Page 15 of Embers

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This time, we come together. When liquid heat fills me up and electric shocks devour my body, she trembles on my cock, and leans back into my chest while reaching up to hook her arm around my neck. I hold her close. Her body is fire, burning my skin, sending pleasure and pain ricocheting through my muscles.

I stroke her damp hair from her neck. I want to lower my lips to her shoulder and kiss her hot skin, but she pulls away before I get the chance.

When my cock leaves her, everything feels cold. Too cold. I stagger back, thinking about the hot cum that must be leaking out of her as she stands up straight.

Without saying anything, Nova slowly turns around and picks up the underwear I stole from her. Her face is flushed. Her pupils wide and dark. She’s so delicious I want to pull her into the shower with me and watch the water cascade over her hips as I help wash my cum from her pussy.

Silently, she puts on the panties she caught me burying my face in. She clasps her bra around her torso and pulls it up to cover her breasts. Then she leaves.

As clouds of steam leave with her, and the room clears, I realize she’s left something behind; she’s left her red underwear on the floor.

I’m just not sure if she left it by accident.



Nova emerges from the bathroom wearing nothing but black panties and a bra. The shower is running, but neither her hair nor body is wet. When she meets my eyes, a playful grin crosses her face. She’s glowing. Literally glowing.

“Fire Daddy?” I ask conspiratorially.

Nova nods, pulling her black tank top and cardigan back on. “He’s… pierced.” She wiggles her eyebrows. Her cheeks are pink.

I glance toward the bathroom door. “I thought he hated you?” I follow her to the kitchen where she puts the kettle on the stove. There’s already one mug on the counter. She takes another from the cupboard.

“Maybe he was trying to fuck the human out of me,” she quips.

I glance toward the bathroom. The shower has stopped. “Told you he’s number five,” I mutter as Luther emerges.

Avoiding looking at us, he clears his throat and perches on a stool the other side of the counter. “Can I…?” he asks, gesturing to the coffee.

Nova nods. “Of course.” She sets out a third mug. “You like it sweet?”

“However it comes,” he replies, meeting her eyes. “As long as it’s hot and wet.”

As the air grows warmer, I wait in anticipation, caught between laughing and feeling totally turned on. I’m kind of hoping that they’ll go for round two, and allow me to watch, but then the others appear the top of the stairs and the moment is broken.

One after the other, Kole, Tanner, and Mack join us in the kitchen. Nova makes everyone coffee. Tanner’s face tells me he feels something different between Nova and Luther but instead of asking what it is, he just settles onto a stool next to Luther and watches the two of them as he sips his coffee.

“So, are we decided?” Mack looks around the group. “Nova and I will go to the gala?”

There’s silence for a moment. Luther’s jaw twitches.

“I don’t like it,” says Kole. “But after what we saw…” He glances at Nova. “I think Mack’s right. We either need the Bureau to back off or we need them to help us. Annalise is our best shot at that.”

Nova nods in agreement. “I think so too.”

Pushing his floppy hair from his face, Tanner sighs. To Mack he says, “I wish there was another way but, right now, I can’t think of one. So, yeah, I think you should go.”

“Sam?” Mack turns to me.

I get a vote? I’ve been here less than five minutes; the idea that they care what I think is surprising but welcome. “I trust Nova.” I squeeze her elbow. “If she thinks this is the right thing to do, then I trust her.”

Finally looking at Luther, Mack extends his hand. “It’s settled,” he says.

Luther examines Mack’s outstretched palm. For a moment, I think he’s going to storm off again, but he doesn’t. This time, he relents. Shaking Mack’s hand, he pulls him in for a brotherly hug and claps him on the back. When they’re done, Luther stalks over to the living room. We all join him with our coffees and sit down while Mack paces in front of us like the professor he is.

“The gala is tonight. Seven thirty. Solleville.” He stops and puts his hands into his pockets, then glances at Nova. “We can mask our appearance. It’s a hard spell, and it won’t last long, but it should last long enough to get us in front of Annalise.”

Tags: Cara Clare Fantasy