Page 59 of In Death We Part

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“Malcolm, wake up,” Bash’s hard, baritone voice demanded.

I rolled over to find him sitting on my bed in his boxers. The lines and valleys of his muscled form were tempting, but I knew this wasn’t that kind of visit. The murderous look on his face told me he was here for his pound of flesh.

“You’re going to open your mind and show me exactly what happened,” he demanded. “ I’ll know if you altered your memories.”

I nodded, having nothing to hide. The entire series of events confused me, and maybe Bash could provide some clarity. He roughly squeezed one of my hands and put his other hand on my forehead. I could feel his magic combing through my mind, searching for the memory. He let go of me after several minutes, leaning his elbows on his thighs and hanging his head. His face softened slightly as he sighed.

“A red haze clouds the memory right before you start strangling her, like a film over a lense. Something possessed your psyche. It seems like it took your basest feelings and manipulated them, making you angry enough to lose all sense and murder her.” Bash rubbed his stubble, a tell that he was thinking. “This could be Satan, but it may not be. We have a lot of enemies.”

“It would have to be someone powerful to target me. I keep my mind warded and have a high power signature,” I added.

“I didn’t catch this before, when I scanned your mind before breakfast. Maybe if I had, she would have been safe.”

“Bash, I swear to Lucifer himself, I didn’t mean to hurt her. I couldn’t stop once it started.” He had to believe me.

“Yeah, but you did mean to scare her. Youhateher. Since the day I claimed her, you’ve treated my source like fucking rubbish on the street. She’s mine, so she’s part of our family. I don’t understand what she ever did to you to deserve being treated like anything less.” His voice raised, and he clenched his fists. His eyes turned completely black as he stared at me with disdain. I was truly scared of him. I was on my back, magically cuffed. A sitting duck.

I never talked about my feelings. It just wasn’t done in my time, and it’s something I avoided at all costs. My past was truly fucked up, riddled with mistakes, regrets, and darkness. But if I didn’t want to lose the guys, the only brightness in this miserable life of mine, I had to tell them.

“I do hate her. It was just the four of us, and I got all of your, Ares’, and Desmond’s attention. Then she came along, and everything changed. You three just fucking dropped me once someone new and shiny came along.” I turned my head away from him, not wanting him to see the weakness I felt so acutely. “She took you away from me.”

“If you hate her so much, then what was that kiss about? She didn’t push you away.” The firm tone of his voice demanded an answer that I was unable to give.

“I have no clue.” I wanted her as much as I hated her. The sight of her beautiful face enraged me just as much as it made my heart swell.

Bash grabbed my forearm, digging his nails into the softer skin underneath. “You need to apologize to her, and start treating her right. I love you, Mal, but Iclaimedher. She’s everything to me. I’ll do anything to protect her, even from you. You’re not to be alone with her anymore, and she won’t have lessons with you again.”

“I will. I’m sorry, Bash,” I whispered, hearing his message loud and clear. Diana was his source, and she took priority over all of us. I did feel remorseful about what I had done, even if my feelings on her were complicated.

He nodded before he got up and left me in my dark bedroom, alone.

Ilaid in bed with my eyes closed, seething with anger. The entire situation with Mal and Diana was fucked. I hated him for almost killing her, even if he didn’t mean to. The clock on Desmond’s bedside table said I had only slept for a few hours after coming back from Mal’s room. Despite knowing that he was possessed, I still wanted to rip Mal’s head off his body and chuck it out a window. Maybe I’d let Ares skewer it on a pike so he could stake it outside of Diana’s suite door. That was definitely his style.

I replayed Diana’s memory of her attack over and over again in my mind. The smug, satisfied look on his face as he strangled her and watched her life leave her eyes made me sick. The twisted grin on his face was the same one he wore while he worked in his dungeon. I’d seen him torture and maim countless people to get information from them and send a message. Two weeks ago, he sliced a man up the middle, inch by inch, to get the location of a drug drop. Then he killed him by stabbing him through the heart with a knife. Whatever possessed him dug into the deepest, darkest areas of his subconscious to find the dangerous part of Mal he only unleashed in his torture chamber.

Mal was a dangerous arrogant arsehole at the best of times, but I knew he wasn’t violent enough to attack someone like that outside of work. The man in that memory wasn’t the Mal I knew and loved.

I felt a warm, soft body against my chest and little toes rub against my shins. My cock hardened and my rage started melting away. As I opened my eyes, I saw the delicate curve of Diana’s shoulder and mess of curly hair all over the pillow we shared. I turned my head to find Ares on the other side of the bed, fast asleep on his stomach with his arms underneath a pillow. The sounds of the shower in the distance explained why Desmond was absent from our dogpile. Taking my boxers off carefully, I breathed in her scent. Fragrant roses, like the kind you’d find growing in the wild.

I kissed her neck, working my way from behind her ear all the way down to the hollow of her throat, leaving a kiss on each purple bruise. Her skin tasted so sweet on my tongue. I thought about how if Desmond hadn’t arrived there in time, this evening could have gone a lot differently.I could have lost my beautiful Birdie. The thought sat heavy on my chest, stirring up the possessive as fuck monster inside me that I tried to keep in check for her. I ground my hips into her arse, and she gave me a lazy, low moan.

“Birdie?” I whispered in her ear. “Birdie…” She answered me with another moan as she pressed herself into me.

I smoothed my hand up her inner thigh, over my mark until I reached her cunt. Electricity buzzed beneath her skin, sparking against my fingertips. Her body knew who it belonged to and called to me, begging me to own it. I needed to feel her tight, wet heat around my cock because she wasmine.No matter what time of day or night, I constantly thought about her, obsessed over her. It took every ounce of willpower I had to not stalk her daily, even though we lived in the same house. I still had fantasies of tying her to my bed and never letting her leave. I needed to feel her cunt squeeze around me to prove that she was still here with me.

Caressing two fingers through her slick folds, I swirled them around her bundle of nerves, never actually touching it. Her breathing was soft, barely audible.Does she dream of me like I dream of her every night?She parted her legs for me slightly, giving me more access. I rubbed my thumb over her clit and plunged my fingers inside her, slowly massaging her walls. The urge to take her here and now overwhelmed me.

“Mmmm, please,” she whispered, her voice a melodic song. She backed her arse against me again. Even in her sleep she wanted me.

“Since you asked so nicely, my little Birdie,” I cooed as I removed my fingers and pushed my cock inside her. She gasped at the intrusion. “You’re going to take my cock deep inside you. Because you’remine.”

Her silky, hot cunt fit my length like a glove. I lifted her leg up and fucked her in deep, hard strokes, bottoming out inside her every time I pushed back into her. I knew exactly when she woke up, her mewling resounding through the room.

“Bash,” she breathily begged.

“Who do you belong to, Diana?” I needed to hear her say it, to ease the frenzied, desperate part of me deep inside that was scared to death that she could disappear one day… That I could never see her again.

She whined, pushing herself back to try and fuck herself on me, but I held her hip still. My horns sprouted and my voice deepened to something low and feral.

Tags: Maggie Bonnet Paranormal