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Still the chanting goes on, creating a trance-like environment in which I am only aware of Isu and his thrusting member, the cock I dreamed of now penetrating my third hole, finding the same tight place he took on the last day we were together.

It is not an easy fit, and my cries ring out as he pushes in, using the lubrication of my soaked pussy and his own semen to fuck his way inside my ass, going deep and hard and fast, pushing fingers into my pussy, spreading me wide in a display that is as carnal and lewd as I can contemplate.

My hair drags along the ground with every one of his rough thrusts, my body is limp, rag-dolled in his grasp. I just wanted to be with him again. I wanted to feel him inside me. I wanted to be one with my master. And now I am, but at what cost?

Isu roars with triumph and I feel that hot flood that tells me he has orgasmed inside me. My body has given him the pleasure he demands, and made the sacrifice his men require.

I look up into his face, hoping for approval, but the mask of the warrior remains firmly in place and I see no mercy in his expression, not even the faint hint of something like human compassion. He is completely, entirely alien, and I am a fool for ever thinking he might know what love is, let alone love me.

It is not over. As I drip his seed from every hole, Isu takes me by the hair and leads me to his bed, where captivity awaits in the form of freshly forged iron and chains. The men are shouting, chanting, drinking, celebrating as I collapse on hard ground and am left soaked in the seed of my captor.

Chapter Ten


I wake humiliated.

I have spent the entire night chained to Isu’s bed, unable to feel his warmth, breathing the charred air. I thought, once the ceremony was done, he would welcome me into his bed, I would become his lover. But forgiveness is harder to attain than I imagined, and I don’t understand why.

Isu isn’t even there. I am alone in my captivity, a jug of water near enough for me to drink, so he hasn’t left me completely helpless, but there is nowhere to toilet. I consider going on his bed. It would serve him right.

Footsteps stop that train of thought before it becomes action. Isu is back from wherever he has been—and he looks like he’s in a good mood, in stark contrast to my own.

“Good news,” he says. “The wyrm seems to be delving deep and laying in the core. This planet may be our new home.”

“Not so good for the natives.” I am still sticky and aching from what he did to me last night. Why am I not able to restrain my tongue?

“We will not harm them. Given enough time, we will become forgotten to them. Don’t forget, we know how to stay in our burrows, unlike some light-seeking species.”

“And me?”

“You will come with me,” he says simply. “You are mine, and it is quite obvious that you will not stay away from me. You will return, little human, again and again. It is simpler if I keep you as mine.”

“What if I want to go back to my life?” What if I want to run away from you and never come back, you fucking monster.

“What you want is not of importance. You sacrificed your wants when you flew halfway across the galaxy to interfere. Again.”

I narrow my eyes and bite my tongue. I was not interfering. I was trying to help. I was doing for others what had been done for me. And I was trying to reunite with the man I loved. Like a fucking idiot.

“You should have stayed away from us.”

“You could have let me go.”

“No, I couldn’t. You were hovering overhead shouting down at us, getting attention from every single man in my army. Your every action has been calculated to force attention from me. Now you have it.”

“Go away. I loathe you.” It is not easy to throw a massive alien out of his own cave, but I try regardless.


“That’s not my fucking name,” I growl. “You don’t define me, Isu. I don’t care what you do to me.”

I shouldn’t be pushing him. He’s ravaged me, left me sore in the most tender of places and though I wanted every bit of it, it is a bitter satiation. I dreamed a thousand dreams of being with him again, and yet this is what he does to me. Takes me apart in front of his men, uses my pieces for his pleasure. I am internally disjointed, and I am angry.

I feel massive, hot hands grasp me. The same hands I once dreamed of now making my flesh ache where they land. He drags me up from the ground, pushes me up against the wall high, where my feet cannot touch the ground and I am forced to look into his loathsome face, his black eyes reflecting my own image, my expression twisted with rage.

Tags: Loki Renard Romance