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The bell from the downstairs front desk rings, and I push the button on the wall. “Yeah?”

Herman’s slightly nasally voice comes through the intercom. “Francesca, hi. Edward showed up. You told me to send him away, so I did.”

“Thanks for letting me know.”

“No problem.”

Lost in thought, I don’t hear my door opening over the sound of the TV; I don’t hear someone walking down the hall, then entering the den. A hand touches my shoulder.

Flinching, I turn as I gasp. “Jesus! Edward! What are you doing here?” I put a hand to my heart. “I hate people sneaking up on me!”

“Sorry.” His whiskey-colored eyes hold mine. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Your door was cracked, and you were talking to Herman—”

“Is that him?” Herman yells. I still have my finger on the button.

“Yes,” I say tersely. “In the flesh.”

“I’m so sorry, Francesca. He must have walked in with some residents. Want me to send security up?”

I glance at Edward, taking in the dark circles under his eyes, the way his jeans hang on him. Good.

I sigh. I don’t want any drama on my floor. Several of the residents are older.

“Do you plan on murdering me, Edward?”

He shakes his head, then calls out, “I’d never hurt her, Herman. Sorry I gave you the slip.”

Oh, but hedidhurt me, and my face must say that because he drops his gaze.

I exhale. Part of me has wanted to see him again.

Is it because I still care, or is he a habit? I haven’t seen him in two weeks, and I wait for the usual bite of pain mixed with longing tohit, and it does, but it’s muted, focused on what’s happening in my bathroom.

“I’m fine, Herman. Brogan and Cece are with me.”

“Good. One more thing,” Herman says. “Tuck Avery came by earlier and asked if a Francesca lived here. I said yes but didn’t give him your last name or apartment number, but, um ...”

“Yeah?” I ask.

“He wanted me to describe you, and I’m not good with things like that. I said you were sweet and pretty. Is there an issue with you and Mr.Avery?”

“He didn’t believe I lived here. I’ve been here for years!”

“Well, we do have over three hundred residents.” He chuckles, then says, “You sure you’re okay with Edward?”

I tell him yes, turn off the intercom, and then lean against the wall as I stare at Edward.

“Hey.” He runs a hand through his thick mink hair, tugging on the ends. My heart twinges. It’s what he does when he’s anxious, and there’s a stupid part of me that wants to soothe him.

The same age as me, he’s the only man I’ve ever loved besides my first love. But I don’t want to think about Levi now. Not with Edward here. Those memories still hurt too.

“What do you want?” I ask, my throat prickling with emotion.

He lifts his hands. “I don’t know, really. I walk past here at least once a week. I can see your apartment from the street, your balcony ...” He trails off, his teeth toying with his lip ring.

Tags: Ilsa Madden-Mills Romance