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I smirk at Jasper.

In the bag,my eyes say.

Chapter 2


The guy in the towel takes the seat on the other side of her, his barrel chest covered in dark curly hair. His name tag—attached to his towel—says Prince Rolex. He’s wearing shimmery brown pantyhose.

“You have an interesting choice in men, Princess Bride,” I murmur idly under my breath as I drain the bourbon I switched to earlier.

Prince Rolex says something to her as his finger twirls her hair. She gets off the stool and stumbles, her backside falling into the cradle of my spread legs. She uses my thighs as support as she finds her balance and jumps up to face him with clenched fists.

Her veil hangs over one side of her shoulder, and I stare at the deep V on the back of her dress. It’s not one of those fluffy dresses that can stand up by itself—no, it is silky, hugs her curves, and glitters with pearls and sequins. She said it wasn’t a costume, and I get it. It’s a real fucking wedding dress.

On her back, from one shoulder blade to the other, is a winged tattoo draped in pink and blue roses. The right wing is slightly bent. I squint to read the script but can’t.

I hear her mutter a distinct “No” to Prince Rolex, then, “Stay away from me, pervert.”

I’m practically hanging over her shoulder as he leers at her with heavy-lidded eyes. My temper stirs, itching to rise, but I shove it down to see how this plays out.

“Come on, baby; stop playing hard to get,” Prince Rolex says. “I’ve got everything you need. Let’s go try that doctor room.” He rubs a hand over his chest and pinches one of his nipples. “You need a breast exam. A thorough one.”

“Not interested,” she snaps. “How many times do you need to hear it?”

He grabs for her hand, and she jerks away.

“Hey, man, she said no,” I call out sharply, but he’s so focused on her that he either doesn’t hear or he’s ignoring me.

He puts a fat hand on her shoulder and grips her, making her cry out as she falls forward. I snatch her away from him as I wrap my arms around her waist before she hits the floor. Using gentle hands, I ease her behind me and out of his way. She barely weighs anything.

With one look at his red fingerprints on her shoulder, anger ignites. I shove his chest with my hands, and he tumbles back, loses his footing, and falls on his ass. “The lady said no. Those are the rules. Get the fuck out of here.”

Several patrons flinch at my voice and back away as I look for an attendant. Not seeing one, I curse. Fine. I’ll toss him out myself even if I have to drag him. I stalk his way.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Prince Rolex shouts as he regains his equilibrium and stands. He gapes as he gets a look at my face—then backpedals. I know what he sees. My father’s face. Flashing eyes. Gritted teeth. Clenched fists.

“You shouldn’t have touched her, asshole. You crossed a line—”

He sputters, then runs to the right, shoving into people as he slips and slides. I sprint after him—

“Wait!” A woman’s voice. “Don’t! Please!”

I jerk to a halt as if pulled by a string. That voice came from Princess Bride. My jaw twitches. Control, man, control. Taking deep breaths, I roll my neck as I count to ten, then twenty.

Prince Rolex is an abusive dick who thinks he can get away with hurting women.

Like my father.

The first time I witnessed his rage, I was five. I’d been on a field trip to the zoo and couldn’t wait to tell my mom about petting a giraffe. I walked in the kitchen, and my father had her pinned against the wall as he hit her. Later she found me under my bed and told me everything was fine, that she loved him more than anything, that I was her sunshine, that I had to keep smiling—

Nope. Not going to think about it.

I rub my scruff. I’m cool; it’s over.

My father’s voice snakes in my head.You’re just like me, boy. Rage lives inside you.

It doesn’t! I shove that idea away and walk to the girl, my eyes scanning her body for injuries. I take off my suit jacket and drape it around her shoulders. “You all right?”

Tags: Ilsa Madden-Mills Romance