Page 27 of In Death We Part

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“Are they asking you to do something wrong?” he questioned.

“Somewhat, but it needs to be done. Doing what they want would only help my situation and keep me safe.”

He ran his fingers through his hair, using a band on his wrist to pull it into a bun on his head. Scratching his jaw in thought, he hit me with the wisest advice I’d ever heard. “A sage man once told me to try to do the right thing, but at the end of the day, do what’s right for you.”

I soaked in his words as I scraped the last of the chili out of the bowl. “Teaming up with them is going to teach me what I need to know to survive and keep me safe in the meantime. Plus I can’t go back to where I was before.”

He frowned, and reached out to take my hand. When he slid his hand over mine on the empty cushion between us, I didn’t feel threatened at all. I felt incredibly safe.

“Tomorrow, we’ll load up the truck and start the journey down the mountain, all the way to Brooklyn.” I had no clue how to tell him that I didn’t know how to find them. That could be tomorrow’s problem. “There’s another fireplace in the bedroom. You can sleep in there, and I’ll take the couch. I want to read anyway.”

I asked him if I could join him until I felt tired. I saw a copy ofThe Pursuit of Love,and I wanted to reread the story. Curling up on the couch and reading in front of the fire was as relaxing as I imagined. I peered up from my book a few times and caught Azazel glancing in my direction. As handsome as he was, I kept thinking about Sebastian.

Did he dump me in the woods? I doubt it. He said he would protect me and didn’t seem willing to let me go. I wagered that Mal may have teleported me into the woods, like he did to the people in the club. I felt myself dozing off on the couch, slipping away from the world. Eventually I’d talk to Sebastian, figure out how all of this nonsense happened.

* * *

I woke up in bed, streams of sunlight from the curtained window illuminating an otherwise dark room. Sebastian’s arms encircled me, and his leg pinned me down.I fell asleep on the left side of the bed though, not the right.

Even if Sebastian didn’t tell me he was an incubus, I would still know he was a demon from Hell. The man gave off a scorching amount of heat. My entire body was sticky with sweat. I wriggled around to get comfortable, pushing his leg off me and trying my hardest to get a few inches of space.

I exhaled, silently thanking the universe that I woke up in Sebastian’s bed.It was just a dream. Everything seemed so lifelike though: the leaves, the cold feeling of snow on my feet, the books on the shelf. Even the softness of the cotton sweatshirt Azazel gave me felt so tactile in my hands. I felt my chest, relieved when I felt my naked skin. I was acting like a crazy woman.How could I wear a sweatshirt from a dream in real life?I would have to ask Bash if magic gave me more vivid dreams, or the ability to remember my dreams in more detail.

As if he heard me thinking about him, he dragged me against him again and kissed my neck. “Good morning, Birdie.” His voice was extra raspy and delicious in the morning, sending a wave of need through me, straight to my greedy pussy.

“Good morning, Go-ve-nah,” I teased him in a fake cockney accent. The vibrations of his chuckling made me quiver. Everything he did was hot as fuck and made me ridiculously wet.

“When I started calling you Birdie, I envisioned you as more of a songbird, not a parrot. Are you sore?” he asked me. I pushed my ass against his hard cock in reply.

If Sebastian really cared about me enough that he saved me instead of following a hit from Satan himself, then I was willing to give him a chance. Despite how his possessive behavior and my common sense warned me against it. He snaked his hand under my body, teasing my left nipple until it formed a stiff peak. His other hand lifted my leg slightly as he rubbed his cockhead against my clit, through my folds.

“Mmm, you’re already wet for me? What a good girl you are.” His fingers moved from my nipple down to my hip, wrapping his arm around me to keep me in place as he shoved himself inside me.

The sting of his incredible length filling me up and pushing my limits felt painfully good. As he lazily fucked me good morning, I thought about how I’d like to spend every morning this way.

Iwalked down the hallway on my way to brunch. Olga, our house manager, always made a good spread. Now that we had a guest, she would make the works to see what Diana liked and disliked. I passed Bash’s room, and even though I couldn’t hear them through his wards, I knew they were probably fucking.

