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“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. If you had the ability to track people like I did, you’d be all over Diana. It was hard to give her space and not track her constantly at the mansion in New York,” he reminisced.

Everyone’s face fell as we remembered her back at the mountain house. She always commanded everyone’s attention when she entered a room, simply by being herself. And now we had no clue where she was, or if she was safe. The pressure to find her and bring her home weighed on me, like a Cerberus sitting on my shoulders. I had to snap out of whatever funk I was in and step up. My crew needed me. Diana needed me.

“Okay, let’s split into pairs. Mal and I can work on ways to locate Diana using the resources we have and what we know. Ares and Bash, you two work on ways to find out where Azazel is. We’ll meet again tomorrow over breakfast.” I got up from the bed, brushed myself off, and put my game face on. Mal and Ares left the room, but Bash stayed behind.

“Are you okay?” he asked me.

Bash rubbed my bicep as he searched my face for the truth with his penetrating midnight eyes. His inky, dark hair was wavy and disheveled looking.

“Yeah, I’m fine now,” I lied. I couldn’t describe what happened to me without feeling like a weak-ass bitch.

“Desmond, no one is faulting you. You thought Diana died in your arms and saw some horrific shit. Then her body disappeared. You were in shock.” Bash smiled at me, his face full of understanding. But he couldn’tpossiblyunderstand how epically I fucked everything up.

“Yeah, and I let the crew down. We almost got overrun at the airport by those fucking reptile shifters. I left you guys to figure out how to escape and get us to safety. I’m sorry, Bash.”

“Lucifer’s left nut, the bloody reptile scum… I almost forgot. They’re going to be a huge problem… Let’s deal with them after we find Diana.” Bash sighed. “Look, you’re our strong, fearless leader. But you’re not impervious. Everyone is allowed to have weak moments, and when you do, the rest of us are here to step up and help you. We keep calm and carry on,together. You don’t have to do it alone.”

Bash brought his other hand to my cheek, rubbing his thumb against my beard. I leaned into his soothing touch. He always knew when I was hurting and somehow made it through my stubborn walls.

“I failed, Bash. Diana could be in some serious shit. This whole fucking plan went off the rails…” I trailed off, because it hurt too much to consider how much danger Diana was in now that Red knew. “And she could be anywhere...” I grabbed the back of my neck, slouching in my pity.

“Des, hey, look at me,” Bash said as he grabbed my shoulders. “We will come back from this and kill Red; this is just a bump in the road. And IfeelDiana. She’s alive, and not in a state of panic.”

His eyes slowly darkened to a pitch black. With how desperate and hollow I felt, I wanted to drown in their shadowy depths. Bash had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, until I saw Diana’s. I’d give anything to look down into her stormy eyes again, even if they sometimes made me uncomfortable with how they could peer into my soul. Thinking of Diana hurt so much, because no matter what Bash said, I would always feel her disappearance was my fault.

Bash caressed the back of my neck, guiding me closer until our lips brushed against each other. His mouth had always been so inviting and delicious. I took his face in hand and devoured him, clinging to him like he was a liferaft in a turbulent, deadly sea. My tongue plunged into his mouth, warring with his for dominance. He firmly held onto the back of my neck as I pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top of him, never breaking our kiss as he ground his hardness into my hip. Fumbling my button and zipper, he pulled my jeans and underwear down, then his joggers. My cock was hard as it slapped against my stomach. I could feel the wetness of his precum, and he thrusted himself against my naked skin. I rolled us over, so I could sit on the edge of the bed with him straddling my lap. He leaned back slightly, taking both our hot, throbbing lengths and stroking them together. I couldn’t help but thrust into his hand. All of these feelings of failure and desperation swirling inside me needed to escape, and he was giving me the perfect outlet.

“Fuck, Bash, that feelsgood,” I growled as I wrapped my hand around his throat, squeezing just hard enough to cut off some of his air supply. “I want you to strangle my dick until I come all over you.”

“Yeah, Daddy? I want to feel your wet seed seep through my fingers, and then I’m going to lick it all up. Choke me harder,” he rasped, right as I tightened my grip on his neck. Our horns popped out, and I heard the crack of his tail whipping behind him as his rough hand continued to work our cocks.

Hells bells, that fucking British accent gets me every time. Dirty little tease.We both moaned into each other’s mouths as he kept stroking, the friction between us too tantalizing to resist. When we broke our kiss, he replaced his hand with his indigo tail. The erotic image of it weaving around us drove me insane. He rubbed my horns, holding onto them for his damned life as I thrusted into his tail like a rodeo bull. Our precum mixed together, making everything slippery and slick. The overwhelming sensations drove me to sink my teeth into his neck.

“FUCK,” he shouted.

The feeling of skin beneath my teeth made my inner demon claw its way out. My eyes refocused, and my skin tinted red. His tail squeezed our cocks so hard they erupted. Ropes of scalding hot cum landed all over our stomachs and his thighs. His tail swiped through our releases, and he brought the tip to his mouth and sucked it in.

Smashing, he mindlinked me as he got up, kneeling in front of me to clean off our combined cum on my stomach with his tongue.We taste delicious.

When he was done, I pulled him to sit on my knee and gave him a long, languorous kiss to get a taste for myself.We do.

“Do you feel calmer and more focused now?” he asked.

“Yeah. I know what you’re trying to say–and you’re right–but until we find Diana and I see for myself she’s safe, I’m going to feel like this is my fault.” I ran my hands through my hair and sighed.

“Okay, then we need to stop frotting around and get to work!” Bash exclaimed as he shot off my lap and pulled his pants up.

“Frotting?” I asked. “Do I want to know what that is?”

“Yes, google it,Frot Daddy,” he snickered.

I took my phone out to search for the phrase, immediately rolling my eyes at the results.

“Where do they get the termfrottingfrom?” I thought aloud.

“Not sure, but it's on my top ten list of favorite words from this century…hands down.Our pants,” he busted out laughing.

“Okay you Frotty Fuck. Let’s go get Diana back.”

Tags: Maggie Bonnet Paranormal