Page 24 of In Death We Part

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We passed through an entryway, heading down a small hallway into the suite’s living room. He set me down, making sure I was steady before he let go of my hand. The space was beautifully decorated in shades of black, red, and cream with oversized leather furniture. A black fur rug with silver and gray streaks was draped across a wooden floor. There was a fireplace against the opposite wall, and a bar cart with golden accents. It was regal, yet understated.

“This is a beautiful space. Everything looks so comfortable, but classy too.” He grinned, beaming with pride. “Where’s my room?”

“Our room is–” he started, but I interrupted.

“–I need my own room,” I firmly stated. I need privacy. “After tonight, I need to reflect on some things, and Ibarelyknow you.”

The smile fell from his face and his jaw tensed. Straight brows and raging eyes painted a cold visage that made me very aware that I was alone with him in his suite. He backed me into the wall, caging me in with his hands on either side of my head. He leaned down and nipped at my earlobe. The sting made me gasp, but he hushed me with a kiss. He moved down the column of my neck, nibbling the sensitive skin over my throat, soothing each bite with a kiss from his plush lips. I involuntarily moaned when he reached the space where my neck met my collar bone and skated his teeth against my skin.

“No, you’remine. You’ll sleep with me, inourbed,” he whispered in my ear. His deep, melodic voice lulled me, silencing my initial unease.

I wasn’t sure why I was fighting the attraction I felt toward him. Maybe it was because of how sudden it all was? Or because I lost everything and wanted to feel like I had some semblance of control over my life? Not to mention I had been dreaming about Sebastian formonths,and now he was suddenly a real life, flesh and blood man standing in front of me.

“No,” I said in a breathy, unsteady voice, trying my hardest to push my feelings aside. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Yeah, that sounded really convincing. He cupped my jaw, running his thumb across my cheek and over my bottom lip. A feeling of desperation curled in my stomach. I felthollowand needed him to fill the void. The longer he stared into my eyes, the more that need tangled itself into knots.

“I’m an incubus, a type of demon that feeds on lust. That’s how I starred in your dreams almost every night for two months and exist here in reality, Birdie. We hadcountlessconversations. Your favorite dessert is chocolate cheesecake with raspberry filling. You loveSchitt’s CreekandThe Golden Girls.Blanche is your favorite, although you remind me of Dorothy because of your wit. You want to visit Carnival in Brazil because one of your best friends showed you pictures of it every year when you were growing up. You love your motorcycle. Every time you ride it you think of your Pop Pop and it makes you feel like you’re with him. You love to read books, and most of them are romance, murder mystery, and serial killer books.”

My breath sawed out of my lungs faster and faster with each fact he recited about me. He spoke with such conviction, as if he was an authority on me. It was chillingly creepy, yet sweet. No man had ever paid so much attention to me before.

“You’re an incubus…” I already knew deep down there was something different about him. “Did you ever visit me when I was awake?”

“In the last month, yes. I couldn’t help myself. I’d have a drink at the bar while you worked, just to watch you. You’re quite the performer when mixing drinks, so talented,” he praised me as he stroked his finger up the side of my cheek, eliciting goosebumps on my cold skin. “I’d watch you at the coffee shop on campus. You would sit in the corner booth by the window, and I’d sit across the shop so I could watch you drink your usual order: iced coffee with half and half, three caramel pumps, and whipped cream if you’re in a good mood.”

The amount of detail he knew about me was overwhelming. He was a wave, sweeping me up in the sea of his obsession. Every word he said lessened my chances of swimming against the current back to the shore. If I didn’t have a wall to my back, I would have lost my balance.

I started as a memory suddenly pushed its way to the front of my mind. “I remember bumping into you in the coffee shop. I thought you looked familiar, but didn’t realize it was you until now.”

“Desmond and I agree with your nonna. We believe your magic was blocked for some reason, and now that you have access to it, a lot of the blanks are filling in.”

