Page 68 of In Death We Part

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Whatever Diana conjured to destroy our wards went beyond a witch’s magic. That was all encompassing, soul-bending sorcery I had only ever seen in action once, eons ago by a man I barely knew anymore. When the wards broke, I felt it, as if a whip had lashed into my skin. My crew and I pooled our magic together to build them, weaving them as an extension of ourselves. We were vulnerable now that they were gone. Diana more so than us.

She ran out of the house with a speed that rivaled my own, without looking back. I didn’t wait for Desmond’s direction, following the woman who held my heart out into the wilderness beyond our grounds. If she thought she could just leave me–leave us–she waswrong.

Never let her go. Hunt her. Chase her.The voices in my head, who had been suspiciously quiet lately, screamed at me to fix this.

And I would fix this. I’d chase her to the ends of the earth, to the lowest valleys and the highest mountains. I’d sink into the deepest oceans to fish her out. If setting the entire world ablaze meant I could have her in my arms again, I’d do it. I’d behead any man who tried to take her or stand in my way and shove their head on a pike for decoration. If I had to drag her back kicking and screaming, so be it. She’d get over it in time and know I only did it because I loved her.

I reached the woods, slowing my speed so I could find her scent. Unless Azazel had taught her to cloak it, her rich floral scent should be hanging around, like a trail of breadcrumbs marking her path. A deep breath in was all it took to find her scent–it flitted through the air, hitting my nostrils like a smack on the face. She was here, probably already lost. Eventually she would get scared and her adrenaline would run out.

She’s in the woods directly across from the gate. Her scent is coming from the west. She may be moving toward the green house,I mindlinked the others while I still could.

The chase always possessed me in the fullest way, overpowering me with an obsessive need to find my prey. I could already feel myself slipping away into the feral void I knew so well. This was the Ares soldiers ran away from as they screamed for their lives. The Ares that painted entire villages red with the blood and entrails of his enemies before burning everything to the ground. This was the Ares bards immortalized in song and mothers resented as they buried their sons.

This would be the Ares that found Diana and brought her home.

I’m in the air, trying to get eyes on her, Desmond responded.If we can keep her running, she won’t be able to concentrate enough to time-hop away. She’ll tire out soon.

I felt Bash whizz by me toward a gap in the trees. He shifted in the blink of an eye, his indigo wings tearing through his tee. His entire chest was webbed with black veins. As he took off into the sky, I laughed to myself. She was acting so impulsively. I bet she didn’t even consider the fact that half of us could track her from the sky. Not that I needed that. I was a master of strategy, after all. The God of War and The Spirit of Battle. And once I got my spoil of war safely in my arms, I was going to make sure she never got away again.

I have eyes on her. A-Bomb was right. She’s past the greenhouse, heading toward the stream,Bash said through the link.

I have her scent. I’m close,I replied.

I ran through the trees, smashing through trunks unfortunate enough to be in my way. Her fragrant smell got stronger as I closed the distance between us. Roses. Earth. Blood. Anger. Fear. Lust.So close now. I could hear her staccatoed breathing and frantic heartbeat, practically tasting her sweat.

Find her. Catch her. Tie her to the bed so she can never escape. Mine. Mine. Mine.The voices in my head screamed at me.Cut that implant out so you can make her yours forever.

I finally had eyes on her. Blood poured from a rip at the shoulder of her hoodie. Her entire face was flushed with exertion from using superspeed for so long. She was slowing down gradually, until she realized I was behind her. By then it was too late.

Roughly grabbing her by the waist, I hoisted her over my shoulder and ran until I found a low, flat rock by the stream. She flailed around, pounding her fists into my back like a crazy woman. Carefully, I laid her down, dodging her kicks to my chest as I knelt over her and held her down with my weight. I pinned her hands over her head. The feral look in her eye spoke of her will to survive.So beautiful.Her spirit called to me, and I was reminded of why I fell in love with her in the first place. She tried to blast me with magic, buck me off, and cry and scream for me to let her go, but it was no use. Her Houdini act was over.

“Itold you I’d never let you go. That you’re mine forever, my Little Goddess.” Ares’ deep, haunting voice taunted me as he weighed me down against the rock, making escaping him near impossible. His glowing, frenzied eyes set me on edge. The crazed expression on his face did not bode well for me.

I had been running for what felt like hours, even though it must have been less than fifteen minutes. I wanted to get away from them all so badly that I didn’t care where I ran. Turn after turn led me deeper into a wooded maze I feared I’d be lost in forever. My anxiety made me spiral out of control as I rapidly lost track of my surroundings. His weight on me made me feel trapped, yet relieved. He was so warm and solid–an anchor in the anxiety-fueled tempest that was threatening to swallow me whole–despite the fact that he was one of the men who caused it. I breathed in his musky, spicy scent, my anger waning slightly.

“Whatever is going on in that crazy mind of yours, calm it down! Get off me…” I said the last part with less conviction than I intended. I thrashed beneath him, trying to pull my arms out of his hold.

“No. I’m never letting you out of my sight again. I love you, Diana, I’m not losing you.”

As he locked his beautiful hazel eyes on me, I saw his passion burning bright and the depth of his devotion. Ares loved me in his own warped, twisted way. It was a needy, consuming, and obsessive love that would devour me. In my own fucked up way, I craved it. I wanted him to swallow me whole.

He took both of my arms in one hand and used the free one to hold my face. “Look at me, and listen. I wanteverythingfrom you. I want all of your time, smiles, and love. I want to go into battle against your enemies and paint the world red with their blood, so I know you’re safe. I want you to bear my children and carry my heart. You’ll never spend a day apart from me. Whenever you run, I’ll catch you, because you’remine, Diana.” He slammed his lips on mine.

I kept my mouth closed, trying my hardest to buck him off and free myself. As crazy as he sounded, I knew he meant every single word. I felt simultaneously enamored and scared, like when you stand at the top of a cliff, looking down at the lake beneath. Would I admire from afar, or take the plunge?

I needed to feel the enormity of his presence all around me. So I decided to freefall. Opening my mouth, I let him slip his tongue inside and dance with my own. His hard dick dug into my stomach, and I ground myself into him, crossing my ankles behind him. He broke the kiss and bit my bottom lip, sucking on the mark he left behind.

“You’re such a liar, Little Goddess. You may say you hate us and run away from us, but you want it. You want us to own you.” He put two of his fingers in my mouth, pushing them in until they were knuckle deep to coat them in my saliva. I gagged around them and bit them as he pulled them out.

“No,” I rasped, my voice sounding hoarse from running. “I hate you all, and I’m not coming back to that house.”

He ripped my pants and underwear off with his other hand, busting them at the seams, and shoved his fingers inside me. I fluttered at the intrusion, expecting him to meet more resistance, but something about being chased by them through the woods excited me.

“So wet for me, so ready to get filled up.” He speared his fingers inside of me with a ferocity that had my thighs shaking. “I’ll fill all three of your holes with so much cum you’ll be branded from the inside out. You’ll never doubt who owns you again.”

I spread my legs wider and clamped my lips shut in an attempt to stifle my moans. His filthy, possessive words drove me mad with desire. I tried to stay quiet, so he wouldn’t get the satisfaction of hearing how mind-blowing he felt, which only spurred him on. He added a third finger and hit a spot so deep inside me, I saw stars. I groaned, barely able to hold back my cries.

“I’m not going back.” I shook my head. He’d have to tie me up and drag me back. I couldn't be there anymore.

Tags: Maggie Bonnet Paranormal