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I crossed my arms over my chest. “But I already get that.”



She glared at me from her spot at the starting line, but I also saw a smile tugging at her lips. “Are you ready to lose?”

“In your dreams.” She stared at the end of the long stretch and narrowed her eyes.

“I love the focus,” I snorted. “Just letting you know now that my prize for when I win is a private performance. I want you to read me your best story.” She rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off. “The caveat is I want you to dress the part of a performer. Dress and heels.”

She bit her lip. “As long as it’s not in public.”

“Privateperformance, sweetheart.”

She glared at me. “Lower your voice, people might get the wrong idea. That sounded dirty.”

The mud squelched between our feet and the other runners lined up. “Oh sweetheart, things are about to get absolutelyfilthy.”

And the horn sounded and we were off. It was truly mayhem. I was able to dodge the people that managed to slip and face plant within the first few strides and take an early lead; I was barely winded by the time I reached the finish line. All things considered, it wasn’t that bad. My shoes were likely ruined, and I had mud splattered on my jeans and some flecks on my arms. But when I turned, I was faced with a crowd of people in far worse shape.

Eliza was one of the last people to cross the line, looking absolutely miserable. She was covered with mud and I could not stop shaking with laughter. “Oh, sweetheart! Look at you! Who knew such a sweet girl would look so good and so dirty?”

She wiped the mud from her face and glared at me. “I can fight dirty if I have to. Don’t tempt me. I still get help for math, right?”

“Always. Let’s go.” I grabbed her cold and muddy hand and led her to the parking lot.

“You forgot to get your prize,” she said.

“I don’t need a turkey.”

“Lovely,” she shivered. “I need to get home, I am going to freeze.” She stomped her feet, trying to knock off the mud. Her jeans were caked in mud as well. Splatters ran up her arms and face.

“We are walking to my house and getting cleaned up there. No way am I getting in my car like this and you are definitely not getting in your car or mine like that. What the hell happened?” There were even globs of mud in her hair.

“I thought I could jump over a guy…” she muttered. “The keyword there isthought.”

I wrapped my arm around her, suddenly feeling guilty that her shivering was my fault. “My parents’ place is not even half a mile away. I’ll make you hot chocolate and even let you use the fluffiest towel. Heck, I’ll even put it in a towel warmer for you.”

She snorted. “Of course you have a towel warmer. What else? Heated floors?”

“Just in the bathrooms.”

“What the hell?” She sounded genuinely surprised and I could only laugh. “Won’t your parents think it’s weird?”

“They won’t be back for hours, and even if they were here, they wouldn’t care.” It was not the total truth. I was really banking on them being a few more hours. And if they came home early? I’d hear about it later, but they wouldn’t make a scene.Probably.

We walked up the steps to my childhood home. Her eyes were wide as she took it in. I led her toward what my parents called my wing of the house. It was really just a hallway that led to my bedroom but there was also a den I considered mine. It was where most of my friends crashed when they stayed over.

I pulled her into my room. It was big, but what wasn’t in this house? It has a masculine taste without being too boyish. A queen bed sat on one wall, a matching nightstand, and a dresser. The main allure of this room was the attached bathroom with double shower heads, not that I thought I’d be getting to use that fun little function with Eliza. Not yet, at least.

Eliza took in the surroundings. “There’s not much here that makes me think this is your room, no pictures, not really anything. So neat and tidy.”

“What were you expecting?” I asked as I rummaged around my drawers. I had to adjust my stiffening cock at the mere idea of her wearing my clothes.

“I don’t know, I was thinking I’d get to see more of your artistic side. Maybe some sketches or a desk covered in ink. But it looks like a maid lives here.”

“I don’t spend much time here anymore. Just the occasional weekend. Though I foresee more weekends now that there’s this girl in town I am partial to seeing.” Her blush made me grin. I handed her a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. “Here, for when you’re done scrubbing the mud from your skin. I’m throwing everything else in the wash.” I led her to the bathroom and dug around in the cabinet to find the biggest towel I had as well as the towel warmer. When I turned to her again she was blushing like crazy.

Tags: Ash Larkin Romance