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She wouldn’t flinch if she had to raise the babe alone… No, she would defy fear and choose love.

And slowly, despite her fear, she smiled.

Chapter 13

Garret climbed the steps of his townhouse, eager to meet with Catherine.

He was exhausted from his chat yesterday with Argyle.

It had taken him some time to realize that he needed to be honest with her, to tell her the truth—that he did not wish her to find another keeper at present. And even though some part of him knew that it might be the wisest course of action for them to split ways, it wasn’t what he wanted.

At least not yet.

He wanted to ask her if she would stay a little bit longer.

Yes, perhaps that’s what he would do.

He would not be the coward that Argyle suggested he could prove to be. And just as he headed across the foyer, longing for a good strong coffee, he caught sight of a strange man coming down the wide staircase and then realized exactly who it was.

Dr. Doyle clutched his medical bag and glowered.

Garret had not had need of a physician for some time, but the servants occasionally saw him when one of them was sick.

“Dr. Doyle, whyever are you here?” he asked. “Who is unwell?”

Dr. Doyle paused on the stairs, his brow furrowing. “I need a moment with you, Your Grace, if you have time.”

His gaze swung upward. “Is someone ill?” he demanded. “Is it Lady Catherine?”

“No, Your Grace,” the doctor said with a pained expression. “She is notill,but I should speak to you all the same.”

He nodded. “If you wish,” he said, “of course, I am at your disposal. You were called for?”

The doctor nodded his silvery head. “Yes. I was called for this morning by Lady Catherine and her maid. They both deemed it important that she should be seen. And now, I find I must speak with you.”

“Then by all means.” He ushered the doctor into his morning room and said, “Should I call for—?”

“No,” the doctor cut in bluntly. “I have many patients to see this morning, and this will not take long. Lady Catherine is with child, Your Grace.”

“What?” he choked. “With child?”

Dr. Doyle narrowed his eyes. “Obviously, such a thing is possible given what you two have been doing.”

“Doing,” he echoed, feeling as if he had been hit with one of Argyle’s facers. He could not draw his thoughts together nor get a deep breath as he took in the news.

The doctor arched a brow. “Yes, you have taken her as a mistress. Is that not true?”

“It is true,” he said without hesitation.

“A lady, a young lady of good family,” the doctor dared to challenge.

But he was not offended. He rather admired Dr. Doyle in that moment. “Yes. Are you trying to shame me, Doctor?”

A muscle tightened in the doctor’s jaw. “No. It is not my duty to shame my betters, Your Grace.”

He winced at that. “Forgive me, Dr. Doyle,” he said earnestly. “You are a good man, and I admire you for taking up Lady Catherine’s concerns. I did not mean to put you in such a position as to take care of my…”

“Affairs?” the doctor said tightly.

Tags: Eva Devon Historical