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“Don’t lie to me!” she screamed and slammed my head into the floor with each word she spat out. “I will rip you apart!”

A black rim started to form around my vision. My lungs were starting to fail me. The elevator door dinged. A brief sense of flying overcame me as Charlotte climbed off me and lifted me onto my feet. I struggled to stay upright as I choked and coughed.

Once I was settled, I faced her smiling face. She brushed the dirt from my face and smiled at me.

“There,” she said. “Right as rain.”


She ignored me and continued. “Remember what I said about repeating myself and giving second chances.”

She turned around and headed back down the hallway. Before she could change her mind, I let myself into my room and locked the door, turning the bolt and flipping the latch as well.

My body hurt, but I couldn’t seem to get a hold of myself. I pressed my back to the door and slid to the floor and bawled my eyes out. I had only faced my potential death once before and it was just as terrifying as it was before.

But one thing was for certain… I was done being someone’s personal punching bag.



About an hour after I had received the text to meet up from Malachi, I had arrived at the location I was directed to and waited for him and Steele to show up. The text he had sent mentioned something to do with important information he came across and, apparently, it required meeting in a conspicuous location.

I was the first to the little spot Malachi had suggested. It was a tourist trap with lots of informative plaques and shade from the trees that filled the space. Little stone benches dotted a stone railing that surrounded the area, sealing it in from the shops and restaurants that surrounded it.

As I took in the spot, I nodded in approval. It was a decent choice. Central location. Out in the open. Near all the small shops the town had to offer. And that meant plenty of people to bear witness should Charlotte or her spies decide to make an appearance and cause some trouble.

Then again, maybe that was the point. I wasn’t sure. I couldn’t speculate with what little information I had to go off of.

I checked the time on my phone and frowned. They were late. But I figured no news was good news and they were only delayed, so I sat on a stone bench, stretching my arms along the back of the seat, waiting for the other two to show up. Each face that passed by me, I studied, scrutinizing features and gestures just to see if we were already caught. To see if I could pinpoint any one of the boss’s spies.

Maybe I would get lucky and catch Xander off to do something nefarious. Something that would warrant me ripping his ugly mug to pieces.

Each face that passed by me was similar to the last, and I found that amusing. And I loved the game I was playing. Because I was sure one of the people hanging around the area worked for Charlotte. That much was almost a guarantee. And though I was never privileged enough to know who she had hired to be her eyes; they were most assuredly aware of who I and my brothers were. I could bank on that fact.

Another ten minutes past, and I checked my phone again. This time for a message along with the time. I wasn’t going to message. It wasn’t that serious, but I had wondered if maybe Charlotte cut them off and was delaying them for some reason.

About another half an hour later, Malachi and Steele finally show up. I stood to greet them. “It’s about damn time. I’ve been waiting for eons.”

Steele shook his head. “I was held up.”

“Yeah, blame him,” Malachi said pointing a thumb at Steele. “I was waiting on him.”

“I think I will blame him then,” I said with a smirk. My attention switched to Steele, and I added, “Shame on you for making me wait so long.”

Steele glared at me. “I’m not in the mood, Dallas.”

“Awww, that’s too bad,” I said and shrugged off his look. “I thought you guys were never going to show up.”

“You missed us,” Malachi said. “Gee, that’s sweet.”

“Hey, I’m rubbing off on you,” I said and chuckled. “That was a good one.”

Steele snorted and shook his head. “The last thing we need is another one of you running around.”

“You’re in an awful mood today,” I said

Steele shook his head. “Let’s just get this over with.”

Tags: Lisa Cullen Paranormal