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“Welcome, Diana,” Judas boomed, his voice jovial and laid back as usual. He leaned back in his chair, his posture relaxed. I didn’t miss how he sat next to Angela. Something was definitely going on there. “Gentlemen, good to see you all. Take a seat.”

I guided Diana to sit at the other head position at the table, across from Judas, with Ares and I sitting to her left and right. Then the rest of our crew sat in the empty seats on either side. I scanned my gaze up and down the length of the table, and saw some familiar faces. Tyran Sullivan, the most dangerous Sluagh in Ireland. Apollo, Ares’ brother. Nostra D’Amico, the leader of the deadliest vampire clan in Italy. They acted as a source of vigilante law among the supernatural world there. He was Judas’ cousin and sire. Wren Black, the leader of the notorious Blackfeather Murder, the deadliest group of Crow Shifters in North America. MotherLorraine, the de facto head of Witches and Warlocks in New York City. She sat next to Nonna, so I assumed they were friends and that connection was what brought her here. Oisín sat with Beelzebub, his close friend and one of the most powerful demons in Hell. He had friends in the darkest, most depraved places and behind the scenes in Hell’s political machine. In the middle of the board table was Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Cassiel. They were the highest-ranking archangels in Heaven and to have them here boded well for their support of Diana.

“I think a great way to start the meeting is to go around the table and introduce ourselves. Many of us are strangers, or have only heard of each other in passing,” I said, making sure to speak loudly so my voice carried.

One by one everyone went around and gave a quick introduction of who they were. Diana introduced herself last, saying exactly what we had practiced to garner the crowd’s favor. “My name is Diana Rossi Morningstar, daughter of Michael the Archangel, Lucifer, and the late Marilyn Rossi. I’m from Brooklyn, but recently relocated to Las Vegas for my and my family’s safety. Red put a hit on me, and I’m being hunted by my half-brother Damon Morningstar. Thank you all for coming today.”

“Any chance I have to rid the world of Damon Morningstar, I’ll take. Thank you for having us,” a tall, slim woman said from a seat toward the middle of the table. “My name is Mariah Malone, and I represent the Druid Groves of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Before we go further, can you explain how you’re both Lucifer and Michael’s child? How is that possible?”

“Michael, I think that’s something you could explain,” Az jumped in, saving Diana from having to answer the awkward question.

“I’ve been having an on-again off-again affair with Lucifer Morningstar since before he fell from grace. We met Marilyn, a witch, at a club and made Diana. She has a third of each of our DNA,” Michael explained to a staring, flabbergasted crowd. “For Diana’s safety, Lucifer and I temporarily bound her powers until she turned twenty-two. That’s why she recently came into her magic.”

“So that would make Diana two-thirds angel, and one-third witch,” Mariah said, a thoughtful look on her face. “Hmmm…”

“And one hundred percent perfect,” Ares chimed in. He grinned, giving Diana googly eyes.

“Thank you, Ares,” Diana said. “Does that ratio mean anything?”

“It’s a unique mix, and many feel that it may make you more powerful. Angels rarely, if ever, reproduce. Lucifer and I are among the few exceptions. Most angels are created, not born,” Michael explained. “For example, Azazel was made into an angel after he passed over from his human life, because of the circumstances of his death.”

Diana didn’t seem surprised, and I wondered if Azazel had told her the entire story of his death. Did he show her his shifted form?

“Maybe that explains some of my magical capabilities,” Diana commented. “But I don’t want to get off topic. We called everyone here because Red is dangerous, unstable, and ruining Hell and the communities that belong to it. He’s bringing about the demise of the world as we know it by trying to expand Hell on earth. That impacts everyone at this table. I want to stop him.”

“How do we know this isn’t a grab for power? The men you’ve aligned yourself with have worked as Red’s personal assassin team for centuries. They’re also known instigators and have stirred the pot to get their way in the past. Now all of a sudden, they want him gone?” D’Amico said, directing his question more at the six of us instead of just Diana.

“Yes, we do. We’ve seen the damage he’s done to Hell from the front row–how he kills those that merely think of disagreeing with him. How he’s tortured people and infringed on their rights. Vampires are one of the groups he’s fucked over the most, especially smaller covens,” Desmond said.

