Page 55 of Hostile Heir

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My gaze drifts to the fluffy patches of clouds decorating a bright blue sky like mist. Various puffy shapes take on different forms. From deformed dragons to abstract castles where unicorns probably live.

Latent thoughts of Salvador have manifested into the vision I now see. My brother's face looms above the compound, reminding me of his presence in my life—his importance.

The temperature drops when the illusion crosses the sun's path. Steam rises from the tropical blue water that seems to blend into the skyline at the far end. Thin rings ripple outwards with every gentle kick I make.

A shiver runs over me with the sickness consuming me. It’s not the alcohol in my veins or the toxic desire I harbor for a criminal—it’s palpitating anxiety.

Tomás could decide at any time it’s my time to die. He has the power to make the light fade from my eyes and I’d never see my big brother again. My pulse races with blind panic, forcing me to double over with dizziness.

I bury my face in my palms to steady every erratic breath I’m gasping for and count from ten to zero. As if sensing the electrified disquiet within me, Brutus appears by my hip and nudges my elbow with his nose. I turn into him and carefully glide my shaky fingers through his textured coat, concentrating on the softness and his tenderness.

When my heart rate begins to settle and tears stop blurring my eyes, I kiss the top of his head, angle away, and push off the ledge into the pool. Languid heat surrounds my tense muscles like a comforting hug I desperately need, but would never ask for. I swim over to the glass boundary where the water meets the sky in a flawless mirage.

“I wish you could join me,” I call out to Brutus, without taking my eyes off the horizon.

It’s a silly wish from a lonely girl caught up in the wrong crowd with only a four-legged friend to keep her from going insane.

“Be careful what you wish for.”

I suck in sharply, startled by the sonorous texture of a voice I’ll never become immune to. Tomás’ husky timbre chases me like a cyclone threatening to snatch me in its rotations. Uncontrollable chills swamp me as if a blizzard is nearby.

After a beat of grappling with self-composure, I paddle in a circle to find him standing at the poolside, shirtless, with his trusted guard dogs sitting upright, one at either side of his casual stance. A single beam of sunlight catches in the tequila bottle he’s drinking from, lighting it up like fire. After that one comment, he takes another swig as if he needs it.

There’s a moment of peace between us. No demands. No orders. Just his fascinating dark eyes pinning me to a picturesque panorama. He waits there, surrounded by the circumference of his enormous bachelor pad, so effortlessly superior.

A burst of energized vibrations surge over my scalp like I’ve witnessed an apocalypse and only survived because of his decree.

There’s no denying it. He brings out the worst in me. The side of me that wonders what else he can do other than fuck my throat until my stomach convulses and stretch my insides with his thick, magnificent dick.

It’s not easy for me to understand why a girl who’s struggled with bullies now craves the man who overpowers her. A beast who takes and gives in equal measure. A captor who dominates and controls—a knight who protects me from bullets and his own men.

Truth be told, I’m infatuated by the older man before me, with or without his terms of employment and sexual requests. He wants my tortured body, and the lost girl inside of me wants him to claim it. She’s not scared of the monster lurking before her. She wants him to devour her.

My nipples harden under his brooding observation. Beneath the water, my skin flames like I’m trapped in a liquid that's reached its boiling point. Some part of me enjoys the idea of a dominant man feasting on a girl like me, in an attempt of this being the best I’d ever have.

Little does he know, the position he holds is solid. There’s not a chance in hell another man can brand his fingerprints on my soul like Tomás already has.

I breathe in a lungful of oxygen, sink until I no longer hear the chatty birds, and push off the infinity panel with my toes. My streamlined figure sails through the water to reach him. When my head emerges, I sweep drenched lengths of hair back from my face, swipe my eyes free of droplets and exhale slowly. He bends to set the bottle down and hunkers so our gazes are that much closer.

“I need something from you,” he declares.

“I need something from you too,” I counter.

“Get out of the pool and we’ll negotiate.” He offers me his hand.

Rather than accept help, I kick my ankles and swim backward until I reach the hodgepodge gray mosaic tiles covering the shallow steps rising out of the steamy depths. Taking my time, I find my footing and slowly tread each one in turn, aware my body is now prickled from a cool eastern breeze.

The flutters in my chest turn chaotic. I’m pretending his presence doesn’t affect me, putting up a facade of alcohol fueled confidence, even if I’m crumbling with nerves on the inside. When I finally dare myself to catch his eye, my breath hitches.

I blink away the remaining beads of water caught in my lashes and stroll over to him. The obscure look he returns makes my knees wobble.

Before I lose courage, I snap back my shoulders for strength, unintentionally projecting my chest where lacey cages cover my breasts. It’s not meant as a flirty pose, given sexual expression is not my forte.

However, the closer I get to him, the easier it is to see the bulge behind his zipper. Even though it’s cooler now, the temperature soars. His muscular chest rises as if he's trying to conquer his reaction to me. I shouldn’t love the reaction I illicit from him—but I do.

“Tell me what you want,” I demand, stopping short of touching distance.

Inky pupils flare amidst eyes so dark they’re almost warning me to run. When he clicks his fingers, the dogs' ears prick and they stand on all fours awaiting an instruction. “Inside.”

Tags: Autumn Archer Romance