Amira could already imagine their kids running around, giggling loudly as they ran away from Casey during a game of tag. She could already see Casey falling asleep with tired kids in her arms. She could imagine her and Casey giving a loving home to children that so badly needed it.

“I can’t believe Lucy will be here so soon.”

“I know,” Amira grinned. “We’ve been waiting so long and now it’s finally happening, Casey. She’s finally gonna be ours. Ours to love and take care of for the rest of our lives. And she will just be the beginning. Are you ready?”

“More than ready,” Casey smiled. “I can’t wait to start this new journey with you. What about you? Are you ready?”

Amira nodded. “I am. I’m going to be the most dedicated mother to our children, I promise you that.”

“I know you will,” Casey kissed the woman’s forehead before hugging her even tighter. “I love you, Amira. So much. You make me so very happy, every day.”

Amira smiled and nestled into Casey’s arms, warm from the sunshine and warm from her depth of love for Casey. This was the beginning of forever and she couldn’t wait.

“I love you, too.”


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