Page 56 of In Death We Part

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Her throat had sustained damage, giving her voice a raspy huskiness. It went hoarse by the time she was done telling me everything that happened. More tears rolled down her cheeks, wetting my chest. She sniffled, trying to hold her tears back, but it only made her hiccup. I wrapped my arms around her tighter, running my hand through her soft, curly hair.

“He had no right to attack you, regardless of what you said or did to him. You just started learning everything and couldn't possibly defend yourself against him. He pushed you too far, and when you retaliated he went off the deep end, dollface.” She pulled away from me, allowing me to see the purplish tint of the hand marks around her neck.

“Don’t call me that.” Her voice was no more than a whisper. “Don’t act like you care, when we both know I’m a nuisance to you.”

“That’s not how I feel about you.” I had no clue what to say because she was right. My throat thickened with emotion. I had acted so hot and cold toward her in a messed up attempt to hide how much I wanted her. “When I met you at The Fool, I wasn’t faking it. I did go there to do recon work and find out more about you. But making sure you got home okay and giving you my number, that was because I had feelings for you.”

Her boldness and beauty had captured me from the first moment I saw her shimmying her ass behind the bar. She had been so full of vitality and life.

“You changed after you brought me here.” Her disappointed frown sharpened my regret.

“Being under Satan’s command is a living hell. We’re puppets, and he pulls the strings. Saving you is treason, and failing at this mission means a fate worse than death. I have a lot of pressure on me to lead us and make sure we succeed. There’s no room for failure when everyone’s life is on the line.”

“I know what it feels like to be under pressure. I spent the past three years of my life working, going to school, and barely giving myself a rest. I pushed myself so hard that I missed out on things that truly mattered. I wish I had spent more time having fun and with the people I loved before I was forced to leave them behind.” I pulled her into my lap, facing me. “Did you ever think that being truthful about how you feel would have lightened the load? I would have supported you in any way I could. I still will. We can’t do this if we aren’t honest with each other.”

“You’re right, but there are other things you don’t know.” If she wanted to go down this road with me, she needed to know everything about me. “I have some issues with control. Usually I just crave it when it comes to sex, but with you, I find myself wanting it in regular situations too. I find it hard to suppress my urges sometimes.”

“The high handed way you behave outside the bedroom was a clue. You’re all about structure and order. It explains the argument we had at the greenhouse.” She didn’t seem surprised. Diana was a smart woman, and I should have known she’d be able to read me. “I’ve always been interested in trying that kind of thing, and you said it yourself, you could smell my lust. I wasn’t mad at you for being dominant. You could have thrown me on the grass and taught me adifferentkind of lesson. I was mad because you were dishonest about influencing my feelings. I find it hard to trust you after that.”

That was the worst thing I could possibly hear. She wasn’t the first person I cared about to tell me they had lost faith in me. I couldn’t lose her, she had to know how I felt.

“I’m ashamed I used my powers to make you submit, and I’m sorry.” I held her face in my hands, so she had to look at me, see what I was having difficulty saying. “I want you to trust me. When I brought you here after your fight with Mal, you looked at me as if I was your savior. I want you to look at me like that everyday, like I hung the moon and stars for you. I want to give you everything.”

“Des, my father left before I was even born. I went from having no men in my life to being surrounded by them. You don’t hang the moon and stars for me, because you don’t sugarcoat anything. Every word that comes out of your mouth is real. You push me to be the best version of myself, to strive for something better. You light the flame inside me.”

“You make me feel the same way. I want to be the best version of myself for you, to keep you and my crew safe. Let me do that for you, give me a second chance, please?” I lightly squeezed her cheeks in my hands, locking eyes with her as she shifted her weight on top of me, brushing her thigh against my hard cock.

You did save my life… but I have to trust you to give you a second chance…

“I’ll always save you. Please, Diana, let me prove to you that you can trust me, that I deserve a second chance,” I pleaded.

“How did you know what I was thinking?” she asked. “I didn’t say anything out loud.”

I closed the distance between us, lightly brushing my lips against hers. She ground her body against my crotch, sending a jolt of pleasure through me. The urge to claim her mouth and bite her full bottom lip pulsed through me.

“You mindlinked me. It’s similar to telepathy except you need to trust the other person to do it, because you’re letting them into your mind to an extent. Usually only high-power beings, like demons, gods, or angels, can do it. Only tremendously powerful witches and warlocks can. The only two I know of were Merlin and Joan of Arc.”

You can hear me? What color are my eyes?She closed them, which didn’t impact my answer at all. I had spent too much time stealing glances at her when I didn’t think she noticed.

They’re a beautiful blue-gray, the color of the sky when it's about to storm and lightning cracks through it for the very first time.She opened her eyes, and I moved my hand from her cheek to weave it through her thick hair, grasping it close to the scalp.I spent too long looking at you from afar, yearning to touch you and give you every part of me, even the deepest, darkest parts I usually try to hide. I’m not doing that anymore.

She gasped as I tipped her head back and kissed her plush, quivering lips. I wanted to claim her for myself and consume all of her, leaving no part of her body unexplored. Brushing my tongue against hers, I tasted her mouth and relished its sweet taste. I could kiss her for eternity, but eventually broke away so we could breathe.

Please, Desmond, don’t stop. I want every part of you, too.

I couldn’t hold back anymore. She took her shirt off, revealing a lacy white bra. The lace was sheer, barely covering her nipples. I wanted to taste them, find out what they felt like between my teeth. I pushed a cup down, taking her nipple into my mouth and sucking it. She gasped as my teeth scraped over the sensitive bud. She ran her hands through my hair, pulling it while she ground herself onto my dick through our clothes.

Give me the horns, Des. I want to feel them, she linked as she kissed my neck, lightly biting where it met my jawline.

I tipped us forward, laying her out on the bed as I balanced my weight above her. My horns sprang from my head and she instantly tried to grab them.

“No, no, no. Hands to yourself, dollface.” I unbuttoned her jeans, tearing them off her and throwing them on the floor.

I wanted to see every part of her and make itmine. Her matching lacy panties were pleasing, but they only separated me from what I needed to see, touch, and taste. I ripped them off too, using them to tie her hands over her head.

“Yes,” she breathily moaned, with a twinkle in her eyes.

I had never felt the urge to claim another person. In the past, I had cared for others. I even thought I had met the one, but we didn’t work out. I loved my crew with my entire heart and soul; they were my chosen family. But Diana was different. My feelings for her ran bone deep, winding around my empty, black heart and giving it life again. As I gazed down at her cunt, all the warring feelings that ate away at me clicked into place. I needed to claim her in the most irrevocable, basest way, hard and fast.

Tags: Maggie Bonnet Paranormal