I understood what he saw in her. She was stunning, her power signature was out of control, and she was a fighter. She looked so innocent, but when her back was against the wall, her claws came out. The energy she had hit Ares with was powerful for someone untrained. Her magic was iridescent in color, with a glittery, mother of pearl sheen that was very uncommon for witches. Whereas hellspawn–like demons, incubi, and hellbounds–had neon magic, witch magic usually had no color. More powerful witches’ magic could have an opaque, flat coloring, but I had never met a witch with magic that presented that way. If she was that powerful as-is, I was excited to see what she could do after some training.

Arriving at the dining room, I took in the beautiful tablescape. Olga made sure that everything was beautiful for Diana’s first brunch. I sat at my usual spot at the head of the table as Olga plated the breakfast platters. This peace and quiet wouldn’t last forever, as it rarely existed to begin with. I always took a few minutes to go through emails, check the news, and get a general sense of what was happening in the human world and Underworld before everyone sat down. Emails from the clubs and the same stupid shit humans always fought over graced my tablet. Humans were gullible, always susceptible to Hellish influence. While they fought over wars and ideological differences that we inspired, they ignored the real issues, like poverty, disease, and the destruction of the very planet they lived on. They let their entire world burst apart at the seams because they focused on loose threads. Little by little, the world fell further into oblivion, and we were one step closer to our goals of complete chaos, destruction of civilized society, and the rampant spread of sin.

Bright, bold laughter preceded Bash and Diana’s entrance to the kitchen. Bash rarely laughed, unless Ares made a good joke, or he was watching Mal toture someone. Their hair was wet, fresh from a morning shower they probably took together. She was smothered in Bash’s scent and a faint hint of his woodsy soap.They definitely fucked.Bash was dressed in jeans and a cashmere sweater with leather boots. Diana wore a black cotton tee, the front tucked into boxer briefs that barely covered her upper thighs. She bounced into the room and they jiggled, along with her ass. Those thick thighs made me salivate. I could easily see myself biting them as I sought out the prize in between them. We would have to buy her some clothes ASAP so she could be decent in the house. I couldn’t afford to have these thoughts about her if I wanted to stay focused on this plan.

Bash pulled out the chair to my left for her and sat on her other side. That left two chairs open on the opposite side of the table for Mal and Ares. She gave me a curt smile, which I barely noticed because her nipples were hard under the thin cotton material of her t-shirt. I knew I was going to take on a lion’s share of her training, given my gifts. I had to keep my distance from her, ensuring that our priority was taking out Red. A gorgeous face and perky assets were not worth ruining our focus. They also weren’t worth ruining my friendship with Bash. Incubi claims were serious business. If I had met her first, or if she was a woman Bash hadn’t marked yet, I would definitely be interested. I’d even double dip. But with Ares sniffing around her, I wasn’t going to add to that unnecessary drama he was starting. I had to lead us and keep us all on course.

“Good morning, Diana.” I made sure to look at her face when I spoke to her.

“Good morning, Desmond.” Her eyes were bright and full of joy, and her skin glowed.Why does she have to be so beautiful?

Olga started to bring platters of food to the table and placed them in the center. Diana stood and moved to the island to help, but Olga waved a hand to dismiss her.

“Oh, no, dear. You sit and enjoy your breakfast. This is my job,” she said in her even, sweet voice. “I’ve been looking after most of these men for centuries.”

“I would really like to help. I always helped my nonna with breakfast on the weekends, and I love to cook. My name is Diana,” she said, extending her hand. Olga shook it, and the look on her face was priceless. She wasn’t expecting such a strong power signature. Most of the girls we brought back were human. When we were done with them, we wiped their memories and dumped them back where they came from. “I would love to cook with you. It would make me feel more at home, since I’m apparently staying here for a while.”

“She’s staying indefinitely,” Bash corrected her. Olga looked at us all, very confused as to what was happening. I hadn’t had a chance to update her on everything. I nodded to let her know that Diana would, in fact, be staying here.

“I’m Olga, and of course we can cook together. I usually serve breakfast at eight on weekdays and brunch at eleven on weekends. Dinner is served at seven on weeknights and five on weekends. If you show up ahead of time, you are more than welcome to help.”

Tags: Maggie Bonnet Paranormal