Page 8 of In Death We Part

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Ares and Sebastian were in the kitchen eating pizzas. Two meat lovers, a plain, and a pineapple special were laid out on the table. Ares sat on top of the island in his low slung gray sweatpants and a white tank top that showcased his hulking muscles. He shoved a slice of pineapple special in his mouth, moaning around a mouthful of the garbage.Who the fuck puts ham and pineapple on pizza?That crazy fuckwouldeat something so sacrilegious and disgusting. It was even more offensive considering he originated from the Mediterranean, in what would be modern day Greece. His contemporaries would be disgusted with him. I sat down at the table and made myself a plate.

“So Desmond, our fearless leader,” Ares said in an exaggerated voice while he fake-bowed, “tell us all about this girl and why she’s sodangerous.” He swung his legs back and forth against the counter, a gleam passing across his eyes.

“I don’t think she’s that dangerous,” Sebastian interjected. “Well, not in the way we’d be worried about.” He rubbed the light stubble on his face and grinned, staring off into the distance. Of course he wouldn’t think so.No one is dangerous in an incubus-manipulated sex dream.

A shrill, tortured scream came from the basement, followed by: Stop, please. I don’t know.Why did they always insist they knew nothing? They wouldn’t be in their current situation if they, in fact, knew nothing. I realized that one of us was missing.

“Where’s Mal?” I asked. He should be here for the debrief. I hated to repeat myself.

“He’s in the basement, playing around with the target from our last job. You know that's an easy source for him,” Sebastian said.

“Excuse him? Will that fuckface ever learn not to play with other people’s toys? That’smyfuture corpse. He better not kill him, or he has to replace him,” Ares growled.

His jaw clenched and his brows furrowed. For someone who always played with everyone else’s toys, he needed to learn how to share. Red grew increasingly combative and paranoid by the day. There was no shortage of targets to torture in the future until we assassinated him.

MALCOLM!I shouted through our mind link,Come upstairs, I have information on our new target.

He faded into the room a few minutes later, looking dour as always. His tortured, broody face was wasted on him. Those high cheekbones, slight Roman nose, light blond shoulder-length locks, and tall, slim physique could have made him bank as a male model.

“You rang?” Mal said with mock grace as he flicked a speck of blood off his cheek with the most unamused face anyone could ever make. He rolled his eyes before he kissed me hello on the cheek. Must not have been in too shitty a mood then. His black long sleeve dress-shirt and slacks made him look like he just came back from a funeral.

“You almost missed it,Malevolent!” Ares shifted on the island, laying on his stomach with his bare feet swinging in the air like a teenage girl at a sleepover who was about to hear the gossip of the year. “Desmond is about to tell us all about this Diana woman and why we should be pissing our pants in fear.”

His excitement was palpable as his pupils darkened and his tongue skimmed across his front teeth. Even after centuries of knowing him, I was still astounded by how unsettling Ares could be. The poltergeists bouncing around in his head drove him to do some crazy shit sometimes.

“She definitely has power. I felt it when I touched her, and the measurement was off the charts. It felt almost like it was trapped inside her, if that makes sense?”

Bash glared at me and nodded. “Yes, restrained. Like it wants out but she’s containing it.”

“Bash, there’s no way she’s a demon. Her magic doesn’t feel demonic at all. She’s much too powerful to be any kind of shifter, lycan, vampire, or moon creature. But whatever she is, she’spowerful. Her magic is so developed, well beyond her supposed twenty-two years. Have you ever seen her baby photos when you visited her?” I asked.

“Yes, there are multiple pictures of her and her family throughout her life in her bedroom. That doesn’t count out a new immortal being though. Even they have a childhood.”

“So the question is, does she know how powerful she is, or is she hiding it?” Mal raised an eyebrow, pondering his own thoughts.

“I have a feeling she has no clue about her own magic, given what she told Bash, and what happened to her at work.” Bash’s eyes widened in alarm at my mention of her accident. “I believe her powers broke through at work during a magic surge. She thinks it was another debilitating migraine that made her pass out, but the feelings I picked up on when I touched her support my theory. The power signature reading I got when I took her home waswaystronger compared to when I first read her.”

“What exactly happened to her at work?” Bash pressed.

“She was carrying a tray of champagne flutes, and the surge made them all shatter on the tray. Shards of glass went everywhere. She thinks that happened because she passed out and fell, but anyone supernatural could have seen, despite how quickly it happened, that the flutes broke before she passed out.”

“Was she hurt?”Bash is already hung up on the girl, good.

“She’ll be okay, for now. Those surges are only going to get worse until her powers come in completely,” I replied. “I asked her about hermigraineswhile we were riding home on her bike, so I could push some truth into her and get real answers. A doctor told her they were a period symptom, so she’s none the wiser.”

“From what you’re all saying, it sounds like her magic was bound, but somehow the binding spell broke. But by who? How did they do it in the first place? And why?” Ares spoke his thoughts aloud while he ran his hand through his beard.

He gracefully jumped off the island and landed in a kneel on the floor in front of me. He grabbed my hands in a swift motion and squeezed them.

I was plunged into darkness and then found myself back at the club, looking at Diana. She was behind the bar talking to me, smiling at something I said. Her blue-gray eyes twinkled as she held my gaze. It was as if I was reliving the moment in real time. Then I felt myself swirl, inertia taking over. The whole room spun as I was tossed into the back office room. Her head was in my hands, and I ran my thumb over her slightly parted lips. I remember thinking of how soft they’d feel pressed against my own, or stretched around my dick. Then the room fell apart completely, crumbling around me in large rock-like chunks. I could feel the vibrations from their movement. They gave way to the front of Diana’s house. I was standing on the stairs of her stoop, while she stood at the top. My lips grazed the soft, warm skin on the back of her hand as I kissed her farewell. She was blushing, and I thought about how I finally got a reaction from her after trying all night.

Deep, robust chuckling clattered around me. The scene went black, and I opened my eyes to see Ares still kneeling in front of me, a wicked smile on his face. His hazel eyes looked up at me, practically smoldering. He let go of my hands as he rose to stand.

“Goodie, our little girl is a fucking goddess!” Ares shouted, pumping his fist in the air. His eyes glowed as they glared at Sebastian. “You’ve been holding out on us! She looks like she stepped out of Botticelli’sThe Three Graces! Oh that ass.Those tits, so perfect. Visiting this little honeycomb in her dreams and keeping her all to yourself?! You selfishtosser.”

Sebastian’s exasperated sigh spoke volumes. “Ares, I started visiting her before we were assigned this job, for the purpose of recharging my magic.” He explained, for what seemed like the thousandth time, in his condescending British accent. “She’s not some girl I met in a club, where it would be appropriate to bring her to the city apartment and share her. And what did we talk about?”

“How women have rights in the modern era and I can’t tie them to my bed or claim them as spoils of war anymore unless they agree to it?” Ares said, failing miserably at impersonating Sebastian’s British accent. “I know, I’ve been following that rule for at least the past four hundred years.”

Tags: Maggie Bonnet Paranormal