Page 50 of Hostile Heir

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“I’m going out.” I don’t want to leave her unsupervised, but business is the highest priority. She won’t be alone. Marta and the service staff will keep her out of mischief. “Once I get back, we’ll talk about your phone.”

“How long will you be away?” She crosses her arms over her belly and scowls up at me.

“Why—will you miss me?” I muse, offering her a wolfish smirk.

“Every second you make me wait is another second my brother will worry.”

“He’s a grown man, Carina. He can wait a few hours.” Content I’m respectably dressed, I grab my gun, then tuck it in the back of my waistband before strolling out of the closet with the stunning dick tease hot on my heels.

“Why can’t I have it now?” She whirls up from behind like a tornado contained in a glass jar and confronts me head on. “You promised.”

“Earn my trust.” She unintentionally licks her lips and my mind goes blank. After a beat, I finally exhale and shake off the mania she incites within me. “Prove to me you can do as you're told. And I’ll reward you for being a good girl when I return.”

Carina blinks. Her nose scrunches as she takes a courageous step into my personal space. For one uninterrupted moment, we stand face to face, locked in a temporary spell of mutual fascination, and then her angelic voice tempers the steel bars my heart is caged in.

“I’m not a little girl, Tomás. I’m a woman.” Featherlight fingertips fiddle with the opening of my shirt and trail lower, stopping shy of the belt buckle. Her eyes sparkle. “You don’t really want a good little girl, do you?”

She’s fucking with me. This is payback for all my sins. For every unworthy woman before her who didn’t meet my expectations or satisfy my unnatural craving. How could they serve me when Carina is the uniquely carved key unlocking my darkness?

The only woman to unearth bloodthirsty fantasies and crack open the padlock I should never have found. With a turn of the key to the left, she could knock me from my throne, with a turn to the right she could be my salvation.

My hand lashes out like lightning to seize her nape. I slam her breasts into my chest so there’s only her tiny gasp of shock and my throbbing dick between us. Dropping my lips to the shell of her ear, I feel the skin on my balls tighten and my pulse skyrocket.

“When I’m not with you, you’ll behave. That's what I expect from you.” Her palms settle on my shirt sleeves. “And when we’re together…” I inhale the scent of her hair with a subtle fragrance of me. “You can be a bad girl all night long.”

Her shiver is an aphrodisiac. Even without blood polluting my skin, I still want to fuck her. I notice the squall of goosebumps cover her neck and take my time to lick the length of her delicate throat. The warmth expelled from the sigh she can’t contain tingles all over me.

Despite the ungovernable hardness behind my zipper, I’m too aware of how she’s become a distraction. It's not easy to curb my appetite for the teenager in my bedroom—and that troubles me. I’ve had her more than once, and still, I’m hungry for more.

I quickly release her as if she’s an unpinned grenade. Her hiss of frustration doesn’t go unobserved. It pains my dick, so I swivel and continue to walk away.

“Get dressed,” I say over my shoulder in an abrupt command. “Two of my men are guarding the front gates. You won’t get past them and they aren’t allowed inside the house. My housekeeper will get you whatever you need.”

She nods with acceptance and then hugs her stomach. “I don’t have anything to wear.”

“By the time you’ve showered, new clothes will be waiting for you.”

* * *

My arousal fades when I sink into the worn leather seats of a beat up dusty white Dodge Challenger with a thick black stripe up the hood. In this car, our enemies won’t know it’s me pulling up outside their front door. I own plenty of vintage classics, not rusty relics like this shit bucket. This hasn’t seen a workshop since the seventies.

I retrain my thoughts to the task ahead and push Carina’s long legs to the farthest crevasse in my mind. I’ve spent way too much time obsessing over the minor details I like about her. From lush pink lips with a pronounced Cupid’s bow to how her pupils dilate when I touch her. Just one light stroke of her silky soft skin and she’s overflowing with lust. It gets me off on repeat.

“Ready?” Shane asks, glancing over at me from the driver's seat. He twiddles with the knob on the old-style radio to find a music station and scowls when all we hear is white noise.

“I was born ready.” I chuckle, even though my skin crawls under my shirt. Stale tobacco and exhaust fumes choke the sunbaked air inside the cramped space. It’s unhygienic. “Where did you get this fucking thing from?”

The security gates open and the engine rattles to life. “Don’t ask.” He laughs darkly. “We’ll give her one last adventure before she dies.” And by that he means burned to its chassis.

I crank the grimy window open and relish the fresh breeze on my face as we pick up speed. Hours after Papá was murdered, we knew our rivals would attempt to undermine business. They all want a piece of our global trade worth billions.

It won’t happen under my rule. No fucking way. I won’t let the northern cartel leader,Carlos Blanco, who was my uncle’s second in command, anywhere near my territory or tolerate threats from any of the others. I still need to prove the fucker is behind Papá’s assassination, and when I do, his entire operation would be destroyed.

My mood nosedives further when Shane drops Carina into the conversation.

“What are your plans for the girl?” He lowers the volume on the radio.

I shrug. “A few nights of entertainment and then she’s free.”

Tags: Autumn Archer Romance