“Saying he’s bringing about the ‘demise of Earth' is a bit of a stretch though, isn’t it?” Cordova asked, his suspicion clear in his voice. “Surely, Ms. Morningstar is exaggerating on that front?”

“Diana never lies or exaggerates,” Ares said, rising from the table with a stone-cold glare on his face. “Azazel has had visions of Diana for centuries, since before she was born. He’s seen the potential damage Red can do. He’s also seen Diana fighting him.”

“I’ve heard of your visions… Weren’t you disgraced over fabricating visions?” Tyran said. I was surprised he’d say that. I could have sworn he’d be on our side, given his friendship with Judas. He slyly winked at me, and I caught on. He wanted to address the concern before someone else brought it up.

I leaned over the table, pointing my gaze at Michael. He’d have to come clean over what happened to Azazel if he expected any help from the rest of the magical community. “Again, I think that’s an explanation Michael needs to give.”

Raphael cut a scathing gaze at Michael, silently begging him not to speak. The man was so selfish that he’d rather us lose support than admit his wrongdoings.Unbelievable.Now I know what Azazel meant when he said‘Heaven is a contrived perfection.’

“Those charges were fake,” Michael admitted, holding his head high. “Heaven wasn’t ready to accept the world’s impending fate, and it was easier to get rid of Azazel than prepare for what he had seen. He was sentenced to death by wing removal, but I fought for him to be disgraced so he could keep an eye on Diana when she finally arrived. Little did I know she’d be my daughter.”

Whispers and sounds of disgust rang throughout the room at the revelation. People openly regarded Michael with hostility, and he dropped his gaze to the floor. Diana rolled her eyes, shifting in her chair so her right leg crossed over her left. We’d have to talk about body language at some point. She couldn’t be seen throwing an attitude in public meetings, as it could be a sign of disrespect.

“If Ares and Apollo don’t mind helping me, I can show you all two key visions I’ve had,” Azazel offered. “They could broadcast it to the room, maybe like a projector?”

“Oh, we definitely could,” Apollo quipped. He stood from his seat, walking over to Ares and Azazel. His Santorini-blue shirt highlighted his brilliant, ocean blue eyes. Apollo was barely shorter than his brother, but whereas Ares was packed with muscle, he had a runner’s build–slimmer, but still muscular in his own right. His golden blond hair was tied in a low man bun.

He held hands with both Ares and Azazel, and they broadcasted two starkly different visions to the room. They flickered against a blank white wall on the opposite end of the room, like a movie theater projector. The first was short, under a minute long. Diana was dressed in golden body armor, fighting Red in what looked to be a destroyed Times Square. The five of us were there, along with some of the allies in this room, and others, battling his army. The backdrop of the city was on fire, smoke and ash falling from the sky. Azazel flew above her, his wings covered in ashes.

The second vision was a little longer. The plaza in Pandemonium, Hell’s capital city, was filled with demonic soldiers, standing in neat rows from corner to corner. There had to be hundreds of reptile shifters, masked fighters, trolls, vampires, and other paranormal beings gathered. They listened raptly as Red talked about how magic had been suppressed and hidden away on earth for long enough. It was time for supernatural supremacy, to take back what had once been ours.

Until now, Diana hadn’t seen the visions for herself. I’d summarized them for her while prepping her for the meeting, so she knew what she was up against. The stunned look on her face let me know I should have done it sooner.Not in a room full of people. Thankfully, Judas deflected attention away from Diana.

“The Costa Coven were not the vampires in that vision,” he bellowed, “And any coven that sides with someone who treads on vampires’ freedoms is no ally of mine.” He looked at D'Amico, silently measuring him. “Stand with me, cousin. Let’s align ourselves on the right side of history. Help me unite the American and European covens against Red.”

“I only questioned them to better understand their motives, Judas. I’ll always stand with you,” D’Amico declared. “Diana, you have full disposal of my coven’s forces when the time comes to fight.”

“Thank you. I look forward to this being a prosperous alliance for both of us,” Diana agreed as she shook his hand. Magical sparks flew from their joining, sealing his promise in a magical contract.

Tags: Maggie Bonnet Paranormal