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“Leo. Calm down. It’s the nightmare and everything that happened with Mom. Your mind is fucking with you.”

“I should be there helping you.”

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I tell him, “It’s not safe for both of us to go in.”

“Then it should be me. They can’t hurt me. It should be me.”

“You need to get your stuff together. Once she’s out, you’re going to need to be ready.”

“Right. You’re right. Shit. Okay.”


“Yeah, I’m going to pack a bag.”

Lily’s car pulls into the spot next to me, and relief settles in my chest. I end the call with Leo as Lily steps out of the car. My mouth goes dry, and my dick jerks to life. “Fuck.” She’s wearing a tight black dress that clings to her body like saran wrap. No bra. Pebbled nipples. My balls ache at the sight.

Opening the truck door, I whistle, and she curtsies, the fabric raising up her thighs, giving me a glimpse of her lace panties. “I thought I better dress the part,” she says, gesturing down her body. Her hair is pulled into some updo, and it draws my attention to her long, slender neck. I want to bite it.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Every fucking mouth in that club will drop when she walks in looking like a snack.

Rolling her eyes, she rounds the truck, pulls open the passenger door, and maneuvers herself inside with ridiculous heels on. Fuck, her legs go on for miles. “Impressive.” I nod.

“The outfit or me being able to climb in wearing it?”

“Both.” I grin.

Definitely the outfit.



“I expected a more barn-looking structure with titty lights and all that jazz.” The hem of my dress keeps rising, and I regret asking Trixie to lend it to me. Nothing in my closet would get me in those doors, though, so I have to suck it up.

“Apparently, it’s a classy joint.” Zane guffaws. In dark jeans and a fitted tee, his hair pulled back in a low ponytail, saliva floods my mouth looking at him.

“Have you been here before?” I ask, scanning the place.

The outside is a sleek black box with a purple light flashing “FLESH.” There’s a silhouette of a woman bending over and blowing a kiss, kinda like tinker bell without wings.

“No, I haven’t been here. Leo has.”

“Is that how he met Kelly?”

“With him, fuck knows.”

“Do you have to be a member?” I ask, pulling down the hem of the dress once more, drawing Zane’s gaze to the action. He swipes his tongue out to wet his lips, shuffling in his seat, and my lower stomach pools with need.

“Not for the main club,” he grunts.

“Why couldn’t you or Leo just join the sex club and get in that way?”

“It’s invite only. Exclusive.” He looks me over, his jaw ticking. “You sure you want to do this?”

“Are you? That’s like the fourth time you’ve asked me.”

Instead of answering, he pushes the door open, climbs out, and comes to my side to help me down.

Tags: Ker Dukey Royal Bastards MC Romance