Page 28 of Stepbrother Daddy

The man grinned, once a hardened criminal in prison, he imagined playing with his son in a mock sword fight, or indeed if it's a daughter then perhaps if she likes, he could gently sword fight her, or if not that, pretend to be the knight that slays the dragon, always keeping his princess safe.

He could faintly hear his mother-in-law speak excitedly with his wife... and he could almost tear up with his happiness. A wonderful woman, a wonderful parental figure, a job he took well to, and now... he was to be a father.

A father... an aspiration he'd held for quite some time.

He put the wooden sword down for a moment to take in a breath, his eyes closed... bliss.

Pure bliss...

Moving back to the two women he grabbed Jules and kissed her wildly.

“I love you, baby girl.”

“I love you…soon to be daddy.”

The both winked at each other in unison, knowing their secret truth. He was and always would be her daddy. Always.

The End.

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