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Ares put a throw blanket over me and sat next to me so our thighs were touching. He tried to hold my hand, but I took it away from him. I knew they technically came to my rescue–and they would have saved me–if it wasn’t for Mal’s meddling possession. I was thankful for it, but was still furious with all four of them about what happened. Bash claimed me without even thinking of what I wanted. Ares burned his name into my skin…branded me like cattle. Desmond was a high-handed asshole pulling the strings. Iknewhe used my bond with Bash to his advantage in his grand plan.

And Mal…fuck, Mal. I had no clue how to feel about him. I wanted to believe he hated me, that he tried to kill me out of jealousy, but I saw the way he hesitated. I knew he was possessed even before Ares warned me at the airport. Everything from him was a mixed signal. He acted like an asshole toward me and had choked me. But then he tried to be more cordial toward me. He offered to help me escape, but got possessed again and stabbed me…Where is Mal?I scanned the room as I cracked my neck. All four of the guys were standing near each other as they held their breath, literally. Bash was clutching Desmond’s forearm. They all seemed so nervous, eyes wide and trained on me. Were they afraid I was going to run away again?I’m not even sure where I am; this isn’t the NY house. Where will I even go if I run?

When my eyes landed on Azazel, an uncontrollable smile spread across my face, like the sun had started to shine. I was so scared I’d never see him again. Shifting in my seat, I took in his appearance, savoring it. He had his long hair tied up into a bun and wore a black tank with low cut sides. His black jeans were tight with a few holes. The only color he wore was a pair of yellow and orange sneakers. He held Oscar, looking down into the cat’s face with a curious look on his own. His gaze swung to me and those warm eyes made me feel so happy.

“Hey, honey, how are you feeling? You were out for a while.” He sat on my other side, setting Oscar down on my lap.

My little kitty-boy curled up to me and put his paw on my hand, as if he was giving me his strength and signature indifference.Yeah, if only it was that easy to be above the emotional bullshit I feel right now.

“Um, I’m not okay,” I said as Ares’ gripped my hand again in a tight vise hold, weaving our fingers together. I sent a crippling blast of magic through where our skin touched, and he let go, a surprised expression on his face. He turned, switching his focus to glare daggers at Zaz. “I’m furious at everyone, except you, obviously.”

“What?” Ares and Bash snapped in unison, hurt and confusion filling their eyes.

How could they possibly be surprised? Desmond nodded his head. I could see him battle his need to take control and fix the situation, but instead he dropped his eyes to the floor. The sullen look on his face betrayed him; he knew why I was upset. I was surprised he wasn’t being more assertive.

I finally found Mal standing in the corner, a look of guilt and worry twisting his hauntingly handsome face. He wasted no time crossing the room, standing far enough away that we had some distance, but close enough that he could draw my attention. He cleared his throat to make sure I noticed him. I wasn’t sure if he realized, but even when I tried to ignore him with every fiber of my being, he always captured my attention. Whether I wanted him to or not.

“Diana, I know sorry isn’t going to cut it. Satan possessed me, and I didn’t mean to stab you. I really fucked this up. Confessing how jealous I was of you isn’t an excuse. Calling you names, tormenting you, and almost choking you to death wasn’t right. I regret every interaction we’ve had since I laid eyes on you in that club,” he rasped as tears welled in his eyes. I had no clue how to respond. “How do we start over? What can I do to make this right? I’ve spent days looking for you since you disappeared and hours thinking of what to say, and I have nothing.”

“Wait, what?” Azazel snarled. “You were possessed by Satan and youstabbedher? What happened?! That wasn’t what I saw—It shouldn’t have happened that way!”

“Is Diana safe with you four or does she need to come with us?” A random man with ice blond hair and piercing blue-gray eyes threatened. I hadn’t seen him on my first scan of the room. “I won’t have her being terrorized by this ruffian hellbound.”

Who the fuck was he? I was not going anywhere with whoeveruswas.

“Excuse me, but who are you? A little bold of you to assume I’d go anywhere with you, considering I don’t know you and you radiate sketchy vibes,” I snarked. Something about this man just rubbed me the wrong way. “I have five men who want to act like they’re my fucking father, and I don’t need a sixth. I made it twenty-two years without one, and I’ve survived so far.”

“I’m Michael,” he deadpanned, raising a brow at me like he held some authority.

“Good for you.I’m Diana. You’re going to have to be more specific, because everybody and their father is named Michael.” I was over this guy already and I just met him.

