Page 12 of Rocky Christmas

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Something's going to have to give.

I sit outside her house all day, an uneasy feeling deep in my bones. I can't explain it, but I've always gone with my gut, and my gut is telling me not to leave so I don't.

I sit up straighter in my vehicle when evening rolls around, and the entire family—the senator, his wife, and Holly—all come walking out of the door.

My eyes greedily drink in my girl. Those fiery red curls I love so much are hanging loose down to her waist, and she’s wearing a cream-colored turtleneck and brown leggings with boots. She looks so classy, so fancy.

She’s so beautiful it makes my chest ache. My hands flex on the steering wheel, longing to pull her into my arms.

They all pile into the senator's limo to be chauffeured somewhere, and of course, I follow, wanting to know where they're taking my Holly.

When they pull up to a fancy restaurant, I wait for them to enter. Then, I get out of my own vehicle and creep over to peek in the window. No doubt this is the type of place you have to have reservations to get into, and food is the last thing on my mind.

I know why my instincts wouldn't allow me to leave her earlier when I see the pinched expression on her brow as she stands still like a deer caught in the headlights while a cocky-looking little shit slips her coat off her shoulders.

My vision goes red at the sight of another man's hands on her. Even if he is only slipping her coat off of her, my mind can’t disconnect that from undressing her.

Who is this fucking guy? It’s obvious Holly isn’t comfortable around him, and that sends all my protective instincts when it comes to her into overdrive.

I don't think. I just react.

Rage pumps through my veins as I storm into the restaurant, my eyes never leaving my sweetheart’s grim face and the pompous little blonde-headed fucker who has the audacity to touch what'smine.

Just like when I’m in the ring, they don't even see me coming until I grab the little fucker by the scruff of his neck and toss him away from Holly. He slams into the wall and slides down to the floor, but I pay him no more mind.

My gaze is pinned on my woman. Her eyes are a mixture of panic, relief, and worry, and I just want to see her green eyes sparkling was happiness again like they were when we were back at my place alone.

“Are you okay?” I run my hands along her shoulders, checking her for signs of injury. It's ridiculous because I didn't see the fucker trying to physically harm her, but those are my instincts when it comes to Holly—to protect her, to make sure she's okay.

Her eyes soften as she nods, “I'm fine, but what are you doing here?”

The senator’s cold voice cuts through the air like a knife. “That’s a good question. Whatareyou doing here?”

I turn to see his eyes narrowed as they flick between me and Holly, understanding dawning on his face. He's sharp enough to have already figured out what's going on. “Why are you attacking my daughter's date?”

My nostrils flare when I hear him call that fucker Holly's date. A growl tears up out of my throat. I see the little fucker press himself against the wall where he’s still sitting flat on his ass cowering. He hasn’t said a word since I slung him against it. He hasn’t made one move to check on Holly. The little prick isn’t worthy to lick her boots.

Holly lays a restraining hand on my arm, and the only thing that keeps me from jumping across the table and attacking someone—her father or the fuckboy again—is the pleading look in her eyes and the way it was obvious she wasn't here by choice. I don't know what I’d do if she voluntarily went out with another man. I'd probably tear the entire city to the ground. That's how crazy about her I am.

I feel a tremble go through Holly's tiny frame as her dad pins her in his stern gaze. “Explain yourself, young lady.”

I step in front of her protectively, shielding her with my body and indignant on her behalf. He talks to her likes she’s still a child or his property, and no one is going to talk to my woman that way—not even her dear old dad. “With all due respect, sir, Holly is a grown woman and doesn't have to answer to you.”

A muscle in the senator's vein throbs and his fists clench at his side. I spread my stance and give him a challenging look. “Go on. I dare you.”

Even he knows better than to try to take on a fight with a heavyweight MMA champion. He looks to be in good shape for his age, but he's no match for me and we both know it.

“Holly,” he speaks to her again, “you know your obligation to this family. You know how disappointed I’ll be if you do something stupid,” he warns her, speaking to her through my body.

I place a hand on her behind me to soothe her. “She's no longer yours to command,” I tell him before I turn around and wrap a protective arm around her, effectively dismissing him. “Come on, sweetheart. Let's go.”

Holly lets me lead her out of the restaurant without ever speaking another word to her parents.

Her mother just sat there wide-eyed the entire time. In fact, I've never heard the woman speak a word in all the time I've known her, and I figure that's probably how it goes in Holly's life. Her father calls the shots, and his wife and daughter are supposed to stay silent and just fall in line.

Well not anymore. I'm setting Holly free.

She’s shivering by the time I get her out to my SUV, and I know that it's with more than just the cold outside.

Tags: Emma Bray Romance