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I tap my fingers against my leg. “Did Harlee tell you anything about the buyer?”

“She doesn’t recall. She does have memory issues.”

“She’s a liar.”

Donny exhales.

I lean against a wall, stumped. I can’t see Darden going inside the parlor. He’d rather die. But he has people who handle his affairs. Perhaps they bought them.

I smirk. Cece could have popped in to buy them, but Harlee knows her. Besides, where did she put them?

“You know my address. Send the commission check there.” I click off, then turn and bump into a hard chest. His drink spills on my skirt, and I rear back.

“Edward!” I say when I look up.

He gives space even as his hands try to steady me. “Sorry there, Francesca. I didn’t know it was you. Is your dress ruined?”

“No, I whipped around. It was my fault. It’s not terrible. At least I’m wearing black.” I grimace.

He smiles tentatively. “I wondered if we’d run into each other soon. We used to go to all openings, remember?”

I stiffen. I don’t need reminders of our time together. “I’m here for work. I have a new job. Why are you here?”

“Ah, well, my date wanted to come ...”

“Edward!” comes a female voice, and I steel myself to face Harlee, only it isn’t. It’s a cute girl in a black minidress that highlights her tiny waist. She’s coming from the restroom area and slides in next to Edward and wraps an arm around his waist, a smile on her lips. Younger than me, maybe twenty or so, she has an oval face and short blonde hair cut in a pixie style.

He gives me a lopsided smile. “Surprise. I ended it with Harlee.”

Wow. So that’s why he quit.

“This is Vivien,” he tells me, then gazes adoringly down at the girl. “We met when she came in for a tattoo.”

“Karma at its best,” I murmur under my breath. My lips twitch as I picture Harlee broken up with jealousy over the pretty blonde as she sat in Edward’s tattoo chair.

“What?” Edward asks.

“Nothing,” I say as his date pumps my hand, and we chitchat about the gallery. It’s the oddest thing. I feel nothing. Oh, I’ll never forget his betrayal—he’s a dick—but at least there’s no ache in my heart. Life has given me other things to focus on, and he seems so small.

I’m looking for a way to excuse myself when I hear a shrill, excited voice.

“Darling! I didn’t know you’d be here!” comes from Gianna. Wearing a pink sheath and a diamond choker around her throat, shestrides toward me with confidence. She flicks a strand of blonde hair over her shoulder.

I glance at Edward and his date. “Excuse me.” I rush to her, and we hug.

“God, finally, a fun person in a gallery. I hate these things ...” She dips her wrist, giving me an eyeful of the rock on her finger. “How are you?” She sees Edward, and her eyes narrow as she swishes me away. “Your ex is here—oh my God. And he’s with a silly-looking girl. What is she, fifteen? Are you in despair?”

I laugh. “Not at all.”

She takes me in from head to toe. “Look at you! You’re positively glowing! What kind of foundation are you using? God, I adore your dress. I almost didn’t recognize you. And you have bangs now, but I saw your face and knew it was you. Those eyes are unmistakable ...”

“Thank you.”

She flashes a smile. “Is there a man in your life? Who is he?Whereis he? I want to meet him.”

“There might be a man ...” Maybe.

“Is he hot? Tell me he’s better than that awful Edward!”

Tags: Ilsa Madden-Mills Romance