“Michael…the Archangel…from the Bible. I’m literally God’s right-hand angel,” he enunciated, like my brain had put up anout for lunchsign. If demons and Lucifer were real, I guess the angels were, too. I glared at him, because the last thing I needed was a pompous stranger witnessing my impending emotional breakdown.

I sat on the sofa wringing my hands together in silence for several moments while I took it all in. There were so many thoughts playing bouncy castle in my mind. What did Azazel mean when he said ‘That wasn’t what I saw—It shouldn’t have happened that way’? Mal seemed sorry, but all men say they’re sorry, even if they aren’t. I disappeared? They looked for me? Where was I, and how come Ares was shocked I was alive? Everything collided, and I sniffled trying to hold back tears.

“What’s going on?!” I yelled as I threw off the blanket. My head felt like it was going to burst. I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling on it and relishing the feeling of the tension at the roots. “Why did you all need to look for me? There’s too much going on right now!” I screamed. Jesus, now I was vying for an Academy Award for Most Pathetic Bitch On Screen. I hated yelling almost as much as I hated crying, especially in front of people. I was losing my shit, and couldn’t seem to stop myself. Oscar was so scared that he hissed and ran under the coffee table.

“Diana, I think we should all sit down over dinner, Azazel and Michael included, and discuss everything that happened. That way we’re all on the same page,” Desmond suggested. He walked over to me and extended his hand. “How about I show you to your seat?”

“You expect me to sit down at a table with a man who tried to murder me, two who claimed me without my consent, another who can’t give me a direct answer to save his life, and a controlling asshole who can’t even admit his own feelings unless I almost die?!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. My voice echoed, sounding unnatural and damn near possessed.

My power swelled inside me, gassing me up like an old friend as it coursed throughout my body. I felt like I was being zapped with thousands of volts of electricity. Who did they think they were?How dare they treat me like a child.Sit down at the table, Diana. Let us fucking twist every word you say and convince you that none of this is our fault.No fucking thank you.

“Diana, calm down,” Ares said in what he thought was a soothing voice.Never tell a woman to calm down.He laid his hand on my forearm as he spoke, rubbing it up and down. Desmond and Zaz shook their heads with pinched facial expressions, while he remained oblivious to what he’d said. “We can eat, talk, and chill out. There’s no reason to get your panties in a twist. Unless you want me to twist your panties for you…” He winked. That motherfucking dickwinkedat me.

I felt a switch flip inside me. My magic exploded like a grenade, causing everyone around me to catch the resulting shrapnel. My entire body lit on fire, clothes and all. The flames whipped out, burning Ares’ hand and catching his pants on fire. He stopped, dropped, and rolled, to put himself out. Desmond rushed toward me, but one swipe of my hand threw him into the wall at the far end of the room. Azazel started talking, but I didn’t want to hear anything he had to say. It probably was another fucking riddle anyway. One thought from my mind muted him. Mal inched closer to me, a corner of the blanket in each hand.

“Diana…” he hesitantly said. “You’re really mad right now, and we deserve that… but you set the couch on fire, and you’re dangerous right now. You’re hurting us.”

“I’m hurtingyou…YOU STABBED ME!” I screamed, my rage reaching epic proportions.

I had never been so angry in my life. I eyed the candle holder on the table, noticing its metal work. It had sharp strips of silver bands that weaved around to create a basket to hold the candle. The edges stuck out, like the ties on a bow. I picked it up in my hand and dumped the candle out. Before I even knew what I was doing, I stabbed an edge into his throat, directly through his windpipe. I twisted it to further open the wound. Payback could be a real bitch. Blood poured through the wound, and dripped out the edges of his mouth onto the crisp white shirt he wore. Seeing him die somewhat dissipated my anger, even though I knew he’d just reanimate.Immortal fucker. The flames engulfing my body and clothes snuffed out. My power still coursed through my body, but it became more manageable. Now I could concentrate on what was going on.

“Diana, what the fuck?!” Bash shouted. I ignored him. This was my payback, my moment, and I would not let any of them make me feel guilty about it.

“How does it feel to die,Malcontent?” I asked through a smile. Laughter bubbled in my chest. “Doyouenjoy feeling the life drain from your body? Does it feel good to be soaked in your own blood?”

He fell to the floor, convulsing. As he gurgled on his blood to try and respond, I knelt beside him, so I could hear him.

Tags: Maggie Bonnet Paranormal