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“She did,” I say sweetly. “She showed me her lingerie as she was leaving his room.”

“It was my room,” Courtney says. “It was a joke. I was just kidding!”

Jasper’s nose flares as he glares at her. “You’re an insecure, stupid little girl. Grow up, okay? Grow the fuck up. Or you might lose Tuck and me! Just because he’s seeing someone else doesn’t mean you’re not important! Do you know Tuck? Huh? Do you? He’s a friend for life. Till the end. He went through some shit with you, and that’s the only reason you’re here right now. This is too much, just too much. I’m so pissed at you! His room? You haven’t been in his room. Lingerie, my ass! Go to your room, get online, and find an apartment!”

She runs from the room, tears spilling down her face.

“She’s moving out, Tuck. I’m going to find her an apartment myself. One far, far away from Wickham!” He storms off to the back.

Cece whistles. “Wemustdo this again. With music next time.”

“We have to go,” I say. “I’m working tonight.”

“I’ll show you out,” Tuck says as we head to the foyer. He opens the door, and once Cece is out in the hall, he takes my hand and pulls me aside.

His fingers lace with mine, his hand warm and protective. “I’m sorry about her. She was with me the night Lollipop showed up, and I’ve given her too much leeway.” He pauses. “She’s attempted to get in my bed, but she’s been turned away.”


One arm curls around my waist as his fingers card through my hair. “I’ve missed you.”


“You got the necklace? I heard there was a delay in delivery from the front desk.” His hand tightens around my waist. “Look up, beautiful.”

I gaze up at him—and get lost a little in his stormy eyes. I press my face into his neck. Jesus. I’m a sap. I can’t resist this. Someone make me stop!

“What are you doing after the gallery?”

I shrug.

“Come up when you’re done. I’ll text you the code.”

Visions of us in bed dance through my mind. I swallow, searching for strength. “Back to the necklace. Thank you. It’s beautiful, but I can’t—”

I’d been reaching inside my satchel, but he takes my hand. “Don’t,” he says sharply. “The necklace was meant for you. It’s a Christmas gift.”

“I can’t keep something that ...”

“Reminds you of me?”

“No. I ...” I stop, feeling uncentered by his annoyance. Focus, Francesca. “Keeping it makes things complicated.”

“We are complicated.” He frowns. “Look, you know what I’m about. We’ve discussed it. The last thing I want to do is hurt you.”

Mendohurt me. The ones I care about.

My lashes flutter. I care? “No one sets out to hurt someone in the beginning.”

He drops his hands from me, a cool look on his face. “Text me when you want to see what this is. See you around.”

Then he gives me a little shove over the threshold and shuts the door in my face.

“He literally pushed me out.” I look over at Cece. “What just happened?”

Cece taps her foot in the hall, then exhales noisily. “Good gracious, you tried to give the necklace back! Yes, I was eavesdropping, you stupid hussy. You don’t return a Christmas gift. It’s clear the man is waiting for you to make the next move, and you, honey, don’t have a clue. You know what you are?”

“A hussy? Oh, look at the time. I need to rush.” I pick my steps up.

Tags: Ilsa Madden-Mills Romance