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“Oh, my fucking god,” I whispered.

Trask sat up, pulling me against his chest. “God, you taste amazing.”

I blushed, I couldn’t help it. “We should probably head inside.”

“Oh, so it worked?” He smiled, looking quite satisfied with himself.

I smacked his side and moved over to my seat, pulling down the visor to check my hair and makeup. “Quit looking so self-satisfied. And yes. It worked. I feel like I can jump out of an airplane, or in this case, into a den of vipers.”

He tucked a strand of hand behind my ear and, good grief, I blushed again. “You’re beautiful. All the vipers will be looking at you, but I won’t let them touch you.”

I nodded and Trask stepped out of the car, straightening his jacket and adjusting a bulge in his pants. He really did look absolutely fine in his suit. It was obviously expensive, and it fit him so damn well. He opened my door and helped me out with his hand. I worked on straightening my dress and smoothing out the wrinkles. “Do I look put together?”

“You mean, ‘Do I look like I just had the best orgasm ever?’”

I snorted. “Yes. I mean no. Wellyes. But can you tell?”

He kissed me softly. “You are stunning, not even a hair out of place.”

“My legs feel like Jell-O.”

“Good. That means you’ll have to hold me tighter.” He offered me his arm like the perfect gentleman he was, and we began the walk to the event center.

I did feel pretty. It was a strange thing to admit to myself, but I felt fucking gorgeous! The dress fit me so well. I mean, Rosalie and I were pretty much a copy of each other, save for her near-platinum blonde hair and my dark waves, but this dress was a surprise. Even with my heels, Trask still hovered inches over me and I loved that. And I was serious about my legs. It wasn’t the shoes that made it hard to walk. I had never cum that hard in my life. I saw stars; I saw fireworks; I was floating a mile off the ground and still hadn’t come down.

“Ready?” he asked

I laughed. What else could I do? “Just lead the way.”

A doorman opened the large glass doors that led into a giant lobby of the casino. There were signs and servers pointing to the left, we followed and were immediately greeted with a tray of champagne and a giant room of tables, all ornately set. There was a stage at the far end with beautiful flower pieces framing the podium.

I looked to Trask, trying to hide my panic. He looked at ease. This was his world.

“Let’s find a table so I can drop off my jacket, then we’ll look at the silent auction tables.”

I nodded, clutching both the glass of champagne and Trask’s arm like my life depended on it. But something strange happened on our walk to the table. Specifically, it’s whatdidn’thappen. There were no second looks shot my way. Well, not really. A few people glanced up and down my dress, but no one stopped us, no one bothered us. No one seemed to care that I was there, and no one seemed to know who I was.

When we found our table Trask shed his jacket and a well-fitted black shirt and a maroon tie on a very handsome man greeted me.

“We are quite the pair,” he said, not even bothering to hide how his eyes roamed my body. “Both of us dressed in black like we are going to a funeral.”

“We look good.” He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the temple before whispering, “You are stunning.” I blushed and then he smiled a wicked grin. “And now we match. That blush is my favorite shade of red, it’s why I opted for the red tie.”

I rolled my eyes and sipped the champagne. I hadn’t been planning on drinking while I was here. I wanted to be sharp, but the sweet smell was too tempting and I was glad I tried it. “Trask, have you had this? What is it called? It might be my new favorite thing.”

He offered me his arm, and we meandered through the tables. “It’s some almond champagne or whatever.”

“Or whatever…” I mumbled.

“Oh, my little peasant, you will be blown away by the bar.”

“You make me feel like Vivian from Pretty Woman.”

“They never would have lasted,” Trask said confidently. “Too similar, too much resentment. Not a good fit. You and I though, I don’t see an end date with us. However, you are very much a pretty woman.”

“Good grief, Trask! What’s gotten you in a mood?” I laughed, trying to brush away his words that made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

Tags: Ash Larkin Romance