Page 19 of Basic Instinct

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“It means we want you to be our girl,” Craig finished. “So, what do you say?”

His heart pounded now that he’d said it out loud, now that she had his, and the other guys, happiness cupped in the palm of her delicate hand.

And he was fucking naked to boot. They all were, but he’d never felt it so keenly in his life. It wasn’t even the physicality of it. He was comfortable in his skin.

It was more that his emotions were stripped bare, and he was waiting to find out whether or not they’d be crushed.

He’d never felt so vulnerable and checking Colt and Shay from the corner of his eye, he guessed they felt the same.

There was nothing that could fell a guy quicker than a woman’s rejection, no matter what popular culture liked to believe. They were all just human at the end of the day.

“I’d like that.”

She said it so quietly that Craig wasn’t sure he’d even heard it to begin with. Or maybe he’d just imagined it, projected what he wanted to hear.

Except Shay gave a holler of pure joy.

Colt pulled Kimika into a sizzling embrace.

And the breath Craig hadn’t even realized he was holding whooshed out of him in pure, heady relief.

He didn’t mind waiting until last while Colt, and then Shay, kissed Kimika silly; he was still trying to drag some much-needed oxygen into his starved lungs.

But one thing was for sure. This was the best Christmas ever. All thanks to a sprig of evergreen with a gift tag attached that invited poly play.

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