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“Fucking do something about it, Mal. Fuck me harder. Make me scream,” she demanded, laying down a challenge I couldn’t ignore.

I moved my hands from her hips, pinching her nipples as I rolled them between my thumb and forefinger. My magic kept her suspended in place. When I twisted her body slightly so I hit a different angle, her face lit up like fucking fireworks, and I knew she wouldn’t hold on for long. Ares switched to deep, long drives as he held my neck, which only made me fuck deeper into Diana. She squeezed her legs tighter around my hips, holding me against her and whining into my ear.

“I’m wrapped around your little finger, princess,” I whispered, hitting that sweet spot inside her. Her body glowed, a soft golden haze that bounced off the metal fixtures in the shower stall, mingling with Ares’ and filling the space with ambient light. “You could own me, and all you’d have to do is say the word.”

“You’re mine, Mal,” she whimpered. “I’m so close, make me come, right now,” she demanded.

I snaked a hand down to pinch her clit, finally setting off her climax. She screamed so loud the entire hotel probably heard it. I shoved my knot inside her as I finished, letting it swell and stretch her, plugging up her pussy so that every drop of my cum stayed inside her.I could sort of see why Ares has a breeding kink… The thought of my cum coating her insides is alluring.

Ares wasn’t done yet. He held me still, pummeling me into Diana as he jackhammered my prostate. Despite finishing, I felt like a live wire–a million bolts of electricity buzzing through my body. She held my face, locking eyes with me as I fell apart again. Ares’ hot seed filled my ass, and he thrusted through it a few more times for good measure.

We all stilled to catch our breaths. Without the grunts, groans and moans bouncing around the room, I could hear the water hitting Ares behind me, dripping onto the floor. He pulled out and slapped my ass, the sting traveling all the way to my toes.

“That better not have been sex talk, Diana, because now I’m going to talk the guys into running a train on you, so I can make your wildest fantasy come true,” he warned her.

“Mmmm,” she yawned. “Plan it, and I’ll be there. Make sure there’s water and snacks though. It’s not a party without snacks.”

I laughed as I loosened my telekinetic hold on her to cradle her to my chest. She was about to fall asleep on her feet, and I wanted to make sure she was safe. When my knot loosened, we made our way out to the bedroom.

Can you grab some towels on the way to her bed?I linked Ares.

He nodded, following me to her bed with the towels. We dried her off together and helped her into bed before drying ourselves and cuddling on either side of her.

“She fell asleep,” I noted. “Guess I blew her mind after all.”

“You blew mine, too,” Ares said. He tangled his fingers through my loose hair as he kissed me over Diana’s head. “You’re a good man, and your past doesn’t define who you are, Mal. I know you’ll do right by her.”

Despite the edge to his deep rumbling voice, I knew Ares wasn’t threatening me. That’s just what he sounded like–he was always serious when it came to Diana. She rolled to her side, nuzzling her face in my armpit as I thought of all the ways my love for this woman would be different from my late wife, and how happy we’d both be because of it.

Chapter 17

The guys all bitched and moaned when they dropped me off at Nonna and Angie’s suite. I had no clue why they were so dramatic, as I’d be right next door to them. I was more than sure they’d survive one night without me. Angie and I said our goodnights to Nonna and Charlie, rushing into her room. A gold-plated ice bucket with a bottle of Dom Perignon awaited us, right next to her bed. Angie carefully removed the note tied to the bottle’s neck, rolling her eyes when she read it silently to herself.

“Who did that come from?!” I asked. The Fool had served Dom to high profile clients, but I’d never tasted it before.

“Judas,” she sighed. “He creeps me out…the way he stares at me is extra as fuck.”

Seems like I missed something interesting when I time-hopped.

“He stares at you…” I repeated. “Sends champagne to your room… I don’t know Ang; it seems like someone has a crush on you. You gotta vampire-admirer. A bloody boo. A gentleman caller of the night. He’s gonna suck your blood and then suck that miserable look right off your face, hopefully with some freaky blood play shit.”

She mocked offense, hitting me with a pillow before cackling like a Sanderson sister. “All of a sudden you get five boyfriends, and now you let that hidden freak flag fly. Please tell me how that all works…do they share you or take turns? Like does Ares get you on Saturday and Desmond on a Tuesday? I think Mal is a Monday kinda guy.”

“They’re friends…so they play well together and with me…” I blushed, not knowing how to explain this to her without sounding like a total slut. “Even with immortality, I can’t seem to keep up with them.”

“Holy balls and jizz, Diana, you’re living a real life porno, and you don’t even need to ‘meet a pizza delivery guy’ or ‘become a librarian and walk in on a group of frat bros being too loud in the library’! Like, your life is probably a giant orgy all the time. I’ll make sure to knock when I come over.”

“What kind of porn do you watch? Seriously…a librarian walking in on frat bros….”

She ignored my question, continuing on with her own excited line of questioning. So, how much of what Desmond said was true? The guys filled us in on most of the stuff we missed while you were gone, but is that how you all really got together?”

“Yeah, pretty much. He left out the part where their possessive bullshit and crazy fuckery drove me away. I was at the airport trying to get away from them when Red found me,” I explained. “But I’m happy we’re working things out. The deeper their possession gets… the more I want to be possessed by them. I love their crazy. How fucked up is that?”

“I’m not judging. I wouldn’t mind my own group of demonic, bad boy hotties. Girl, they are truly obsessed with you–like in a loving way? Ma wasn’t too happy about your peen squad, but after seeing how they worried about you and searched for you, her tune changed. She found Ares’ bloodlust for your enemies a little off putting, until she realized exactly who he is.”

“I can see that. Yeah, it took me a bit to piece together that he’s an actual god and not some Greek lunatic named Ares,” I laughed.

I popped the bottle and filled up the two flutes on the table, holding my flute to my nose so I could feel the little bubbles fizz and pop. The topic of my sex life came up multiple times throughout the evening, because Angie had to know everything about them–from their likes and dislikes to their freaky little fetishes.So nosy.She asked about Oisín, and I told her the little I knew. We ended up talking about why Cris was at the house, and just as I suspected, he was trying to use her vulnerability to insert himself into her life again. Angie would eventually find her man, I knew it. She deserved nothing less.

Tags: Maggie Bonnet Paranormal