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That evening Isla was still feeling the rush of excitement that came with doing something wild for herself. She had never had this much time to enjoy the open before, and Jack spent more time with her these days, so it was much more enjoyable.

When she wasn’t with him, she stayed with Moira in the Castle instead, but Isla preferred hunting and riding with Jack.

Jack also taught her to use a dirk. It was a strange name to call a dagger, but what did it matter? She was living in preposterous times, and she had to learn to defend herself.

She had learned to throw the dirk at a target and hold it tight to stab someone who tried to hurt her. The knowledge would also be useful once she returned to her time too.

As the thought of retuning entered her mind, she remembered the gypsy’s warning about her fate.

Ye will die either way.Could she believe what that woman said?

She shoved the thought out of her mind again and decided to enjoy her day regardless.

Her smile widened that afternoon as she strolled the Castle with Moira, then spotted Jack walking into the Castle with Jamie and Elliot by his side.

Elliot winked at her, but Jamie kept his face still and continued his path. Isla found it uncomfortable that she was growing this close to Moira and yet Moira’s husband did not like her still.

Was he just a difficult man?

Jack came to her, and Moira excused them. “How are ye doin’ My Lady?” he asked.

“I could do better with some wine,” she said and rubbed the back of her neck. Just thinking about Jamie made her muscles tense. Isla suddenly remembered the conversation she had overheard with Jamie and the guards.

How had it slipped her mind?Jamie seemed to be hiding something from Jack that night. He had asked the guards to report to him and not the Laird.

What was he up to?

“Isla?” Jack called and pulled her thoughts back to reality. “Are ye all right?”

“Yes, yes,” she quickly answered. “I just thought of something to tell you.”

She put a hand on Jack’s for a second, then pulled away. “What’s happening in the village these days? You seem busy today.”

“The search for who tried to kill Penelope is still on. There’s no lead yet, but Jamie’s theory still stands with me. It might be one of the blacks. They are the most dangerous assassins in Scotland.”

“Who would hire assassins to kill common servants?” Isla asked, but her mind was really trying to process it. What would servants have that someone would want? Unless they were, of course, trying to cover up something only servants could know or overhear.

If Penelope knew anything she could have spoken by now. Or was she pretending not to because she wanted to live?

“Or someone is tryin’ to undermine my power and authority in the Clan by stirring fear among the people.”

“That sounds like a more reasonable reason,” she replied.

She continued talking with Jack about the issue for some time while they stood there until some guards came to find him.

Isla ran into Jamie on her way back to her chamber, and she requested to have a word with him.

They stood at the top of the stirs for some time before Jamie said, “Why have ye asked to speak with me, My Lady?”

“I just thought we might talk. The last time we spoke was quite not enough for me. I still do not understand why you dislike me, Sir Jamie.”

Jamie chuckled and it was the first time she saw any sort of expression on his face while she was around him.

“Dislike is a strong word, My Lady. I dinnae dislike ye… I would never.”

He bowed his head after that, and Isla waited for him to say more.

“But?” she asked when he remained quiet.

Tags: Maddie MacKenna Historical