

Looking into my eyes, making me melt, Trevor brushes hair back from my cheek and then bends to kiss the outer edge of my jaw. His voice is a husky whisper when he says, “Can I make you come again tonight?”

“I can’t imagine saying no to that,” I manage to say as he takes my earlobe between his teeth and flicks the tip of his tongue over it.

He chuckles again, and the low rumble of it radiates over my skin to every inch of me, especially the area between my legs.

He’s gently biting a path down my neck when footsteps approach, and I open my eyes to find Garrett and Adrian in the room with us.

“Wondered what was taking so long,” Garrett says.

“I got distracted,” Trevor says, still holding onto me, one hand resting casually on my ass.

“Looks like it,” Adrian says, propping himself against the kitchen island, the muscles in his arms flexing as he leans back.

“Autumn was just telling me about how she has a crush on you, Adrian,” Trevor says, and this time I do push back and step away from him.

“You’re the worst,” I say, putting my hands on my hips and glaring at him.

“Maybe I’m the best,” Trevor says, pulling me back to him. “You won’t know until you’ve tried all of us.”



One thing you can say about Trevor is that he knows how to get a party started.

I’m still not sure about tonight, though. Not with a virgin. What virgin wants to try to handle three men at once?

But Trevor said he wasn’t interested in popping her cherry tonight. I don’t know how much fun we can have, fooling around with someone who has no experience, but Autumn seems like she’s up for whatever Trevor has in mind because when he pulls her against him again, she melts into him like there’s nowhere else she’d rather be.

He kisses her until she’s starting to squirm against him, and then he pulls away, straightens, and turns her toward Garrett, who’d been watching them while alternately focusing on various points around the kitchen, trying not to watch them. Garrett doesn’t seem like the type for something casual with a woman, but he also didn’t seem irritated when Trevor was kissing her, just mildly uncomfortable, like he wasn’t sure he should be standing here witnessing it.

Garrett crushes her to him like he’s been waiting for her all his life, and by the way Autumn responds, it’s obvious she’s into him as much as she is Trevor, maybe more so — not that this is a comparison game.

Trevor lifts a brow when I look his way, as if to say,What did I tell you?He’s not wrong that Autumn is a gorgeous woman, and she seems very responsive, like she’ll be great in bed when she gets to that point.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic