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We viewed three homes, then headed to the property I was hoping she’d choose.

“Nancy,” I said as we were driving, “I know we’ve got a few more places on the list, but I think this next home is special.”

“I liked the digital photos,” she nodded, scrolling through her messages, “but I have to feel something major when I walk up to the front door. I want to be wowed.”

“That’s what I’m counting on.” I turned left onto the private road leading up to the house, then pulled into the front driveway just as the sun was beginning to set.

Quickly, I walked around the front of the luxury rental car and opened the door for Nancy, who stepped out and took in the property’s grand facade. The sun had begun to set, and the grounds were lit tastefully, showcasing the home’s many well-tended native trees, bright yellow and orange in their autumn hues.

We stepped up to the front door and I opened it using a code the listing agent had sent me. Nancy’s eyes were busy examining every detail, but she didn’t say a word. I was beginning to have doubts that she would choose this place after all.

Then, when I opened the door, her jaw dropped.

The entryway extended all the way across the home to a massive glass wall that was positioned directly in front of the shoreline. On the other side of the water, Vancouver’s city lights sparkled and glittered like stars, reflecting on the lake as the light in the sky darkened to a purple dusk. The home sported twin staircases on either side of the foyer, and an enormous chandelier hung from the second story, made of wrought iron forged in the shape of elk horns.

Nancy walked the long, narrow entryway until she reached the panels of glass. On either side of us, a formal dining room shined with elegant finishes, and a sumptuous sitting room overlooked the same magnificent view.

“Wowed?” I asked, pleased with the look on her face.

“Wowed,” she said, smiling. “You’ve outdone yourself, Nathaniel.”

My face broke into a wide grin. “Let’s go take a look at the rest of the house.”

It wasn’t long before Nancy was imagining how she’d furnish the home, calling her husband in New York to tell him she had found “the one,” and giving me a congratulatory hug for finding her dream home.

After speaking with her husband, Nancy told me she wanted to move forward with an offer. I explained that the Vancouver market was just as volatile, if not more so, than New York, so we would have to act quickly. No lowball offers; it needed to be fair.

We agreed on an offer. I drove Nancy back to her hotel and assured her that I would have the offer written up and sent to the seller’s realtor by the end of the night.

Once I returned to the Fairmont, I settled into a plush booth tucked into a quieter corner of the bar so no one would disturb me while I nursed a beer and wrote up the offer. Within ten minutes of hitting send, the listing agent called me to negotiate the terms. I closed the deal and called Nancy right away to let her know she was the proud new owner of a waterfront mansion in North Vancouver.

Another successful transaction

I was glad I would be returning to Amelia with a new sale under my belt. Something inside me wanted to make her proud, even though I had done big deals like this hundreds of times over the years. Still, I couldn’t help the feeling that her text yesterday had been my lucky charm.

After ordering a celebratory steak for dinner, I realized my next day in Vancouver would be wide open. Without any more showings, I could technically change my flight and head home tomorrow, but Vancouver was a great city, and I might as well spend the day there. Besides, Amelia was busy with work. As much as I looked forward to seeing her when I got home, she wouldn’t be free until Thursday.

I decided I would spend the following day exploring. There was great hiking nearby, and an amazing Chinatown with famous noodle shops.

Vancouver also boasted a bustling fashion district. I could find something special for Amelia; something beautiful that would make her smile when I next saw her.

As I closed my laptop and took care of my check at the bar, I was buzzing with excitement at the thought of seeing Amelia soon. Heading up to my room, I kept looking back at her picture. The photo that I had fantasized about last night in the shower.

I slipped the key card into the slot and opened the door to my room, my skin now burning hot with the thought of Amelia’s body beneath mine.

Thursday couldn’t come soon enough.

Chapter 15


Ididn’t have time to lock the bathroom door. Lunging in the direction of the toilet, sweating profusely, I dropped down on my knees and lost the contents of my stomach.

My father’s voice came from the other side of the door.

“Amelia? Honey, can I come in?”

“Yeah,” I said, feeling that the worst of it was over. “Come on in.”

Tags: K.C. Crowne Romance