“Saturday evening I will give you your in person lesson. Friday evening, you will meet me at the Jam Cafe on Sherwood Street and we will discuss what will happen on Saturday.”
Friday evening cameand Casey waited in a booth at the very back of Jam Cafe.
When Amira arrived, she looked gorgeous, her hair was wild and curly and her lipstick was dark red on her full lips. Casey smiled. “Thanks for coming. Sit down.” Amira shuffled into the booth opposite her.
Casey had come prepared.
“Communication and consent are the two most important things when it comes to any relationship and any sexual encounter, butespeciallywith BDSM, it’s very important. You have to be open and honest with me about everything, and the same goes for me as well. We both need to communicate clearly with each other. Thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes, rules and boundaries, everything needs to be discussed in depth so that we can have a safe session and it can be enjoyable for both of us.”
Amira nodded, staring at Casey with her usual wide-eyed innocence as she listened closely.
“First and foremost, I want to know what exactly it is that intrigues you about BDSM. Is there anything in particular that you’d like to try? What's most appealing to you?”
“Well...I guess I’ve realised I enjoy being told what to do. Following your orders,” Amira murmured. “I do like when you take control. And I like the idea of exploring things with you. Spanking, for one thing. That’s something I never thought I’d be interested in, but I’m very curious about it and I’d like to try it. I’m not sure if I’d like it, so I’m sorry if I don’t—”
“You don’t apologize for not being into something,” Casey told her quickly. “There’s nothing to apologize for. Everyone has preferences and it’s completely okay if you try something and don’t like it.”
“Right,” Amira smiled. “Well, I’d love to try it and see. Other than that, I really liked it when you called me a filthy slut.” She looked demurely down and Casey felt her own clit pulsing. “Well, that surprised me anyway, how much I liked it. But, yeah, there’s nothing else in particular that I have in mind, but that’s mostly because I still don’t know a whole lot about BDSM.”
Casey nodded, pushing one of the sheets of paper toward her for her to see. “I made a list of common kinks and fetishes and different types of play that you can look at. You can see if there’s anything that sounds interesting to you and if you’d be interested in trying it, you can put a checkmark beside it. Does that sound okay?”
“Yes, thank you.” Amira nodded.
“It’s no problem. This is all new to you and it can be a little overwhelming, so we won’t try too many new things at once. We’ll take things slow and just test the waters for a bit, alright? You can think of our first session as a training session. It won’t be too different than what you might already be used to when it comes to sex. Nothing too extreme.”
“No spanking?” Amira asked looking almost disappointed.
Casey chuckled. “No, no spanking, but don’t worry. We’ll get to that soon enough. It’s important to pace yourself,” she reminded Amira.
Amira nodded obediently.
“Is there anything on the list that makes you uncomfortable? Anything you know right off the bat that you wouldn’t be interested in?”
“Maybe being whipped or caned or anything really painful like that.”
“Understandable,” Casey nodded. “Anything else?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Okay...Is there anything that you don’t want to hear? Is there anything that I said that night when we were texting that made you uncomfortable? I did a bit of name-calling and I know that isn’t for everyone—”
“Oh no,” Amira quickly shook her head, letting out a shy chuckle. “No, that was alright. I liked it a lot. I don’t know why, because if someone called me a slut in real life, I’d go crazy at them.”
“You might be into degradation and humiliation, it’s a common kink.” Casey mumbled, mostly to herself. She licked her lip before clearing her throat. “ Now, would you like to go over the rules?”
“Yes!” Amira nodded quickly, looking excited. Casey chuckled, “I knew you had this desire to submit inside of you. I’m excited to teach you.” She smiled and touched Amira’s hand on the table top and Amira nearly jumped off the chair.
“There won’t be too many rules since we’re just easing you in. Just a couple. Number one and number two, no orgasms without my permission, and you must say thank you after you’ve had your orgasm. Just like I mentioned before. Rule number three, you have to use your manners. Say please when you ask for things—and youmustask nicely for things, not demand. I’m the one in charge, so you don’t tell me what to do, ever—and say thank you if you get what you want.”
“Rule number four, you will call me, Daddy. You’ll say ‘yes, Daddy’ or ‘no, Daddy’, or ‘Please, Daddy,’ always. It goes hand in hand with the wholeusing your mannersthing. We’ll just start with these four rules since they’re simple enough. That sound good?”
“Yes, sounds great.” Amira nodded.
“Great,” Casey smiled. “If everything goes well and you decide that you’d like to continue learning after this session then I’ll introduce a few more rules to you, and of course, we’ll try more things out. I hope everything goes well because I’dlovenothing more than to tie you up to my bed and have my way with you for a few hours. Bondage is my absolute favorite—are you alright?”
Casey’s blunt words had caused Amira to choke on her coffee. Amira recovered and nodded nonetheless, blushing furiously as she tried to quiet her loud hacking down before she drew attention. “I-I’m fine!” she squeaked.
Casey lifted her own drink up to her lips to hide her amused smirk. “Anyway...Once you take a look at that list and pick out some things that you’d be interested in trying, I’ll introduce you to them over time. We can explore together, see what you really enjoy and see if there’s anything that you don’t like. It’s important for you to remember that you have full control here, in terms of what we do in the bedroom. You have every right to change your mind at any time. If you decide that you no longer want to do something, then that’s absolutely fine. If you’re not enjoying something that we’re doing, then that’s absolutely fine, and you can stop it. You’ll need to come up with a safe word, which is something that you can say at any time if things get to be too much or become unenjoyable.”