Page 19 of In Death We Part

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“Seems like you’re the one bothering her. I was having a conversation with Darla. Could you go please?” The nasally sound of this prick’s voice snapped me back to reality.

“Her name is Diana, you twat.” The deep tenor of Sebastian’s voice sounded like bougie classical music. His British accent made methrobdownstairs. I would be surprised if I could wear this thong again after tonight, because it was already soaked. He snarled, his eyes darkening into swirling black holes. Almost as if they were moving.What is that?

He scared that hipster, fedora-wearing little shit right off, leaving me alone with him and his breathtakingly beautiful friend. He was just as tall as Sebastian, but whereas Sebastian had a swimmer’s build, he was muscular and beefy. His arms bulged out of his white button down shirt which was unbuttoned at the collar, with the sleeves rolled up. He had no qualms about the fact that he was checking me out. His eyes zeroed in on the plunge neckline of my dress. The outline of his pecs through the shirt made me want to drool. I imagined how he probably had an Adonis belt… His thick, sculpted thighs stretched his charcoal dress pants… Then I saw another bulge.Oh his thighs aren’t the only things that look big. Oh fuck.

“Diana, my eyes are up here, unless you’re enjoying your stare-down with my dick?” he teased. He had a Greek accent and his voice was rich and velvety.

I felt my cheeks heat, opting to drop my gaze to the tile floor beneath me. Getting caught eye-fucking his package was not a good first impression. I raised my gaze to his face, and my heart almost stopped. A wide smile framed by plump lips lit up his entire face. He seemed overly excited, for what I was unsure. He had olive skin and black, curly hair cut short. His face had an appealing symmetry: thick yet well-groomed eyebrows and beard, a skinny Grecian nose, and apple cheeks. His hazel eyes stared at me in amusement. Somehow he managed to look deadly serious and roguish at the same time.

How did I go from talking to a conceited prick to two tall, dark, and sexy men? Literally the two most fuckable men on the planet?

“I’m s-sorry. Um, I’m Diana.” My attention bounced between them, it was obvious that I was unable to put a sentence together.Pull it together, Diana.“Um…”

“We know. I’m Ares, God of War,” Sebastian’s friend joked.Very clever.

He took my hand in his, wrapping his long, thick fingers behind mine, securing it all with his thumb. The size difference between us was almost comical, as my hand practically disappeared in his. He raised the back of my hand to his lips, letting the kiss linger. The hungry stare he gave me made me almost faint.

Ares released my hand when we heard a low growl. Sebastian scowled at him, cutting whatever was happening between us short. He took the same hand, and pulled me into him, wrapping his other arm around my waist. Normally I’d kick some guy’s balls back into himself if he ever touched me this way, but for some reason I was drawn to Sebastian. I wanted him to grab my waist like he’d never let me go. He leaned in and ran his nose up the column of my neck, inhaling my scent. Then he kissed my jaw, my cheek, the corner of my mouth. Each feather-light touch felt like a zap of electricity that raced straight to my lady parts.

When his lips finally met my own, it wasexplosive,as if a bomb went off. His kiss was smooth, unrushed. He explored every inch of my mouth with his tongue, mapping it out gently. It slid against my own as his hands traveled to my hips and landed on my ass. Squeezing it firmly, he groaned into my mouth, and the vibrations made me shiver. When I felt his hands travel under my dress, I barely remembered that we were in public. Gravity was with me finally, giving me the strength I needed to push away from him and stand on my own.

“Wait, hold on. How are you here, existing in real life?” One surprise tonight was enough. I couldn’t handle another unknown right now. “You’re the man who’s been visiting me in my dreams, but I’m awake. How did you find me? Wait, did the stuff in the dreams actually happen?!” My voice was raised, loud enough that people could hear me over the thumping techno beat and were starting to stare at us–but I did not give a single fuck.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear, so only the three of us could hear. “Birdie, how about you come back to my place and we can talk about everything? I can smell your arousal. We don’t just have to talk.” He ran his finger under my chin, tilting it up so I could drown in his dark midnight irises and completely ignoring my questions. Why was I tempted to actually go with him?

“Birdie? Absolutely not, I need answers. What are you laughing at?” My eyebrows furrowed as I broke our eyelock, looking toward Ares.

His deep voice broke into a cackle as he slapped his hand on his thigh. “He’s crashing and burning so hard, it’s hilarious. He has no game,” Ares said through deep breaths, trying to regain his composure. “How about we buy you a drink, have a seat with our friends over there, and chat? We’ll explain everything.”

