Page 11 of Snow Thanks

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“Rub your clit for me. I want you to soak my cock with your cum, so I can fill you up. Pretend we’re making a baby right now, and your little pussy is going to suck up every last drop of cum I give it.”

He’s so filthy. His demands compel my fingers to obey before my brain even processes the directions. Immediately, my hand slips between us to work the stiff bud between my middle and ring fingers. Every time he pushes deep, his base forces my fingers to pinch over my aching clit until I’m blind with the pleasure of it.

“Come right now, Bunny. Right fucking now.”

As if my body had waited for his command, my orgasm crashes over me. Muscles I wasn’t sure even exist lock up tight as euphoria batters me from all sides. Jonah’s hips stutter between my thighs, and a flood of heat floods my core until it’s splashing out between us.

Careful not to smoosh me, Jonah rolls to the side and flops on his back. We both sighed a bit as he pulled out of me. Shiny and soaked, his cock still twitches and stands at full mast like a flagpole rising toward the ceiling. I can’t stop the giggle that bursts out of me, and Jonah rolls to his side with a grin.

“Oh you think that’s funny, do you? How do you think it feels to have the damn thing hard for hours and hours every night while I watch you working? Knowing everything it wanted in the world was dressed like the sexiest siren in the universe but was still out of reach?”

“Well, I don’t know about all the universe, but I’m right here now. Within reach. Right?”

His fingers are firm but gentle as he reaches over to tweak my nipple, drawing it into a hard little peak.

“You’ll never be out of reach again, Bunny. Call me a tortoise for taking as long as I have to catch you, but you’re all mine now. Mine forever and always. Now, close your eyes and get some sleep. Morning will be here soon, and it’s a school day for our little girl. We need to be at my folk’s house before seven if we want to have breakfast with Lavender and get her dropped off.”

“Oh, shit! Jonah! We totally blew off dinner at their place tonight! Do you think Lavender’s upset? Is your mom mad?” In all the years I’ve been a mom, nothing and no one has ever distracted me from my duty to my daughter. Shame and panic clench my stomach into a tight ball.

“Relax, Bunny. My dad messaged a few hours ago. Lav tired herself out playing and is still a bit sleepy from being so restless last night. They fed her an early supper and put her to bed before we even got here. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you right away. I was selfishly enjoying how carefree and relaxed you’ve been.”

Letting Jonah talk me into playing hooky from work is one thing. Allowing others to look after my baby girl can’t be a habit. When I tell him it can’t happen again, instead of arguing, Jonah agrees and promises never to keep information about her from me again. His easy acceptance of my demand reassures me.

“I love you, Sirena. And as fast as it may seem, I love Lavender. Fate brought you both to me, and I promise I’ll do whatever it takes to be the father she deserves and the man you trust to provide for and love you both. Plus any brothers or sisters we give her.”

My heart recognizes his sincerity. The way he honors my priorities and respects the challenges I’ve fought to be a good mom. Sharing the challenges of the future with him is safe, because I know he’ll always do his best to do right by us, even if he doesn’t get it right. Even if I don’t get it exactly right, either. Together, we’re perfect.




“Mommy! Jonah! He came! And there’sso many presents!” Lavender bursts through the door to Sirena and my bedroom as she’s done nearly every morning since I convinced my girls to move in. Not a day goes by without a bright-eyed wake up from my favorite little girl bouncing into the room and pouncing up onto the California king sized bed her mother and I share.

It’s not the wake up I’d envisioned for myself this Christmas morning when the year started. It’s light years better. My girls bring more love and light to my life than I had any idea even existed before I met them.

“Is that so? Well, do you think your mom and I ought to get out of bed then?” Teasing her is one of my favorite things to do because she teases right back. I keep hoping she’ll slip one of these days while she’s teasing me and call me Daddy. Hasn’t happened yet, so I’m trying to be patient.

“Yes, yes,yes!” She jumps from the bed and races down the hallway, shouting instructions for her mom and I as she goes.

“Well, I guess that’s our cue.” I try to sound relaxed, but today is so important. I’ve been wrestling with anxiety for weeks, worrying about how today will go. I climb out of bed and shrug into the thick velour robe Sirena loves to pet while she sits in my lap every morning. I hold out her robe for her to slip into it, and then together, we follow Lavender’s path down the hallway to the den.

Decorating the house has never been as intricate and in depth as it was this year. Lav had very definite ideas about what should go where, and what we needed to add. She’s insisted for weeks now that we needed to have snow boots and waterproof fleecy pants ready to put on for Christmas morning. She swears up and down it’s because Santa always,alwaysbrings her what she wants most. This year, I paid off the mall Santa to snitch and tell me what she’d asked for.

My baby girl wants a white Christmas from Santa. Sirena doesn’t know it yet, but since this is my first Christmas in a fatherly role, I was damned sure I’d be doing whatever it takes to make sure my baby girl gets everything she wants. Which is why the house’s speakers have been blasting holiday tunes for hours to mask the noise of Cal, Liam, and Casyn working snow machines to make artificial snow all over our lawn.

“I can’t believe Santa really did it. Look! He brought me my second wish! It’s snowing!”

Wait. Second wish? Panic rushes through me at the realization that the prick in the cheap Santa suit at the mall lied to me. All this, and snow wasn’t even her most important Santa request? Anxiety boils like acid in my stomach as Sirena gives me a small smile.

“You really asked Santa to bring you snow for Christmas, Snookie?” Sirena’s handling this crisis much more calmly than I am. What the fuck are we supposed to do when Lav decides it’s time to get her number one Santa present? Stores aren’t open today.

Christmas is ruined. It’s a damn good thing I got them both dozens of presents already, because my big plans for asking them to marry me and make me part of their family sure as shit can’t happen today. My heart hurts so much I could cry. Maybe, this is what a stroke feels like. Failure isn’t a feeling I’m used to, and it sucks. Belatedly, I realize Lav is explaining her Christmas wishes to her mother, and I try to pay attention through my sadness.

“Well, I had to introvize on account of—”

“Introvize?” Sirena’s as confused as I am, apparently. Even if she’s not brokenhearted like me.

Tags: Layne Daniels Erotic