Casey had always been someone who believed in love and soulmates and all that shit that only really seemed to exist in fairytales. She’d always hoped to find her one true love one day. Her soulmate, the person that she could spend the rest of her life with.
She’d tried finding that person foryears. She’d had more relationships with more women than she could count, and each time she’d hoped that they would be the one that she’d been searching for, but it had turned out every time that they weren’t.
Casey had dealt with quite a few heartbreaks in her lifetime, and as she’d gotten older, she’d figured that it was probably best that she just stop trying to find that person. It wasn’t worth all the pain and sadness that came after yet another failed relationship.
But even after deciding to stop trying so hard to find that person, she’d never given up on the idea of having her one true love. She still believed that that kind of thing could exist. People could have soulmates. People could have their one and only love, the one that they could grow old with. It’s just that that kind of thing couldn’t be found; it just had to happen naturally, and no amount of searching would suffice.
Casey was a bit of a hopeless romantic, needless to say, so she had to wonder if she was just being delusional yet again. In the twenty or so minutes that she’d known Amira, she’d somehow already managed to convince herself that Amira was her one true love. And Amira had looked less than impressed at her juvenile advances. Maybe she was wrong once again, and maybe—if she even had the chance to start a relationship with Amira in the first place—this would be just another failed relationship to add to the list.
But maybe it wouldn’t be.
Casey seriously couldn’t remember feeling this way about anyone before. She hardly even knew Amira and yet she felt so strongly about her already. This had never happened in the past. She tended to take a while to warm up to new people, and even though she did believe in love at first sight, she’d never felt that she’d actually experienced it before. Until now.
Maybe she was really in love already.
“Dr. Rosen,” Amira sighed once again. “Are you listening to me?”
At this point, not really. Casey was kinda having a bit of an epiphany right now. But she’d still been taking notes while Amira was speaking, and she’d be sure to look at them later. And maybe ask Amira to go over this with her again too. Just to be safe.
“Yes,” she nodded anyway. “Yeah, I’m listening.”
“Right,” Amira murmured. “So, I’ll get her to schedule an appointment with you soon. I think that’s about all for now. ”
“Okay. When was the last time you went out on a date?”
“What?” Amira raised her brows. “Dr. Rosen, are you always this unprofessional? This is a hospital, not a dating site.”
“Right,” Casey chuckled. “I know. I know, I’m sorry. I’m not usually like this at work—ask anyone! I’m very professional! I even have a strict No-dating-coworkers policy! But I just…well, I like you. I want to see you outside of work.”
Amira couldn’t help the loud snort that left her mouth after hearing that. She quickly cleared her throat and wiped the smile off of her face afterward, though, trying to look serious again.
“How old are you anyway? I’m nearly 50- I’m old enough to be your mother.”
“I’m thirty-four and no you aren’t. It isn’t that much of a difference.” Casey put on her most convincing and charming smile which usually always worked. Amira looked unamused, but not utterly unconvinced, which Casey would count as a win.
“My work is very important to me,” Amira said after a while. “It’s themostimportant thing to me, actually. So, if you can’t keep things professional at work no matter what’s going on in our personal lives, then I don’t want anything to do with you.”
“We’re on the same page,” Casey nodded. “I feel the exact same way. We’ll keep our personal lives completely separate from our work.”
Amira looked lost in thought.
Was she considering saying yes? Maybe this was going better than Casey had thought.
“Sure, we can go out some time, Dr. Rosen.” Amira finally answered after a long stretch of silence. “But you should know that I haven’t been on a date in many years, so I might not exactly know what...” She blushed, leaving the statement dangling.
Casey grinned. “Don’t worry about a thing, Dr. Alvarez. We will have fun. If it helps, I definitely know what I am doing.”
Amira spent the next week wondering why on earth she had said yes to the good-lookingyoungDr. Rosen.
Dr. Rosen had been pushy and charming and, well, if Amira was honest, totally gorgeous. She had short brown hair and piercing green eyes and defined cheekbones and she was tall. She looked like some kind of model. She was the Sports Psychologist Consultant on their team and Amira had had hugely positive feedback from her basketball player on her session with Dr. Rosen. Maybe it was true, she was professional and good at her job.
This was a fresh start for Amira, and she was really looking forward to a date. Well, she was looking forward to any kind of social life outside of the hospital, but why not a date? She was well and truly single now. For the first time in years, she felt jittery and nervous, antsy and excited, scared in the absolute best way.
For the first time in years, she was back to caring about things like how she looked and what people thought of her. Her heart felt as if it would beat its way right out of her chest every time she interacted with Dr. Rosen in the hospital. As much as she should have been mad that she kept feeling Dr.Rosen’s eyes all over her body, the thought of it turned her on more than she dared admit even to herself.
It was a little nerve-racking, but Amira was really enjoying the feeling of wanting to impress someone again. It made her feel young again. She hadn’t realized how much she missed that feeling until this thing with Dr. Rosen.