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As soon as Bash faded us to the suite, I ditched him, slamming my bedroom door behind me and locking it for good measure. He had the common sense not to follow me, which was good for him because I was in no mood for his possessive, controlling nonsense. I stripped all of my clothes off and hopped into the shower in my ensuite bathroom, sighing when the hot water hit my back. Charlie had picked out some lavender shower tabs when Ares brought him along to shop for me. They dissolved when they got wet, releasing a woodsy, floral scent that made me feel more relaxed. By the time I washed the conditioner from my hair, I was able to feel past the impatient anger that clouded my judgment and think about what I wanted our next steps to be.

The fancy soap matched the bath tabs. The lather felt so rich and creamy against my skin that I lost myself in the luxury of it all. I ran my hands over my breasts, squeezing each of them and circling my thumbs against my nipples. A light breath, something between a sigh and a moan left my lips. The shower door opened, startling me out of my brief reprieve. Bash stepped in, uninvited, completely nude. His hard cock bobbed between his legs. Had he been watching me?

“Get out, please. I want to be alone,” I said, scowling at him. He held me in a tight grip, bending down so our foreheads touched.

“No,” he said, kissing my throat and lowering his hands to my ass cheeks. His fingers dug into my flesh as he backed me into a wall.

“Yes, Bash, I want to bealone. I’m not in the mood for your controlling, psychotic, possessive, alpha-demon bullshit tonight. I’m going to bed.”

“You want to go to bed?” he asked, his eyes turning black as if he dared me to answer him. I could feel the irritation I’d just banished rising within me tenfold.Is he serious right now?Only Bash would interrupt someone’s quiet time, act like an insensitivetwat, as he’d call it, and then get huffy about being asked to leave.

“Yes, I want to go to bed. Did you mishear me? Are you just that fucking controlling and possessive that you completely disregard what I want on autopilot?!” I raised my voice, because I was that emotionally fucked. I finally made contact with my other dad and the first thing he said to me wasno, you’re not supposed to find me.It hurt.

Bash picked me up by my ass cheeks, hauling me over his shoulders like a fucking neanderthal. He slapped my ass across the middle, the sting smarting so bad that I jolted. I pounded on his back, screaming at him to stop as he carried me to the bed and dropped me on it, soaking wet. He didn’t even have the fucking decency to let me dry off first.

“You’re so fucking feisty, it only makes me want to claim you more.” He laughed maniacally, climbing on top of me and pinning my hands above my head. “You can fight me as hard as you want, but you’re mine, Birdie. I know what you need more than you do.”

I put my hand on his side, hitting him with a surge of magical energy that made him wince. Unexpected, but necessary. Sometimes it was hot, but I was in no mood for his shit right now.

“Well, you’re mine, Bash. And I’m telling you that I’m a mess right now and don’t want to interact with you, or your dick,” I snapped.

I kicked him in his side, expecting him to roll off me, but he only smiled like he enjoyed it.

“That doesn’t work on me like your magic does. Superior strength, remember? He held my wrists in one hand, using the other to cup my face. “Tell me why you’re so tense and angry. I’ve felt it since we arrived at the suite.”

“No, get the fuck off me, and stop bothering me,” I spat.

I wanted a night alone to stew in my own frustration. Just when I thought we took one step forward, we got kicked back three steps. Was I really asking for so much to be left alone in my room? Bash licked the pulse point on my neck, biting into it softly. I hated my body’s response, how I melted into it so easily despite how fucking arrogant and annoying he was acting.

“You’re only delaying your own pleasure, acting like a spoiled brat, Birdie. We have a bond. You bearmymark. Your body wants my touch–it calls to me, even if you don’t mean it to,” he rasped. His voice lowered an octave as his horns sprouted from his head. “It knows what you need, even if you don’t want to admit it.”

“You have no fucking clue what’s going on–you don’t even know how I feel.My body calls to you?And what exactly do I need, you arrogant fuck?” I wanted to piss him off, poke him until he got sick of me and took a hint to get the Hell out of here.

“You’re upset about your father’s reaction to seeing you. He obviously knows what you look like, which means he’s been keeping tabs on you, yet he never made contact. You’re frustrated that no one wants to jump on the lead we have right away without thinking all of our options through. You’re young and impulsive, so I totally get it. You’re mad at me because you think I’m a controlling piece of shit. And finally, you’re mad at yourself because you hate how much you care about your father, even if he doesn’t care about you. And about how your body reacts to me. It’s beyond your control, or even mine.”

My face cracked. I didn’t think Bash was perceptive enough to know how I felt, let alone be able to articulate the reasons I felt that way. He chuckled, dipping down to lick my lips. I snapped at him, trying to bite his nose, but he pulled back before I could.

“Oh Birdie, don’t be surprised. I always know how you feel. As far as what you need, you need to be reminded of who you belong to. Who owns your body on the deepest, most primal level. You need to let go and be handled, and believe me, I’m going to handle you.”

He let go of my wrists. Before I could wriggle out of my spot in the middle of the bed, black rope wound around them, spreading them to the far corners of the bed in a V shape. Bash held onto my thighs, pulling them apart so the outsides were touching the bed. He bit down hard on my inner thigh, over his mark, then licked the inflamed skin and cuts his sharp canines made. I wailed, not expecting it to feel so arousing. The pain made me feel a simultaneous burst of fury and wanton need. I wasn’t sure if he was manipulating my pheromones or if it was our bond, but the surge in desire took my breath away.What the fuck is wrong with me? Seriously, why do I get turned on by this man acting like a complete jerk?

“That’s your first reminder, Birdie,” he sing-songed, his voice deepening as the veins in his face darkened.

Moons and men, maybe an angry fuck was what I needed to feel better. I bucked my hips at his face, silently begging him to devour my pussy. I wanted him to eat it so good he cleaned the fucking plate. His wicked smile and the mischievous sparkle in his blacked-out eyes led me to think it wasn’t going to happen.

“They spoil you, but I’m not giving in so easily. You’ll get what you want when you admit who owns you. I’ll only ask you three times, too. If you don’t admit it, you get nothing,” he said. He ran his tongue around my nipple, lapping at the stiff peak before taking it into his mouth to suck on it. A twinge of lust shot straight through to my gut, pooling right at my weeping pussy.

Who owns you?he asked as he continued to suck on it, flicking my other nipple with his fingers.

No one,I answered. He bit down on it, digging his nails into the soft flesh of the thigh he still held.

Liar, I can smell your lust. I feed from it.

He changed his position, kneeling so that his knees were on either side of my shoulders. He placed his dick on my mouth while he collared my throat with his hand and squeezed it enough to cut some of my air circulation off. His other hand held my head still so it didn’t move when he started thrusting in and out of my mouth. My lady bitsgushed. Holy fuck being used as a willing hole felt orgasmic. My fury melted away with every slide of his cock between my lips. Once he got a rhythm going, he reached back and twirled my nipples, pinching them lightly as his thick demon meat rammed down my throat, making me gag around him.

I feel like only someone who owns you would dominate you while he fucked your face. Tell me, my little filthy whore, who owns you? Who makes you feel good?

When I heard him call me that, I moaned around his mouth, sucking his dick in with every thrust. Something about hearing the guys call me that made me feel so erotic. I could feel myself getting wetter by the second. My clit was throbbing with the need for him to lick it, stroke it, suck on it–anything. He was right, my body knew it needed him.

Tags: Maggie Bonnet Paranormal