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No kissing.

Absolutelyno fucking.

I chanted the words to myself like a mantra, trying to force some sense into my mind since my body had betrayed me so badly. “No touching no kissing no fucking, no touching no kissing no f–ohfuck.”

Who was I kidding? I couldn’t wish away my desire. Nathaniel had me hot and bothered, and I needed relief. I had to do something about it.


I stood up and reached underneath my dress, slipping a finger past the gusset of my thong and swiping tentatively through my folds, slick with want.

That’s what the thought of Nathaniel did to me. He made me so wet; my core was molten with need.

Bracing my free arm against the wall, resting my forehead in the crook of my elbow, I slipped a finger inside my pussy and let out a little moan. Holding my thumb to my clit, I inserted a second finger and rocked against my hand, whining now, desperate for release.

I closed my eyes and imagined it was Nathaniel who was touching me. That he was here with me in the bathroom–his strong body pressed up against mine, his big hands on me and his thick fingers inside me–and then I was coming, clenching and fluttering to the thought of him, whimpering his name…

Nathaniel, Nathaniel.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened, and the words turned into a gasp.

Nathaniel burst in. His eyes locked with mine right as I yanked my fingers out from under my dress.

Oh no.

He shuffled backwards but the force of his body knocked the door closed behind him, slamming and locking it shut from the push-button on the inside handle.

I was mortified. I wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear. Forever.

But then I noticed his trousers.

Tented, with a bulge that suggested he was not only hard, but huge. His chest was heaving, and his eyes raked up and down my body, landing on my wet, glistening fingers. His pupils were blown out black and wide with desire.


Why else would he have followed me into the bathroom in a hurry, panting like he couldn’t get here fast enough?

Alone with Nathaniel in the cramped powder room, only a few short inches away from him, I could feel the heat coming off his torso and enveloping me in his musky, manly scent.

Any questions or hesitations I had were drowned out by an instinctive, visceral need deep inside me.

On impulse, I leaned in and tilted my head up to his.

And then I kissed him.

Chapter 2


David Weaver’s annual party was one of the few events I actually enjoyed during the fall, since the rest of the season would be packed with holiday nonsense I couldn’t stand.

It had been weeks since David and I had seen each other at the country club, and even longer since we had played a round of golf. I was looking forward to catching up.

When I arrived at the Weaver house and spotted Amelia, I knew I should never have come.

Something had happened during the past two years. She had grown up, and I couldn’t help but notice her in a different way.

She was gorgeous.

Tags: K.C. Crowne Romance