“I can’t handle all of this change. Everything I worked for is gone. I have nothing, not even clothes to sleep in. It’s all moving too fast, and I don’t know if I can add you into the mix too.” I tried to free myself from Sebastian’s presence, get around him somehow, but it was no use. He pressed himself against me until his hips pinned me snugly against the wall.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t felt the electricity buzzing between us this entire time. I’ve felt it since that day you walked by me in Prospect Park.” An evil, handsome grin curled his lips, showing his sharp canines that gleamed in the low light. His eyes darkened to black pools, and I tried so hard not to drown in them for fear I would never surface again. “You were beautiful, flitting down the path, not a care in the world. Even while blocked, your magic called to me, Birdie. That’s the day I knew you belonged to me. Like a bird in a cage, you’re mine to keep. Your beauty is mine to admire. Your song is mine to hear.”

I couldn’t move. I stood there, mouth wide open, trembling. He had been watching me, following me. Invading my dreams. But instead of feeling outrageously angry, I was turned on. I felt the current between us, and I couldn’t deny it. The thought of him watching me, visiting me in my sleep, especially if he was doing what he did the last time, made me so slick that I could feel wetness soaking through my thong and down my inner thighs. My entire fucking life imploded today, but maybe Sebastian could make me forget about it. I wanted to forget that my life ended for a little while, and tomorrow I could figure out my next move.

I ran my hand up his dress shirt, stopping at his exposed chest. He had the first two buttons undone already, and I could see a hint of dark chest hair. “The last time you visited me, did that really happen?”

“It was a dream, but I could make it happen in real life,” he rasped.

I tilted my chin up, kissing the open patch of skin. He grabbed my legs, hoisting me up so I had to wrap them around his waist. His lips met mine in a long, seductive kiss that made my toes curl. Call me the Wicked Witch of the West, because I felt like I was melting against him.

“I hate that your dream was cut short. I wanted to bend you over the back of that couch and ruin you, so you would never dream about anyone other than me ever again.” He trailed his hands down, slipping them under my dress so he could hike it over my hips. Then he ripped my thong off, bringing it to his nose.

He groaned as he buried his nose in it and inhaled deeply. His tongue split in two before he ran it over the drenched fabric. He smiled to himself. “Your arousal is fucking delicious.”

“Your tongue!” I blurted out.

“Oh right, you were blindfolded the last time,” he remembered. He stuck his tongue out, splitting it again and wiggling them at me.

He pocketed my panties. Keeping my back pressed to the wall, he lifted me higher until my legs were draped over his shoulders and his face was at the apex of my thighs. I heard him inhale again, and then felt his split tongue slide all around my folds, slurping up the obscene amount of wetness coating them. He brought the flat of one over my clit, licking it until my legs started to shake, while the other pushed into my pussy. My moans floated through the room, hanging heavy in the air. I could barely hold myself together as he speared one of his tongues in and out of me, going faster and then slowing down, only to quicken his pace again. They both felt grooved, the sensation of them rubbing against my inner walls and flicking my clit driving me insane. My entire body vibrated with pleasure. I panted, begging him to finish me off.

“Sebastian! Stop fucking around with me!” I screamed. I pushed his head closer to my cunt, gripping his hair until I almost ripped it out. He took me all the way to the edge until I was on the verge of coming. My skin felt as if a thousand needles pricked it at once, and my neurons buzzed inside my skull and pleaded with me to explode. Then he stopped.

“But Birdie,you barely know me.I don’t know if it’s appropriate for you to come on the face of a guy you barely know,” he snarked at me, laughing when my lips pouted in frustration. I needed to come, now. “Sleep in our bed tonight, and I’ll make you come so violently you’ll soak the fucking sheets.”

“YES!” I screamed, startling myself. I couldn’t take it anymore. Every single inch of my body was burning with a need so profound and scary to me that I couldn’t go another minute without having some part of him inside me.

He threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carried me to his bedroom. I was willing to overlook being manhandled because this potato was about to get mashed.Maybe I’d get whipped too.He threw me onto the bed like I weighed nothing. When he saw my mouth hanging open, he laughed.

Tags: Maggie Bonnet Paranormal