Page 14 of Four Nights

She’s kissing me back.

It’s something I had long since filed under the category of Things that will Never Happen, and it’s not only happening — it’s fucking amazing. I apply a little more pressure, being careful not to go too fast. If I kissed her how I’ve always wanted to, she’d probably call the cops on me for attacking her.

So instead, I gently swipe my lip over hers again, and then press my mouth to hers. When she responds again, I tilt my head and try another angle, tasting her sweetness and breathing in her enticing scent.

I didn’t need this kiss to know how I feel about her, but now that I’m kissing her, all of the thoughts and feelings I’ve always tried to ignore come roaring up to smack me in the face.

Then I remember why we’re kissing. Trevor suggested it. Trevor’s here. And though I’m now grateful to him for being the impetus for this moment, I don’t want to start making out with her in his presence.

Would she make out with me? Her kiss tells me that she would. But not here, and not now.

I pull back after going in for one last sweet hit. Her eyes are still closed as I pull away, and the expression on her face gives me hope that this won’t be a one-time thing.

When she opens her eyes and finds me watching her, she smiles at me, and in that moment, I tell myself that if being with her is against company policy, I’ll quit my job and go live in a van down by the river.

I’m wondering how rude it would be to ask Trevor to leave, when he asks, “How was it?”

He’s looking at Autumn, and I don’t think I’d have answered him if he were asking me, but she says, “It was good.” My chest swells with pride when she adds, “I wish we’d have tried that sooner.”

She smiles at me again, and I’m still riding on a high as she turns toward Trevor and he slides his hand along her cheek and cups her jaw. I don’t even fully register what’s happening as he leans in and claims the spot where my mouth had just been.

Autumn doesn’t pull away or tell him she’s ready to declare her undying love for me and only me. Instead, she kisses him back, and I get to sit here and watch it all happen right in front of me.

What the actual fuck?

Whatever happened to bro code? Sure, I haven’t seen Trevor in years, but surely some sense of loyalty or honor should exist. Why would he encourage me to kiss Autumn, only to do the same thing right after me?

Unless he didn’t plan to, and he just couldn’t resist. I can understand that, but still — fuck.

Their kiss seems to go on forever, but then it’s over before I fully begin seething. Autumn is wide eyed, and looks dizzy even though she’s sitting down. “That was unexpected,” she says, her voice all breathy.

“Which part?” Trevor asks.

“Everything. All of this.” She gestures around her.

“Do you want to continue?” he asks.

I’m on the verge of telling him to fuck off when, to my complete shock, Autumn turns back to me, her eyes on my lips, and comes at me for another kiss. Is she choosing me after sampling us both? My emotions, which usually fit within a fairly narrow range, are going back and forth from highs to lows like a bouncing ball.

This time is different from the first. More intense. Not desperate or passionate, but heading in that direction. She puts her hand on the back of my neck and pulls us closer together. Her tongue slips between my lips and I meet it with mine, the contact sending a spark up the length of my spine.

As we continue, I forget all about Trevor, but then she’s pulling away and turning back to him. She’s going to keep kissing both of us, and it’s too much to process. This isn’t how I want things to be, but it’s also better than not kissing her at all. If it’s this or nothing, I’ll take this every single time.

We go one more round, but the next time she’s kissing Trevor, he pulls her onto his lap, making me wish I’d been the one to do that. My lack of moves is regrettable, and I’m sure my inexperience is glaringly obvious, especially when I’m competing with a male stripper.

But are we competing? I really don’t know. Autumn doesn’t seem like the type who would pit two men against each other, and maybe she’s as stunned as I am about how this night is going, but she’s clearly enjoying herself, so I guess that’s all that matters.

She’s enjoying herself more and more, in fact, as she starts to squirm in Trevor’s lap. She’s straddling him, her knees on either side of his legs, their bodies pressing together as they kiss. His hands are on her hips, encouraging her to move against him, and I can’t fucking watch, but I also can’t look away, even when a low groan comes from her throat.

His hands slide down to cup her ass and he grinds her body against his, turning her groan into a moan. Then she’s whimpering, and I have to look away because it doesn’t seem right to stare as my friend and coworker has an orgasm while making out with my former chess teammate.

Instead, I stare, unseeing, at the wall in front of me, and then at the ceiling above me. It doesn’t go on for long, but it seems like an eternity before her cries of pleasure fade away.

For someone who’s never had sex, she sure got there quickly and easily. I didn’t think it worked that way for women.

When I finally dare to look their way again, Trevor is rubbing her back and smiling at her. “How did that feel?” he asks.

It’s a dumb question. Even from her profile alone, it’s clear it felt great, and I wish like hell I’d been the one to get her off.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic