Page 12 of Four Nights

Back at my house, Trevor pulls in right behind us, and I lead both men up to the door. It’s weird that Garrett, who I’ve known for two years, had never been here, and Trevor, who I barely know, was just here last night.

“What would you like to drink?” I ask them once we’re inside. “I think we have beer, and a lot of mixers. I’ll go check.” I expect them to stay in the living room, but Trevor follows me, and Garrett trails behind him.

There are still drink options left from last night, but both men opt for beer, which belongs to Lindsey and her boyfriend. I’d normally be conscientious about paying her back or restocking something I used, but I’m still irritated about last night, so I’m not going to worry about it.

I choose water for myself, because the drinks at the club were pretty strong. I also pour chips into two bowls — tortilla chips for Trevor, and potato chips that I know Garrett likes — and we go back to the living room.

“Autumn told me you were here last night,” Garrett says. “How long have you been stripping?”

“Not too long. I had a few other jobs before this, but stripping is a lot more lucrative.”

“I’ll bet.”

I sip my water while the two men catch up, admiring both of them as they talk. It was the show, of course, that has my head in a weird place, but I can’t help but notice how attractive they both are.

“Adrian Becker works at the club too,” Trevor says at one point.

“Really? Adrian?” Garrett says.

“Another classmate?” I ask.

Garrett nods, a fond smile on his face. “We were best buds in elementary school.”

“Oh, that’s right!” Trevor says. “I forgot all about that.”

“Then we had different classes in middle school and started hanging out with different people.”

“Then Adrian becamemybest bud,” Trevor says with a laugh.

“He wasn’t on the chess team?” I ask.

“Oh, you told her about that?” Trevor says to Garrett. “No, he wasn’t into chess.”

“Was he on stage tonight?” I ask.

“No, he was hired out for a private event. I think it was an office party in Whitman,” Trevor says.

“Well, we know it wasn’t at Pacelli Plastics,” I say, looking to Garrett.

“Can you imagine a dancer at our office?” he says, surely thinking of our company’s CEO, who’s well known for being uptight.

“Never,” I say.

“So you two work together?” Trevor asks.

Garrett fills him in on our company and the type of work we do, and again I watch, this time thinking about how strange it is that I’ve ended up with these two men in my house. Most nights, I read or watch TV. Occasionally, I go out with my roommates. I’ve never hung out alone with two hot men.

My glass is nearly empty already, so I ask the men if they’re ready for refills.

“Not yet, but can you direct me to the bathroom?” Garrett asks.

After I point Garrett toward the powder room, Trevor gets up and follows me into the kitchen again. “So, what made you decide to come to the show?” he asks.

I’m not going to tell him the actual reason. I had a hard time even accepting the real reason myself. I went because I think he’s extremely attractive. “Curiosity,” I say instead, which is also true.

“And was your curiosity satisfied?”

He’s standing close to me as I fill my glass. Really close. And nothing about me is feeling satisfied. In fact, the ache between my legs has only intensified.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic