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I nod slowly as I shift through what he’s telling me. “And you want to give it your all,” I venture.

“Absolutely,” he says crisply. “I don’t want distractions. Just like you with your new gig.”

I feel tentatively for the boundary of what we could be. Gabe is decisive. That must be why he asked theany interest in datingquestion with such intensity—because he wanted to be certain I wasn’t interested in a relationship. And decisive is a good thing when laying out rules for…whatever we seem to be setting limits on.

Whether we’re a one-night thing. Or maybe two nights? How many would I even want?

But when I stare down at my schedule, the answer seems pretty easy—the next few nights until I start the new job. Plus, I don’t want to take any more chances. “And honestly, I’ve had some bad relationships,” I admit.

“Same here, Ellie.” He knocks back some wine as he studies my face. “That’s why you took the good guy challenge? Because you’ve had some bad dates?”

“I did.” It’s so much easier to talk to him now than it was at the start of the date. When I met him at the bar, I wasn’t completely honest. Now we’ve revealed our desires, so maybe that’s why it’s easier to share. “I’m trying to be more careful. Read the situation better and all.”

“I’m trying to do the same,” he says, then shrugs resignedly. “Except I don’t know if I’ve improved. I pegged you for a princess who’d kick me out for wanting dirty sex.”

I scoff. “What about me gives off the goody-two-shoes vibe?”

He gestures to Gigi’s red velvet throne. “Your cute dog.” Then to me, with a playful smile. “Your cute jeans. Your cute clothes. Your cute self.”

I poke his chest. “My naughty texts. My sexy clothes. My yes to yourcan I take you home and fuck you.”

He clears his throat. “Ahem. And your self-proclaimed good guy challenge.Thatmade me think you wanted sweet, butterfly kisses and soft lovemaking,” he teases.

Touché. “Fine. You win that round,” I say with a laugh.

“Good. I like winning.” He goes thoughtful for a moment, his gaze turned inward like he’s turning something over in his head. I wait, curious as to what he’ll say, and when he’s ready, there’s a gleam in his eyes. “If you like dating challenges so much, I have one for you.”

I’m intrigued, in a good way, and I lean forward. “Hit me up.”

“I don’t want this to be a one-night stand. I need more of your mouth. Your pussy. Your sweet, beautiful tits,” he says.

Hello, five-alarm fire! This man can go from zero to sixty in the dirty department. I’m determined to keep up. “And I want more of your cock. Your mouth. Your hands.”

He lets out a dirty rumble. “Your production starts next week. My training camp starts then too. We have a big team meeting on Sunday, then on Monday, I take off for San Diego. How about we do this for the rest of the week?”

The suggestion is deliciously straightforward and clear. It also answers all my questions about rules. We now know whatthisis—a brief but scorching-hot fling. And what it isn’t—anything serious. He leaves town next week. I hunker down then for the show. We both need laser focus on our jobs.

It’s a relief that I’m on all the same pages as Gabe, but I tease him about the one thing I can. “What’sthisexactly?”

He leans in to brush his knuckles along my cheek. “Thisis you screaming my name as I find new ways to fuck you every night,” he says.

A fog of lust wraps around me, and I give the only possible answer. “Yes.”

He shifts back in his stool, looking terribly pleased. “Good. Then, we’ll dothisfor the week, and you’ll be my date at your aunt Tilly’s big birthday party on Saturday.”

I smack his shoulder playfully. “Shut up!”

“Ouch,” he says, wincing playfully as he rubs his shoulder.

“Gabe! I was going to ask you to go with me. My mom is threatening to set me up with other guys from our hometown.”

He narrows his eyes. “Nope,” he says in a stern command.

“Nope what?”

His brown eyes darken. “You’re not going with someone else from our hometown.”

“I’m not?” I ask, feigning innocence.

Tags: Lauren Blakely Romance