I looked over to where he gestured and sure enough, two more men sat at a table in the VIP section on the other end of the club. They were too far away to see their faces, but it seemed as though they were tracking our interaction. I saw Charlie grinding on some guy out in a crowd of dancers. I hated cockblocking him, but I needed help. This whole situation felt sketchy. My random feelings of trust were warring with my common sense, which was screamingred flags!I didn’t know which impulse would win.

“I’m going to let my friend know where I’m going, and then I’ll meet you there.” I turned to make my getaway, but only made it about three steps toward Charlie when a hand grasped my elbow firmly, spinning me around.

“I’ll go with you. Wouldn’t want you to get lost,” Sebastian’s saccharine smile chilled me. His teeth were white, but for some reason his canines seemed a little sharper than normal teeth. Although his face was handsome, it seemed unnatural, like he was a littletoogood looking. Something about him felt off. I was caught between feeling turned on by the way his fingers dug into my elbow and scared of how he didn’t seem to want to let me go.And that I don’t want him to let me go. The crazed, hungry expression on his face told me he wanted to eat me alive.

I didn’t get a chance to respond as a huge boom shook the room, causing him to loosen his hold on me. I ran toward Charlie, through a crowd of screaming people. I wasted no time, grabbing his wrist and trying to pull him toward the stairs to leave. Sebastian and Ares realized I was gone and searched for me. I desperately wanted to run into their arms, but my gut told me to get out of this club,now. Ceiling plaster landed on my head, and the spot and strobe lights cut out, plunging us into total darkness. I took out my phone and turned the flashlight on.

“Dee, what is going on?!” Charlie screamed, pointing to corners of the room. A dozen or so pairs of yellow, neon eyes sparkled in the darkness, and all of them were fixed in our direction.

“I don’t know! We gotta get out of here.” I started to panic. People were screaming, pushing, and bolting toward the exits as chaos spread throughout the nightclub. Others were sheltering in place behind overturned tables. Someone knocked me onto the ground, flat on my ass.What if I get trampled?Hands locked onto my waist from behind and guided me back up, turning me to see a pair of glowing light green eyes with gold flecks. I shined my flashlight and saw a red beard.Desmond!

“What are you doing here?!” I shouted at him. “Where did my friend Charlie go?”

“I can explain later, after we leave. You have to get out of here before you get hurt, come on.” Desmond firmly grabbed my hand and we barreled through the crowd toward Sebastian and Ares. They grinned, but it wasn’t at me. They were focused on Desmond.

I stopped, digging my heels into the ground. I felt one snap off, and I pitched forward, almost twisting my ankle before I caught my balance again.What the fuck, those are brand new heels?!Did these hooligans know each other? This whole situation wasn’t adding up. My pulse pounded, and bile rose in my throat. Breathing was useless. My chest was too tight to draw in air, and I could barely concentrate with everything going on around me. All of my anger from earlier today, fear, confusion, and a deep feeling that something bad was about to happen bubbled inside me, until I burst.

My hands warmed, and I instinctually raised them palm up at my sides. Within seconds, the few people who hadn’t managed to escape yet were frozen, spare the creatures with yellow eyes, Sebastian, Ares, Desmond, and some blond guy with a miserable stank-face. The disembodied yellow eyes kept floating closer to us, cutting through the darkness.

I shined my flashlight on them to get a better look. They belonged to slim, alligator-looking, humanoid creatures dressed in all black with scales on their faces and hands. What in the monster mash were they? They were surrounding us from all sides, crowding around us in a circle. Ares waved his hand, a fireball the size of a boulder forming in his palm. He threw it toward the ceiling, where it hung over us, casting light across the club. The scaly creatures looked even more animalistic in the shadows cast by the hanging inferno.

“More reptilian shifters, about thirty total,” Desmond stated. “Ares and Sebastian, Diana is your priority. Mal, take one alive for questioning.”

They broke formation to face the creatures head-on as streaks of green, red, indigo, gold, and yellow light strobed across the club. They were vaulted back and forth so fast I could barely follow them. Each man was fighting four to five attackers. A thick streak of neon green light sped toward me, and I screamed bloody murder. At the last minute I raised my hand, and it froze, inches from my chest. Sebastian waved his hand, and it zoomed back to its reptilian owner, hitting it square in the chest. The body stiffened and fell to the floor.

“They’re hitting to stun, not to kill,” he screamed through the frey. “Whoever sent them wants to take Diana alive!”

“Who’s after me? I’m not goinganywhere!” I screamed.

Tags: Maggie Bonnet Paranormal