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First class travel was something else, Beth mused as a porter collected her suitcases while she freshened up in the executive lounge of the VIP section of the airport; a world she never knew existed, but she could certainly get used to. When she returned to the lounge, a hostess approached her immediately and asked her if she’d like a complimentary drink. Checking the time, she ordered a coffee, then settled herself on a plush couch while she waited to be informed that the helicopter taking her to Elysium had completed its refuel and was ready to board.

So, this was how the other half lived. Well, they certainly knew how to do it in style.

An hour later she had arrived in the plush island paradise that was Elysium and was escorted off the tarmac and shown to a minibus by a tall, friendly guy who had introduced himself as Mitch, and who immediately made her feel at ease, which was a relief for a solo female traveler. She’d been nervous making this trip alone, but, so far, everyone had been awesome and gone out of their way to make her feel comfortable.

“So, you’re flying solo, Ms. Cohen?” Mitch asked. He was maybe a couple of years younger than her. She placed him at around twenty-seven, but the sparkle in his eyes was definitely interested without being creepy. It made Beth feel good.

“Please, call me Beth,” she insisted with a smile. “And yes, this vacation was a birthday gift from a friend.”

“So, no significant other then?” he asked amiably.

Was he fishing or just making conversation? Beth found herself hoping it was the former. He was a good-looking guy, over six feet tall with light brown hair that was just starting to curl over his collar. Even more attractive was that his whole personality screamed ‘fun’. She needed some of that in her life.

“Not right now,” she replied lightly. “I’m young, free, and single, and I’m looking for fun. Well, I might be exaggerating the young part, but the rest is true,” she said with a wry grin.

Mitch glanced her way, one eyebrow cocked, and immediately his happy-go-lucky persona changed to something that made Beth’s stomach quiver. “Careful sweetie. You talk about yourself that way you’re likely to get a spanking in a place like this.”

Beth felt her pulse stutter and her face heat, but at the same time a tight bud of happiness started to unfurl and bloom inside those dark places which had been empty for too long.

She couldn’t help glancing at Mitch’s capable hands and wondering what they might feel like delivering said spanking and suddenly her mind was off down the rabbit hole.

He had the kind of hands that would take control of a woman, long, sure fingers that would set the skin on fire… and other places.

She watched the sure way he deftly handled the steering wheel of the ATV with a casual ease, and just knew they’d work a woman’s body with the same assertive skill. She bet he even knew where the clit was!


She started, and realized he’d been speaking to her, and she’d missed everything he’d said because her mind had been in the gutter. She flushed with embarrassment and from the smirk that suddenly sparked in Mitch’s distinctive light brown eyes, she knew he was on to her.

Thankfully, they pulled up outside the Tartarean hotel before the conversation could go any further, which was probably just as well, because Beth wasn’t sure anything appropriate was going to come out of her mouth right now.

Meanwhile, Mitch came around to open the door and help her out like the consummate gentleman he was. A thrill raced up her arm at the innocent touch, surely that must be because of the way she’d just been fantasizing, mustn’t it?

Their eyes caught and held for long seconds before he seemed to remember himself and turned to fetch her luggage.

“Thank you, I can take those now,” Beth said, flustered, reaching for the handle of her case.

“I’ll see you to your room,” Mitch told her and despite his fun-loving demeanor, there was a definite ‘no arguments’ tone to his voice which only served to send a shiver down her spine.

Despite the retorts which rose on her tongue, that she was perfectly capable of doing things for herself, Beth bit them back. She wouldn’t mind seeing a bit more of this young man; best not to come over as too much of a brat, too soon.

Instead, she smiled sweetly and led the way into the hotel.

* * *

Mitch did his best to reel in his tongue as he followed the lovely Beth to her room, but just watching the enticing sway of her ass had him salivating.

She was what a lot of people would call ‘plus size’, a term he detested; but to him she was sheer perfection.

In his mind he already had his hands full of that luscious backside, his lascivious thoughts reveling in spanking it. And as for her more than ample breasts, hot damn, if he got started visualizing those, he was going to embarrass himself because they were an honest to God wet dream waiting to happen.

And she clearly had some seriously minted friends, he realized, since she was opening the door to the Tartarean’s most luxurious penthouse suite. He wondered if that meant she was out of his league. Elysium was a wonderful place but when you rubbed shoulders with the uber wealthy, you soon came to realize that a lot of them viewed the world in a different way. There were a lot of decent people amongst them - like the owners of this resort - but there were plenty of visitors who made sure to let you know you were inferior without actually coming out and saying it. Although some did that too.

But Beth had been friendly and chatty and didn’t act like she was too good for him, just because he was little more than the island's gofer. That made him like her all the more.

“Wow!” Beth stopped dead in front of him and Mitch was so busy ogling her butt that he almost collided with the back of her. Whoops!

Tags: Poppy Flynn Erotic